Siddha Marg Sadhana in Siddha Marg of Swami Hardas Life System, invented by Dr. Swami Hardas solves most of the life-related problems effectively. However, an additional benefit is that it leads to self-salvation even while solving our problems. There are plenty of problems that do arise in our life time-to-time. So there are numerous questions all the time in our mind, which need to be attended to in time and need to be solved so that our progress is not stopped. Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System brings out many of the Siddha methods for the well-being of every one of us.
What should we do to progress with Siddha Marg Sadhana’s methods?
What should we do to make our life journey successful in a true way and experience Atmananda? It is important and quite necessary to be in possession of the required and proper knowledge to understand it e.g. what is Parmatma (Almighty), Jeevatma (Sentient Soul), Manav (Human), and how to progress, etc? Let us try to know in brief about the same.
The last truth
Parmatma is the last truth, the Prakruti (Nature), and everything in nature has been created by Parmatma and merges in Parmatma. Nature has been created on the will of Parmatma and with the best coordination of:
- Human and Nature mean power of Knowledge, and
- Power of Action generated from the same.
Satva, Raj, and Tam
Everything in Nature is of three qualities. Those three qualities are Satva, Raj, Tam and on the basis of the same, time and other things are divided. These all have their own specialties. Their results are experienced due to the events that occur from time to time. What precautions are required to be taken in our lives? Which benefits are to be availed and which way the life be driven? All such factors must be decided after studying carefully considering all the facts.
Achievement of Moksha (Salvation)
The human body is self-complete and hence it has the capacity of building the future. Even though this human birth is less or more of Sanchit Karma (Accumulated Deeds) and Prarbdha (Fate), we must study about ‘what, how and when to do’ that is possible to get Atmoddhar achieved during this human birth. Achieve Moksha (Salvation), if efforts are made under the able guidance. It will be possible to avoid the cycle of Birth and Death and become successful in merging into Parmatma.
Nature, Parmatma, Jeevatma, Human
Think about Parmatma, Nature, Jeevatma, Human, etc in brief for knowing in detail about Human and Actual Life.
Parmatma is the last truth, the Nature and everything in Nature has been created from Parmatma. The process is as follows:
- Nature has been created with the coordination of ‘Knowledge’ and ‘Action’.
- Which consist of Five Elements i.e. Akash (Sky), Vayu (Air), Agni (Fire), Jal (Water), and Pruthvi (Earth).
- There are various forms of Shakti (Power) i.e. Sharda Shakti, Lakshmi Shakti, Vasana Shakti, and Vishva Shakti.
- Infinite Jeevatma is created due to the will of Parmatma.
- These Jeevatma or from these Jeevatma, Sharira (Body) is created, which is called ‘Pind’. The Pind is the coordination of Jeevatma, Panch Mahabhoota (Five Elements), and Forms of various Shakti.
- There are five types of Pind i.e. (1) Jarayuj, (2) Andaj, (3) Swedaj, (4) Udbhij and (5) Manasi. Jarayuj means humans created with the union of Man and Woman. Human is part of living creature and hence we shall discuss here humans only.
Favorable energy of Parmatma
Siddha Energy is the favorable energy of Parmatma. This energy is purifying, progressive, favorable, and doing every simple to difficult work beyond the limit of any prevailing method or system available in the world. Hence, there is nothing impossible for this pious energy. The base of Siddha Marg or Swayamsiddha Marg is none other than ‘Siddha Energy’.
Construction of Human Body: Siddha Marg Sadhana
Sthool (Gross), Sukshma (Subtle), Atisukshma (Causal)
The human body is a great combination of the following factors:
- Sharira (Pind or Body): Jeevatma, Panch Mahabhoot, Coordination of many types of energies.
- State of Body: A result of accumulated deeds and Karma.
- Life: Coordination and balancing of Body, Organs, Mind, and Soul.
Beautiful coordination and balancing of Panch Gyanendriya (Five Sensual Organs), Panch Karmendriya (Five Organs of Deed), Mana (Mind), Buddhi (Intellectuality), Ahankar (Ego), Sapta Chakra (Seven Chakra), Jeevan Jyot (Life Flame), Shakti Poonj (Energy Field), Five Kosha (Five Sheath), and many other elements
Five Sensual Organs
Panch Gyanendriya (Five Sensual Organs) include Shrot (Ears), Twacha (Skin), Netra (Eyes), Rasana (Tongue), and Grhan (Nose).
Five organs of Deed
Panch Karmendriya (Five Organs of Deed) include Mouth, Hands, Legs, Anus, and Organ of passing urine.
