Kawasaki disease (???????? ???) is a disease in which blood vessels throughout the body become inflamed. The most common symptoms include a fever that lasts for more than five days not affected by usual medications, large lymph nodes in the neck, a rash in the genital area, and red eyes, lips, palms or soles of the feet. Other symptoms include sore throat and diarrhea. In some children, coronary artery aneurysms may form in the heart after 1–2 years. In the continental United States, Kawasaki disease is more common during the winter and early spring, boys with the disease outnumber girls by ?1.5–1.7:1, and 76% of affected children are <5 years of age. Having considered children at higher risk, Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System appeals to our valuable readers to understand Kawasaki disease and remedial actions for well-being.
Symptoms (?????)
Kawasaki disease often begins with a high and persistent fever that is not very responsive to normal treatment with paracetamol or ibuprofen. It is the most prominent symptom in Kawasaki disease, is a characteristic sign of the acute phase of the disease, is normally high (above 39–40 °C), is remittent, and is followed by extreme irritability.
Fever (?????)
Recently, it is reported to be present in patients with atypical or incomplete Kawasaki disease; nevertheless, it is not present in 100% of cases. The first day of fever is considered the first day of illness, and the duration of fever is on average one to two weeks; in the absence of treatment, it may extend for three to four weeks. Prolonged fever is associated with a higher incidence of cardiac involvement. It responds partially to antipyretic drugs and does not cease with the introduction of antibiotics. However, when appropriate therapy is started – intravenous immunoglobulin and aspirin – the fever is gone after two days.
Bilateral conjunctival inflammation (?????????? ???????? ????)
Bilateral conjunctival inflammation was reported to be the most common symptom after fever. It typically involves the bulbar conjunctivae, is not accompanied by suppuration, and is not painful. It usually begins shortly after the onset of fever during the acute stage of the disease.
Mouth (????)
Kawasaki disease presents with a set of mouth symptoms, the most characteristic changes are the red tongue, swollen lips with vertical cracking and bleeding. The mucosa of the mouth and throat may be bright red, and the tongue may have a typical “strawberry tongue” appearance. These mouth symptoms are caused by the typical necrotizing microvasculitis with fibrinoid necrosis.
Cervical lymphadenopathy (??????? ??????????????)
Cervical lymphadenopathy is seen in 50% to 75% of people, whereas the other features are estimated to occur in 90% of patients, but sometimes it can be the dominant presenting symptom.
Peripheral extremities (?????? ???)
In the acute phase of the disease, changes in the peripheral extremities can include erythema of the palms and soles, which is often striking with sharp demarcation and often accompanied by painful, brawny edema of the dorsa of the hands or feet. This is why affected children frequently refuse to hold objects in their hands or to bear weight on their feet.
Later, during the convalescent or the subacute phase, desquamation of the fingers and toes usually begins in the periungual region within two to three weeks after the onset of fever and may extend to include the palms and soles. Around 11% of children affected by the disease may continue skin-peeling for many years. One to two months after the onset of fever, deep transverse grooves across the nails may develop, and occasionally nails are shed.
Skin manifestation (????? ?? ??????????)
The most common skin manifestation is a diffuse macular-papular erythematous rash, which is quite nonspecific. The rash varies over time and is characteristically located on the trunk; it may further spread to involve the face, extremities, and perineum. Many other forms of cutaneous lesions have been reported; they may include:
- Scarlatiniform
- Papular
- Urticariform
- Multiform-like erythema
- Purpuric lesions; even micropustules were reported
It can be polymorphic, not itchy, and normally observed up to the fifth day of fever. However, it is never bullous or vesicular.
Systemic inflammatory changes (????????? ?????? ????????)
In the acute stage of Kawasaki disease, systemic inflammatory changes are evident in many organs. Joint pain and swelling, frequently symmetrical, and arthritis can also occur. Myocarditis, diarrhea, pericarditis, valvulitis, aseptic meningitis, pneumonitis, lymphadenitis, and hepatitis may be present and are manifested by the presence of inflammatory cells in the affected tissues.
If left untreated, some symptoms will eventually relent, but coronary artery aneurysms will not improve, resulting in a significant risk of death or disability due to myocardial infarction. If treated quickly, this risk can be mostly avoided and the course of illness cut short.
