What Is The Definition Of Student?
A student is a person who is studying at a school, college, educational institute, university etc.

What Is Intellectuality?
‘Vidhyarthi Jeevan Sadhana’ means ‘Student Life Sadhana’ of Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System, which enhances the intellectuality of a student. How important ‘intellectuality’ is not necessary to be told. The human being has been considered great because of intellectuality and widely proving his right in the world.
It will not be wrong to mention that studying intellectuality starts soon from getting established in the mother’s womb before taking birth and ends with death. Hence, this precious period from birth to death everyone must utilize for living our glorious life comfortable and with success.
The human being can achieve great success if there is right guidance at the right time, little discipline and efforts. If one of these lacks behind, the obstacles emerge one by one and it becomes difficult to achieve the goal. Once we lack behind then it is all over, we start lacking behind and we become unsuccessful in life.
It has been observed from the extensive survey carried out by ‘representatives’ of ‘Swami Hardas Life System‘ that normally the following reasons have been proved fatal for the students of any age: –
- Unable to undertake studies may be owing to not realizing it’s importance, negligence, laziness; and even though tries to study, the student becomes helpless to concentrate on studies.
- Unable to understand whatever has been studied due to unknown fear, lackadaisical attitude or force of parents etc.
- Whatever is studied is forgotten immediately, resulting in unable to remember may be owing to lack of concentration or some memory deficiency etc.
- Unable to understand the way to be studied, where to begin from, may be due to lack of proper guidance etc.
- Unable to recollect studied matter during examination while attending to questions even answers are known, may be owing to unknown fear etc.
- Getting puzzled when questions are asked, may be owing to lack of confidence etc.
- Unable to understand or realize the importance of study e.g. What, Why and How to study? … maybe owing to improper guidance or no guidance etc.
- Not to possess respect regarding intellectuality, may be owing to bad friendship or increasing input of negative thoughts by some antisocial elements etc.
Therefore, if one has to become successful in life, the right remedy at right time has to be found out and applied for the above problems. The right way suggested here is based on Siddha Spirituality of ‘Swami Hardas Life System‘ as it is quite effective and result oriented, is easily adaptable and practicable.
I assure if following Sadhana, Upasana, Methods suggested here are adopted and practiced then success is not away from you: –
What Are The Secret Of Success?
For achieving success in any kind of work, it is imperative to contribute Materialistic Herculean efforts, Devine efforts, and attachment to ‘Adhyatm’ (spirituality).
This way, if the work is performed the success is not far, it can be achieved faster. This is the only secret of success, which is not only easy to practice but secured and sure way of ‘progress’ ultimately resulting in achieving a glorious life.
Some of the following some realistic examples will inspire you for the great success they have achieved:-

‘Shivaji Maharaj’ was hard working. He had the mother like ‘Jeejabai’, materialistic Guru like Shri. Dadajee Kondake and others to guide him. He had ‘Sadguru’ like ‘Samarth Ramdas’ for making him perfect and able. He had blessings of Goddess (Kulswamini) ‘Tulajabhavani’ and sword to perform his work, responsibilities, and duties. He could succeed and reached up to his goal with the combination of all these.
‘Swami Vivekanand‘ was a Hindu monk and one of the most celebrated spiritual leaders of India. He was more than just a spiritual mind; he was a prolific thinker, great orator, and passionate patriot. He carried on the free-thinking philosophy of his guru, Ramakrishna Paramhansa forward into a new paradigm.

He worked tirelessly towards the betterment of the society, in servitude of the poor and needy, dedicating his all for his country. He was responsible for the revival of Hindu spiritualism and established Hinduism as a revered religion on the world stage.
His message of universal brotherhood and self-awakening remains relevant especially in the current backdrop of widespread political turmoil around the world. The young monk and his teachings have been an inspiration to many, and his words have become goals of self-improvement especially for the youth of the country.
For this very reason, his birthday, January 12, is celebrated as the ‘National Youth Day’ in India.
What is ‘Jeevan Sadhana’?