The activity of organs: To speak, Give–Take, Walking, Stool discharge, and Sexual passion.
Satva of Panch Mahabhoot: Mind, Intellectuality, and Ego.
Rajoguna of Panch Mahabhoot: Panch Pran – Pran, Apan, Saman, Udan. and Vyan.
The human body is the best creation of Parmatma, which being self-complete Parmatma has bestowed humans with power, strength, and grace for making their own future. The true aim of the Human should be to attain Atmoddhar (self-progress), achieve Atmananda (Self-pleasure), and make life journey successful by understanding and practicing it.
Gross, Subtle and Causal body
The information regarding the Gross, Subtle and Causal body of humans, which if carefully studied can be understood properly. The details of the same are appended below:
- Sharira: Sharira is known as Pind or Body. The body is created with the coordination of Jeevatma, Panch Mahabhoot, and all types of Shakti (Powers).
- State of Sharira: The state of the body depends on the accumulated deeds and Prarbdha (Fate).
- Jeevan: Life is the coordination of Body, Organs, Mind, and Soul.
- Organs: Five Sensual Organs, Five Organs of Deed.
- Panch Mahabhoot – From the fraction of Satva – Inner Mind, which includes Mind, Intellectuality, and Ego.
- Fraction of Satva – Panch Pran i.e. Pran, Apan, Saman, Udan, and Vyan.
Panch Mahabhoot | Sky | Air | Fire | Water | Earth |
Karmendriya | Mouth | Hands | Legs | Anus | Organ of passing urine |
Gyanendriya | Ears | Skin | Eyes | Tongue | Nose |
Deeds of Organs | Speak | Give-Take | Walking | Stool discharge | Sexual passion |

Sharira (Body) and Panch Kosha (Five Sheaths)
Sharira (Body) | Koshas (Sheaths) |
Causal Body | Anandmay Kosha |
Subtle Body |
Vigyanmay Kosha |
Manomay Kosha | |
Pranmay Kosha | |
Gross Body | Annamay Kosha |
Aim of my life – All the victims of sorrow, trouble, and affected may get health, peace and everyone’s life may become glorious.
Best ways of Atmoddhar: Siddha Marg Sadhana
Our Indian culture is really great; there are many methods of Aatmoddhar. We may make our life journey successful by adopting any method based on our nature and qualities or adopting one or more than one method with coordination of each other. The methods can be divided mainly into two parts:
- Prevailing or Traditional Method, and
- Swayamsiddha Siddha Marg Method.
Prevailing or Traditional Method
This scientific method is in vogue for thousands of years and has its own importance is a store of vast knowledge. There are many methods in it. It is useful for everybody and according to their comfort can select the method and bring it into practice. All these methods have been developed considering the Sattvic atmosphere of those golden days.
However, it is difficult to say that the same atmosphere will be available everywhere and every time. Today’s atmosphere has been polluted due to the ill effects of Kali Yuga and as a result of it; Tamoguna has been increased beyond the control. Hence, it has become quite difficult to achieve the results from traditional methods. Over and above, it becomes quite difficult many a times to adhere to the rules, regulations, bindings in vogue.
Swayamsiddha Method: Siddha Marg Sadhana
The condition and lifestyle have gone down to a very low level owing to the effects of Kali Yuga. Immorality, oppression is on the verge of increasing. When it was realized by Lord Shiva that the condition went out of control because of the less effectiveness of the traditional method, Gorakshanath was instructed to implement ‘Siddha Marg’, which can be easy to adopted and used by common persons.
But soon it was also discontinued after a few years. Lord Shiva once again reminded Gorakshanath to re-establish the Siddha Marg and advised to get the Swayamsiddha Marg implemented through Swami Hardas, which is developing day by day since the year 1989. This is well known to everybody.
The base of Swayamsiddha Marg
The base of Swayamsiddha Marg or Swayamsiddha Method is ‘Siddha Energy’ and has a capacity of making anybody:
(1) pious and pure irrespective of whether anybody may be impure, sinful to any extent,
(2) overcome any bad energy or black magic,
(3) has an effective remedy for the victims of dosha, troubles, sorrow, bad conditions,
(4) remove ill-effects of Kali Yuga,
(5) purification and Atmavikas has become easy,
(6) all the sins accumulated from the previous births to till date has become possible to wash out with the unique Swayamsiddha Method, which is not possible in any of the traditional methods,
(7) The curses received in all the births has been made possible in Swayamsiddha Method, which can effectively do Pap Mochan (Curse Redemption),
(8) The methods e.g. Sankat Mochan (Trouble Redemption), Sorrow – Sufferings are most effectively solve the problems aroused out of it, and
(9) The easiest and best self-proven methods, which can be easily adopted and practiced by everyone, for achieving Ananda – Atmananda are the boon for all.