Other reported nonspecific symptoms include cough, rhinorrhea, sputum, vomiting, headache, and seizure.
Cardiac complications (???? ?????? ??????)
Heart complications are the most important aspect of Kawasaki disease. It is the main cause of heart disease acquired in childhood in the United States and Japan.
In developed nations, it appears to have replaced acute rheumatic fever as the most common cause of acquired heart disease in children. Coronary artery aneurysms occur as a sequela of the vasculitis in 20–25% of untreated children. It is first detected at a mean of 10 days of illness and the peak frequency of coronary artery dilation or aneurysms occurs within four weeks of onset.
Other complications (???? ??????)
Other Kawasaki disease complications have been described, such as aneurysm of other arteries: aortic aneurysm, with a higher number of reported cases involving the abdominal aorta, axillary artery aneurysm, brachiocephalic artery aneurysm, aneurysm of iliac and femoral arteries, and renal artery aneurysm.
Vascular complications (?????? ??????)
Other vascular complications can occur such as increased wall thickness and decreased distensibility of carotid arteries, aorta, and brachioradial artery. This change in the vascular tone secondary to endothelial dysfunction. In addition, children with Kawasaki disease, with or without coronary artery complications, may have a more adverse cardiovascular risk profile, such as high blood pressure, obesity, and abnormal serum lipid profile.
Gastrointestinal complications (???????? ?????? ??????)
Gastrointestinal complications in Kawasaki disease are similar to those observed in Henoch–Schönlein purpura, such as:
- Intestinal obstruction
- Colon swelling
- Intestinal ischemia
- Acute abdomen
- Intestinal pseudo-obstruction
Eye complications (????? ?? ??????)
Eye changes associated with the disease have been described since the 1980s, being found as uveitis, iridocyclitis, conjunctival hemorrhage, optic neuritis amaurosis, and ocular artery obstruction. It can also be found as necrotizing vasculitis, progressing into peripheral gangrene.
Neurological complications (???????? ?????? ??????)
The neurological complications per central nervous system lesions are increasingly reported. The neurological complications found are meningoencephalitis, subdural effusion, cerebral hypoperfusion, cerebral ischemia and infarct, cerebellar infarction, manifesting with seizures, chorea, hemiplegia, mental confusion, lethargy, and coma, or even a cerebral infarction with no neurological manifestations.
Other neurological complications from cranial nerve involvement are reported as ataxia, facial palsy, and sensorineural hearing loss.
Behavioral changes are thought to be caused by localized cerebral hypoperfusion, which can include attention deficits, learning deficits, emotional disorders e.g. emotional lability, fear of night, and night terrors, and internalization problems i.e. anxious, depressive or aggressive behavior.
Kawasaki disease Causes (???????? ?????? ?? ????)
As the causes of Kawasaki disease remains unknown, the illness is more accurately referred to as Kawasaki syndrome. Its cause is widely hypothesized to involve the interaction of genetic and environmental factors, possibly including an infection in combination with a genetic predisposition to an autoimmune mechanism. The specific cause is unknown, but current theories center primarily on immunological causes.
Kawasaki disease is rare. It affects between 8 and 67 per 100,000 people under the age of five except in Japan where it affects 124 per 100,000. It is much less common after the age of five. Boys are more commonly affected than girls. The disorder was first described in 1967 by Tomisaku Kawasaki in Japan.
Kawasaki disease Diagnosis (???????? ??? ?? ?????)
Kawasaki disease can be diagnosed only clinically i.e. by medical signs and symptoms. No specific laboratory test exists for this condition. It is difficult to establish the diagnosis, especially early in the course of the illness, and frequently children are not diagnosed until they have seen several health-care providers. Many other serious illnesses can cause similar symptoms and must be considered in the differential diagnosis, including scarlet fever, toxic shock syndrome, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and childhood mercury poisoning.
Classically, five days of fever plus four of five diagnostic criteria must be met to establish the diagnosis. The criteria are:
- Erythema of the lips or oral cavity or cracking of the lips
- Rash on the trunk
- Swelling or erythema of the hands or feet
- Red eyes (conjunctival injection)
- Swollen lymph node in the neck of at least 15 mm
Many children, especially infants, eventually diagnosed with Kawasaki disease, do not exhibit all of the above criteria. In fact, many experts now recommend treating Kawasaki disease even if only three days of fever have passed and at least three diagnostic criteria are present, especially if other tests reveal abnormalities consistent with Kawasaki disease.