‘Jeevan Sadhana’ is about knowing and learning ‘what is to be done? what is not to be done? when to do? how to do?’ etc and put our efforts accordingly. The following factors are important: –
- What is to be done by students?
- What is not to be done by students?
- How to study?
- What are Sadhana and Progress?
Now let us know in detail about each factor mentioned above: –
What is to be Done By Students?
(1) Wake up in the morning by remembering God, touch the ground with fingers of both the hands and show your gratitude towards Him. Then only touch the ground with feet. Wish your mother, father, and other elders and accept their blessings with a smile.
(2) Perform morning activities e.g. Brushing teeth, washing mouth, and bathing etc.
(3) Preferably, bath with cold or warm water as per the need of the atmosphere, rubbing body with hands is beneficial for proper blood circulation.
(4) Perform worship by sitting or standing in front of God’s idol or as per your belief or tradition and recite ‘Siddha Kalyan Sadhana’. Please refer another article to know more about… Siddha Kalyan Sadhana …
(5) Have breakfast with milk. Bed Tea should not be consumed in the morning because it has proved to be fatal for health.
(6) Sit with books, notebooks and greet them with folded hands, read them and try to memorize by closing eyes about whatever is studied at the end of the study.
(7) Go to school/college regularly, concentrate in class and come back home in time after leaving school/college. So that your parents waiting for you at home, will be free from unnecessary worries and you also will be able to maintain your daily routine activities.
(8) Help the mother and father in their work, which will help you learn many things and they will also love you. This will help vanish laziness and also understanding will increase in a better way with each other.
(9) Concentrate more on the weak subjects compared to other subjects for achieving equal progress in all the subjects.
(10) Outdoor games should be played for minimum an hour for keeping physically as well as mentally all time fit and energetic.
(11) You must return home before sunset, wash hands, mouth, legs and recite Siddha Kalyan Sadhana.
(12) Again study, complete homework, have a meal and go to bed by 9 or latest by 10 PM.
(13) While trying to sleep, perform ‘Shavasana’ in which deep breathing or pronunciation of ‘Om’, ‘Manaspooja’, Pooja, Prayer, self-revelation, surrendering may be included.
(14) A meal should be ‘Satwik’; light and fresh e.g. cow milk, rice, green vegetables, ghee, honey and fruits etc, which are much beneficial.
(15) Fresh milk of a cow is the best, which help increase intellectuality.
What is Not to be Done By Students?
Please do not do the following, which will spoil life and future and it is most likely that you may have to suffer a lot: –
(1) Addiction. You may like to know more about Addiction or De-addiction…
(2) Laziness, which is very bad and harmful, which keeps ‘success’ away.
(3) Abusing, criticizing and lying to parents, friends, teachers etc, which no one likes and leaves a bad impression.
(4) Watching TV, Cinema and Video, which may be viewed with permission of parents and that too rarely. Do not get involved much and become an addict. It will distract your mind from studies and gradually you will become addicted.
(5) Looking and bringing out the faults of the mother, father or elders to their notice is improper conduct and leaves a bad impression.
(6) Proudness regarding being rich or being intellectual or any other thing, which will become a great cause for your fallout. Behaviors with all must be of brotherhood.
(7) Never forget the efforts, favors, sacrifice, and love given to you by parents, teachers; which cannot be refunded at any cost and will contribute to progressing yourself.
(8) Bad and most dangerous habits like Gambling, Chase, Cards, Lottery etc should not be played at all. One should never get indulged.
(9) Avoid eating too hot foods or the things contained with excess chilly, spices etc.
(10) The knowledge about the subjects that we don’t have should not be imparted to others but good knowledge should be shared with others, which keeps on progressing our knowledge.
(11) The student boys and student girls should not mix with each other beyond limitations. The boys should keep friendship with boys and girls should keep it with girls, which is always beneficial.
(12) Skip the laptop. Writing by hand activates more regions of the brain than typing, and may even foster better memory recall. This is of utmost importance to every student.
As a matter of fact, brotherhood, love, respect, sacrifice should be learned from our mother, father, brother, teacher/preacher, and sister.
How To Study?