The best science of realization
Swayamsiddha Method is today’s best science of realization. The most important reason behind this is that according to the will of Parmatma, the Kali Yuga ended in the year 2000 and Kali Yuga needs to be converted into Satya Yuga.
This great pious work can not be done by any traditional or prevailing methods, which is beyond their capacity, and hence…the work of conversion of Kali Yuga to Satya Yuga is being done with the most favorable energy of Parmatma through Lord Shiva – Parmatma’s Power, Siddha form of Lord Shiva – Lord Siddheshwar, Siddha form of Gorakshanath – and Swami Hardas.
Siddha Marg Sadhana: Methods
1 | Destroy all the sorrows, troubles, and the reasons behind those | There are many sorrows in real life due to which, life gets disturbed from troubles, suffering, crisis, ailments. There is nothing in our reach but things occur. | Complete Basic Training and make optimum use. Perform Sadhana, Vidhi, Kalyan Sadhana. |
2 | Development of Satvaguna and Atmabal | Satvaguna and Atmabal are quite necessary for performing Sadhana properly. | Siddha Sewa Centre and Siddha Yog are effective remedies, in specific ‘Siddha Dhyan Yog’. |
3 | Achievement of desired Satwik results | The ways of Sadhana are cleared when Satwik Manokamana are fulfilled, which helps in carrying out our duties and responsibilities properly. | Practice Shaktidata Sadhana and perform Kalyan Sadhana, Manokamana Sadhana. |
4 | To perform proper Religious Sadhana and realization of Divine Energy | Perform Sadhana from Siddha Methods, which would create coordination between Body – Mind – Organs – Soul. | Practice Siddha Namsadhana, Siddha Mantra Sadhana, Karma Yog with Gyan Bhakti, Siddha Kundalini Yog. |
Types of Siddha Marg Sadhana
(1) Regular Sadhana: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc
(2) Casual Sadhana: Birthday, Marriage Anniversary, Vaastu Pooja, Parayan (Reading of Holy Grantha for a specific period), Festivals, etc
(3) Religious Sadhana: There are many Sadhana in Siddha Method; few of them in specific, Religious Sadhana are explained here. (a) There are various types and plenty of Sadhana e.g. Mantra Sadhana, Nam Sadhana, Abhishek (Bathing of God/Goddess/Guru), Pooja (Worship), Prayer, Shloka (Verse), Fasting, Parayan, Darshana, Journey to Holy places, etc (b) There are many Devta e.g. Ganesh, Siddheshwar, Durga, Saraswati, Vishnu, Mahalakshmi … etc, hence the big questions are that which God to choose, what is to be done, when and how should be done. Over and above, the earlier questions are also of great concern.
How to perform Religious Sadhana?
Do not be much concerned about the above and follow the undermentioned suggestions to successfully perform Religious Sadhana:
(1) Nishkam Bhakti (Intention less Devotion): I worship Siddheshwar (Siddha form of Lord Shiva), which includes Nam Sadhana, Manaspooja, Abhishek, Fast, etc.
(2) Ishwararpan (Offering to God): Whatever services, Sadhana I perform, everything is offered to my Guru Siddha Gorakshanath, I reveal my happiness, sorrows, incidents, introspection, self request, and surrender.
(3) Sakam Bhakti (Intentional Devotion): I, being a common family person and wish to successfully perform my duties and responsibilities, I honestly and as per the needs perform particular Sadhana, Upasana of the particular Devta. As a result of which, having established health, peace in the home, religious Sadhana is performed within mind and home successfully and peacefully.
Siddha mantra – Nam Sadhana
The Siddha Mantra structure is as follows:
(1) Preliminary Alphabet,
(2) Siddha,
(3) Name of Devta, and
(4) Namaha.
For example (1) Om, (2) Siddha, (3) Gorakshanath, (4) Namaha
Thus the complete Siddha Mantra is: II Om Siddha Gorakshanathay Namaha II
Like this, similar to other Mantras, have no restrictions or bindings of any nature. Mantra Jap can be chanted even by selecting a particular Mantra from the books, by listening, or on the advice of others.
How to chant Siddha Mantra?
However, the following guidelines may be followed while chanting Siddha Mantra:
(1) Can be chanted sitting at one place or even while walking.
(2) There is no need to follow any restrictions, bindings e.g. occasions like Full Moon, Dark Moon, Good or Bad Time, Monthly Cycle, Birth-Death, etc.