Kawasaki disease Investigations (???????? ?????? ?? ????)
A physical examination will demonstrate many of the features listed above.
Blood tests
- A complete blood count may reveal normocytic anemia and eventually thrombocytosis.
- The erythrocyte sedimentation rate will be elevated.
- C-reactive protein will be elevated.
- Liver function tests may show evidence of hepatic inflammation and low serum albumin levels.
Other optional tests include:
- Electrocardiogram may show evidence of ventricular dysfunction or, occasionally, arrhythmia due to myocarditis.
- An echocardiogram may show subtle coronary artery changes or, later, true aneurysms.
- Ultrasound or computerized tomography may show hydrops (enlargement) of the gallbladder.
- Urinalysis may show white blood cells and protein in the urine (pyuria and proteinuria) without evidence of bacterial growth.
- A lumbar puncture may show evidence of aseptic meningitis.
- Angiography was historically used to detect coronary artery aneurysms, and remains the gold standard for their detection, but is rarely used today unless coronary artery aneurysms have already been detected by echocardiography.
- Temporal artery biopsy
Kawasaki disease Classification (???????? ??? ?? ????????)
Inflammation or vasculitis of the arteries and veins occurs throughout the body. This is usually caused by the increased production of the cells of the immune system to a pathogen or autoimmunity. Systemic vasculitides may be classified according to the type of cells involved in the proliferation, as well as the specific type of tissue damage occurring within the vein or arterial walls. Under this classification scheme for systemic vasculitis, Kawasaki disease is considered to be a necrotizing vasculitis, which may be identified histologically by the occurrence of necrosis, fibrosis, and proliferation of cells associated with inflammation in the inner layer of the vascular wall.
Kawasaki disease Treatment (???????? ??? ?? ?????)
Children with Kawasaki disease should be hospitalized and cared for by a physician who has experience with this disease. To prevent damage to the coronary arteries, treatment should be started as soon as the diagnosis is made.
IVIG (????????)
Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is the standard treatment for Kawasaki disease and is administered in high doses with marked improvement usually noted within 24 hours. If the fever does not respond, an additional dose may have to be considered. In rare cases, a third dose may be given to the child. IVIG by itself is most useful within the first seven days of onset of fever, in terms of preventing coronary artery aneurysm. IVIG given within the first 10 days of the disease reduces the risk of damage to the coronary arteries in children, without serious adverse effects.
Salicylate therapy (????????? ????????)
Salicylate therapy, particularly aspirin, remains an important part of the treatment but salicylates alone are not as effective as IVIG.
Aspirin therapy (???????? ??????)
Aspirin therapy is started at high doses until the fever subsides, and then is continued at a low dose when the patient returns home, usually for two months to prevent blood clots from forming. Except for Kawasaki disease and a few other indications, aspirin is otherwise normally not recommended for children due to its association with Reye syndrome.
Corticosteroids (????????????????)
Corticosteroids have also been used, especially when other treatments fail or symptoms recur, but in a randomized controlled trial, the addition of corticosteroid to immune globulin and aspirin did not improve outcome. Additionally, corticosteroid use in the setting of Kawasaki disease is associated with an increased risk of coronary artery aneurysm, so its use is generally contraindicated in this setting.
Kawasaki disease & Free Siddha energy remedies (???????? ??? ?? ??:????? ????? ????? ?????)
1. Siddha preventive measures (????? ?????? ????)
Everybody must practice Siddha preventive measures, whether a person is affected with Kawasaki disease or not, but preventive measures are the primary steps for switching on to any other Siddha energy remedies, and hence they are important. It helps in one’s capability, effectiveness, and productivity, decision making power, intellectuality and removing minor health problems. There are three types of preventive measures:
- Earthing – performed for earthing the negativity of our body
- Field Cleaning – cleans energy field (Aura) of our body
- Siddha Brain Exercise/Energizing – energizes our brain for proper functionality
Everybody’s tendency is to get attracted to the word ‘free‘, however, don’t neglect even these Siddha preventive measures are free. Avail the benefits by practicing them sincerely, and regularly. For the ease of understanding what Siddha preventive measures are, please watch a video for a live demonstration.