(1) Whatever teacher teaches in the classroom, we must carefully and attentively listen to and may be noted down in brief. Whenever you have leisure, the same brief should be referred and should try to memorize whatever has been taught in the classroom.
It will be difficult in beginning to memorize exactly as taught by the teacher but with little practice, it will be a very easy task. This type of study is the best as memory will become stronger day by day.
(2) Whenever it is feasible, we should prepare the questions ourselves, memorize and try to answer them without external help. This will not only make your study stronger but also help enhance memory.
(3) Regularity in by-hearting the studied subject to be maintained, which is quite helpful for storing the studied subject in mind.
(4) Allotment of time for study and other works, play, entertainment, visits to seminars – auditorium etc be planned and regularly followed as scheduled. This kind of activity is not only for maintaining good health but also helps in enhancing the knowledge, capacity of the brain.
(5) While studying, Siddha Stabilizer or Agarbatti (incense stick) should be used. While lighting it, Sankalp should be recited three times i.e. “I should be able to concentrate on my study, which I should be able to understand and recollect whenever it is needed”. This way, the performance will be a presentable and ultimate goal of successfully clearing examination will be achieved.
(6) There should be sufficient light and clean air in a room while studying. You must sit erect while studying. There is a connection between posture and cognition. A positive learning state, including good posture, is linked with better memory retention and more efficient learning.
(7) Try to remember the good incidents, good sentences, occasions whenever you get time. So, try to read biographies of the great persons, which also will encourage and guide you for a successful life.
(8) Whenever pressure is felt on while studying, you must wash own face with cold and clean water and again continue to study, if desired. For studying, quality matters and not quantity. Hence, maintain regularity from day one of school/college etc.
(9) Whenever the question is asked, try to understand the meaning and then reply briefly covering the main point. Never reply in hurry.
(10) While attending to question paper in an examination hall, do not hurriedly try to write answers. First read the question paper coolly, try to understand the questions and then start writing answers, whichever questions are easy, try to answer first and then solve other questions one by one.
What Are Sadhana And Progress?
There are plenty of Sadhana available for overall improvement of students. Following are the 5 successful tips for the overall development of the student, which can be learned and practiced independently, these are self-learning Sadhana and every student should practice as a regular activity: –
‘Siddha Brain Exercise’ (Successful Tip No. 1)
It is called ‘energizing’ or ‘brain exercise’. This is performed in three steps, which are mentioned as follows:-
Step 1: Apply little coconut oil or any suitable oil to the tips of all the 10 fingers of both hands and do massage with the tips for almost two minutes. Wait for few seconds. Those who do not like oil for their head, they can perform this without applying oil.
Step 2: Open all the fingers of your hands, place them over the forehead and drag them slowly with little pressure up to the lower portion of the small brain. Do this at least 8 to 10 times. Wait for few seconds.
Step 3: The head should be bent and brought below the level of the heart. Wait there for almost 1 minute and slowly come to a normal position. Do this 3 times. This way the Brain Exercise may be practiced and completed after taking bath and before going to the bed (two times a day).
The benefits achieved are praiseworthy and astonishing. It will help students to increase their memory and thus help remember studies at right time.
‘Siddha Shavasana’ – (Successful Tip No. 2)
The ‘Shavasana’, ‘Deep Breathing’ with the pronunciation of ‘Om’ and ‘Manaspooja’ is the celestial, easy and best way for achieving favors.
Those, who can not practice ‘Shavasana’ for religious reasons or any other reasons, they may practice it by the pronunciation of the word as per their belief.
Step (1): Spread carpet or bed sheet on the plain ground/floor and lie down straight on back. Give support of thin soft pillow under the head. Make both the legs apart; the distance between both the legs must be one to one and a half feet. Hands should be by the side of the body; palm, toes, and head pointing towards the roof or sky.
Step (2): Start deep breathing like it is done while sleeping. Maintain the same speed of deep breathing.
Step (3): Concentrate and gather your complete energy, which is to be placed between both the eyebrows. This will control and help the body to be in a condition like a dead body. This is called ‘Shavasana’.