(3) Chanting Siddha Mantra with contemplation/thinking the form of the particular God whose Mantra is being chanted.
(4) Jap Mala (Chanting Beads) of any type can be or even not necessary to be used.
(5) There are no compulsions like which direction one should sit, on which Asana one should sit, etc while chanting Siddha Mantra.
(6) There is no restriction of time. Siddha Mantra can be chanted any time whenever and as much as possible, feasible, and even during performing work of any nature.
(7) Siddha Mantra chanting should be done in mind silently but whenever concentration is not possible, the Siddha Mantra should be uttered to such a sound level that only chanter should be able to hear.
(8) The speed of chanting should be such that one should not feel tired irrespective of how long the Siddha Mantra is chanted.
(9) If the chanting of Mantra is done faster (compared to (8) above) than the normal, the heat of the body increases.
(10) If the chanting of Mantra is done slower than normal, the heat of the body decreases.
(11) Jap Mala is useful for maintaining the regularity of chanting and not forgetting counting of Mantra chanting in between.
(12) There is a method of chanting Mantra with a fixed number of Mantra in most of the places, for that reason (a) chanting should be with the help of Jap Mala, (b) chanting should be with repetition of Sankalp in between, which would be feasible with some practices and (c) with participation in Homa – Havana – Yagya – Mahayagya, etc.
(13) There is no need to count Mantra if chanting is done with Nishkam Bhakti. Even otherwise also, Sankalp/Sattvic Manokamana can be repeated in between, and Mantra can be counted, provided it is offered to God. It is most likely that a person may fall victim to the ego when the figure of Mantra increases beyond expectation.
(14) The Manaspooja, Atmasamarpan, Darshana, Pooja, Parayan, Upavas, etc strengthen our Sadhana, which helps us to perform Sadhana with more interest and might.
(15) Siddha Mantra’s writing is best, chanting of the Mantra also should be done while writing.
Siddha Marg’s methods of worship
Sthool Pooja (Gross Worship)
There are idols of Gods and material for worship i.e. Abhishek, Flowers, Offering Akshata, Arati, Prayer, etc. This is good worship because a person becomes well habitual. It is good if done regularly. Some of the types e.g. Siddha Pooja, Anushthan, Sadhana, etc have been explained in a book named ‘Swayamsiddha Upay Yojana’ in Hindi, Marathi, and English languages.
Manas Pooja
The way Sthool Pooja is performed, the same way Manas pooja is also performed. The difference in this worship is that there needs no material; everything is done imaginary but exclusively with the sense of surrendering to God. This worship can be performed anytime and anywhere. It is more powerful than the Sthool Pooja. It is best to presume God in the human form than imagining only a photo or idol.
Sukshma Pooja (Subtle Worship)
This is also worship like Manaspooja. In this, one has to worship Parmatma with our natural duties and deeds. Whatever we do should be done with the realization of worship of God. Similarly, one should perform every duty and deed with the same realization. Shrimadbhagwat Geeta advises that…
“The ultimate Siddhi is received if worship is performed of that Parmatma, who has created living creatures spread all over the world, with our natural duties and deeds.”
Try to understand the meaning of this and practice the same throughout life.
Introspection: Siddha Marg Sadhana
There are three steps; the first is Atmaparikshan (Introspection), then Atmanivedan (Self Revelation), and Atmasamarpan (Self Rendering).
Atmaparikshan means to inspect/observe self within mind like a third person e.g. Who am I? What are my duties, How should I behave? What really has happened or done? Where the mistake has taken place? What is right? Study about all these. This should be done imaginary as if our Guru or Eist Devta is available in front of us.
In continuation of introspection, to reveal/tell everything to our Guru or Eist Devta imaginarily as if He is available in front of us.
In continuation of introspection, to completely surrender our Guru or Eist Devta.
This way, Atmaparikshan, Atmanivedan, and Atmasamarpan should be practiced a minimum of two times a day regularly, which is one of the best Sadhana and as a result, our ego gets reduced and spiritual development is achieved faster. It is most important that the ego should get reduced and vanished.
Celestial Siddha Shaktipat and realization of Divine Energy are most important. Book reading is beneficial but self-realization is truly important.
Manas Pooja: Siddha Marg Sadhana
Imagine your Eist Devta is sitting in front of you. Start Mantra chanting by aiming at Him. Imagine He is blessing you with a smiling face after listening to the Mantra. Worship Him as you do normally and tell Him, “I am your ignorant child, safeguard me from all the ways”. Ask apology for all the mistakes, crimes committed, tell about all the good done, and request for illustration.