2. Siddha Shaktidata Yog (????? ????????? ???)
This unique Siddha Shaktidata Yog of Siddha Spirituality can solve the problems related to Kawasaki disease with free Siddha energy remedies. There is no compulsion of training of ‘Swami Hardas Life System’ methods. This not only gives benefits to self but also it can be used for other affected persons, whether a person is in the same house, distantly available in the same city, same nation or might be in any corner of the world, however, both the procedures have been explained here.
3. Siddha Kalyan Sadhana (????? ?????? ?????)
Recite this Sadhana with a Sankalp “My problems of Kawasaki disease are solved as early as possible and I should gain health”, which should be repeated in mind 3 – 3 times every after each stanza. Any person irrespective of caste, creed, religion, faith, sex, and age can recite this Sadhana for free, which should be repeated at least twice in a day. To know more, please click on this link.
4. CCPE products (CCPE ??????)
These products work on the concepts of ‘Conceptual Creative Positive Energy’ (CCPE) within the provisions of the ‘CCPE Life System’ and the theory of Quantum Technology to a certain extent. However, the products get activated only whenever touched by a human and then they become capable of solving the problem and achieving health. However, please use these products for Kawasaki disease as mentioned below:
CCPE Extractor: The CCPE Extractor should be gently moved over the Agya Chakra in a circular motion at least for 30 to 60 seconds, thereafter, follow the same process on the head, heart, and naval for another 30 to 60 seconds, which finishes within almost 2 – 4 minutes.
CCPE Booster: Keep one Booster over the Agya Chakra and another one each over the head, heart, and naval for 3 – 6 minutes. You may need to have 4 Boosters, which establishes positivity.
5. A daily routine (?? ????? ????????)
In general, a daily routine may look like this:
- Increase physical activities e.g. exercise, walking, swimming, and consume sattvik diet, etc
- Apply free Siddha energy remedies minimum 3 times a day, as explained above
- In case, if someone wishes to learn advanced methods of Swami Hardas Life System, undergo unique training
- Perform Swayamsiddha Agnihotra daily, if feasible
Ensure to sprinkle in some fun during the day: Don’t forget to relax and laugh in between. Laughing is a great way to boost your immune system and help you.
Along with all the above activities, apply above explained free Siddha energy remedies minimum 3 times a day, the more is good. Just try the methods of Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System. I am confident that you will surely find improvements within 3 days.
Training of Swami Hardas Life System (?????? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ?????????)
Any problem with regard to health, peace, and progress can be solved independently without money and medicines by undergoing training of Swami Hardas Life System. Any person irrespective of religion, caste, creed, faith, sex, and age can undergo this unique training.
Conclusion (????????)
In view of the above, I am confident that you have learned about Kawasaki disease, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatments. You also learned free Siddha energy remedies. Now, you have become self-sufficient, hence its right time to use your acquired knowledge for solving problems as per the provision available in Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System.
However, keep learning and practicing the free Siddha Energy Remedies, which would help guide how to solve various problems regarding health, peace, and progress, without money and medicines.
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The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the concerned site owners. Siddha Spirituality For Health is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. However, it is advisable to consult a specialist in the concerned field before availing of the benefits. Hence we do not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kawasaki_disease
A new name of the disease, I never heard before. Thanks for updating our knowledge. You are contributing Herculian efforts so that health awareness is created. Praiseworthy!
Thanks, Madam! You know well that Life Is Not A Bed Of Roses. Without efforts, nothing is successful. As a result, valuable people like you are attached to me. Thanks once again for your kind words.
New & important knowledge
Your wonderful words are most pleasing, Sir! Most people might have not heard the name of this disease but there are lots of people who are suffering. Human life is most challenging, is not it? Thanks for your kind words. Please be in touch.
We need to know about Kawasaki disease and thank you for giving this knowledge.
So nice of you, Shubham! You wished to know about and the information is with you. Thanks for your good words! Please be in touch!
Very nice article sir, it will surely help victims for speedy recovery……
Thanks for your good words, Atharva! Surely, the information is useful and helpful for a speedy recovery. Please do avail of the benefits and also spread it among others.
Thanks for giving such a wonderful knowledge.
Most of us have not heard the name of this disease but the problem exists. It’s my endeavor to make aware the people. Keep in touch so that you can enhance your knowledge. Try to share the knowledge so that it helps increasing it. Thanks a lot!
Nice post sir