After attaining to this position, start reciting ‘Om’ while breathing deep. The ‘O’ should be uttered at long length while exhaling by making a shape of mouth like a pot having a narrow mouth and while inhaling’ ‘M’ should be completed by shutting the mouth.
Both these actions will be performed slowly and at a long length. The waves created while uttering ‘Om’ are called Alfa Waves. This action should be repeated number of times with a break for a while. This performance is called pronouncing of ‘Om’ with deep breathing.
‘Siddha Manaspooja’ – (Successful Tip No. 3)
The live image of your loving God should be placed in your mind. The Jap of mantra i.e. ‘Om’ should be addressed to Him. By listening to your mantra, imagine that He is blessing you with smiling face, perform Pooja with the way you normally do, surrender Him and say, “I am your illiterate child, care me with all intentions, ask apology for the mistakes if committed any, narrate your all sorrows – happiness, ask for ‘drishtanth’ and recite ‘Siddha Kalyan Sadhana’ at the end.
If this Siddha Manaspooja is performed in mind with an imagination that, ‘your head is kept on His lap’ while going to bed and if felt asleep before completing it, there should not be any reason to worry because you fell asleep in His attachment while performing Siddha Manaspooja.
This sleep is one kind of ‘Samadhi’ i.e. attachment. This way, Siddha Manaspooja can be performed in bed, which may be performed in a sitting position also but after a few days’ practices.
This is the most important Sadhana, which gives the following benefits: –
(1) A tension of the physical body and the mind is removed. Thus physical and psychological health is achieved and is maintained forever.
(2) Pranshakti is collected and stored and utilized for a longer period.
(3) Atmashakti is developed resulting in the confidence level, which helps in performing well for completing work successfully.
(4) Concentration is increased and the mind can be controlled and utilized for performing work positively.
(5) Our God gets satisfied, who cares us from all the way, the expected / unexpected obstacles are avoided, drishtanth is experienced during sleep and we get the required guidance time to time by Him, which can be put into action. Such dreams should not be considered like normal dreams.
‘Siddha Fingers Movement’ – (Successful Tip No. 4)
Whatever has been explained in ‘How to study’ factor, if it is still difficult to concentrate on the study, the following Siddha Sadhana is to be performed, which is quite simple:-
While studying, whichever hand is free, try to open the fingers slowly one by one and then slowly close them one by one. Repeat this action any number of times during the study. This will surely help concentrate your mind in the studies.
‘Siddha Shirshasana’ – (Successful Tip No. 5)
‘Sirshasana’ is also beneficial for increasing memory. This should be performed for not more than 4 to 5 minutes. Doctor’s advice must be obtained before you start doing ‘Sirshasana’. It is performed by standing over the head and feet upward.
In case, your problems still do not get solved, then you must take the advice of Doctors/Consultant who can also solve the problems with certain remedies. Divine remedies must also be performed along with the remedies suggested by the Doctors/Consultants, which will benefit effectively and a positive way.
- You may also like to read Best and Successful Method of Achieving Progress in Education
- You may also like to read How To Gain Health?
I conclude with a piece of advice that if every student devotes sufficient time and apply the remedies suggested above, will certainly lead to ‘progress’ in not only education/study but also help in maintaining health and peace. These methods/remedies have been a result of extensive experiments carried out during the last 12 years by Swami Hardas Charitable Trust.
It would be prudent to say that ‘do not go behind for ‘temporary pleasures’. If you want a ‘permanent pleasure’, successful life, progressive life, the glorious life, you have to work a little harder because there is no shortcut for the success.
Every student has a unique capacity, whichever stage he/she may be or whatever deficiency they may have, those will automatically be corrected and every student who practices these suggested methods i.e. “5 Successful Tips For Development Of Students”, will surely succeed.
These remedies are not so hard to apply or practice. Initially, it may look hard to follow but within a week you will be comfortable and easy to apply and practice them successfully for gaining remarkable success.
So, have nice days ahead. May you be bestowed with ‘health’, ‘peace’, and ‘progress’. Soon, we shall again meet with the series of a new topic about “Health”, wherein we shall discuss individually covering one disease with effective remedies.
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