Recite Siddha Prarthana (Siddha Prayer). Finally, feel yourself in the lap of that God like you are sleeping in the lap of your mother. If this process is done in the evening before Manas pooja, even if you are sleeping before completion of the Manas pooja, don’t worry. It is one kind of Samadhi i.e. sleep in the company of your God.
This way, the Manas pooja can be done by sleeping. The same will be possible to be done after a few practices by sitting position. This is one of the best Sadhana.
Benefits of Manas Pooja
The benefits of this Sadhana are as follows:
(1) The tension of the body reduces because of which physical and psychological health is achieved.
(2) Pranshakti is collected and Atmabal increases.
(3) Concentration increases and the mind can be controlled.
(4) Our Devta gets pleased and we are safeguarded. Expected, unexpected obstacles, dangers are avoided. The illustrations start getting about the questions like ‘When, What, How to do?’ It is advisable to do as per the illustrations. This way, if requested for illustration, they start getting during sleep and should bring changes in our conduct. The illustrations should not be considered dreams.
Siddha Shaktidata Sadhana: Siddha Marg Sadhana
We are always surrounded by one or another problem like sufferings, troubles, ailments, etc. Siddha Swami Hardas has gifted us ‘Siddha Shaktidata Sadhana’ to solve such problems, which can be easily practiced even by common people like us. It consumes not much time, need not be Siddhartha/Volunteer, or Dixit in Siddha Marg, need not only be either woman or man.
It can be practiced by anybody, anytime, anywhere, any number of times for solving any problem of the real-life not only own but also it can be practiced for others, even he/she may be remotely available in any part of the world.
Regular Life Sadhana: Siddha Marg Sadhana
One must try to make many good things part of our routine life. Once we become habitual, the results will be achieved faster. There is no need for taking out extra time for doing it but it will be observed by other family members that your thinking, behavior, conduct has changed favorably due to coordination established. If it happens with every member, your home will be an ideal Mandir. The Regular Life Sadhana is described as follows:
Waking up
Wake up early in the morning by remembering your God, performing Siddha preventive measures i.e. Field Cleaning and Earthing exercises.
Perform this exercise soon after waking up in the morning. The method has been explained in Siddha Preventing Measures.
Field cleaning
Perform this exercise soon after waking up in the morning. The method has been explained in Siddha Preventing Measures.
Siddha Jal
Drink some Siddha Jal (water) after brushing. Fill up the copper pot with water at the night and use it throughout the day. Keep it always filled so that whenever required, it can be made Siddha and used for drinking purposes. This is renewed Siddha process of Ushapan in Ayurveda and is much effective.
Food, walking, sleep, and control
This is quite important. Follow the rules of health. Food should be limited and Sattvic. Do not be awake till late at night. ‘Sleep early and wake up early, is the Mantra of health.
Do not get addicted to anything because it is a great hindrance on the way of your performance. In case you are, read and apply the remedies suggested in the de-addiction article, which would help realize and come out of the dark life.
Cooking and eating
Before the cooking process starts, wash vegetables and other items with Siddha Water, use Siddha Water for cooking as well as for drinking after the meals. While cooking food chant some Siddha Mantra, Verse, or perform any spiritual Sadhana throughout the process and say Sankalp in mind in between, “May we all get health, peace, and progress”. Siddha Kalyan Sadhana also can be recited.
If feasible, all the members of a family should sit together and have meals by listening to some spiritual music. This way, the food prepared and eaten will help create the best coordination among the members, reduce tension, avoid differences of opinion, and peace will be established, and all will start gaining health. Make this a rule so that everybody becomes habitual of this routine. Being this a best Siddha Method, following Sadhana can also be done for achieving faster results:
Siddha Kalyan Sadhana: Siddha Marg Sadhana
Whenever possible from morning to evening, all the members of the family should come together, place a pot containing water in front, sit in the worship room or any place in the home and recite any prayer, Siddha Kalyan Sadhana, Verses as per belief and custom of your religion.
In the beginning and at the end, say Sankalp 3 times, “We may all get health, peace, and progress”. The water kept in a pot will become Siddha by your Sadhana, which may be drunk by everybody and remaining may be utilized for preparing food or may be sprinkled in the home for creating positivity.
Sorrow, troubles, sufferings, and ailments
Apply Siddha remedies on the problems like sorrow, troubles, sufferings, ailments, etc for solving them. Undergo training of basic Siddha Method for that purpose, additional knowledge can be had from the book ‘Swayamsiddha Upay Yojana’. Learn the use of Siddha Products and use them, write, make a call, or visit Service Center at Shaktidata, Pune, or nearby training centers for necessary guidance.
Ways of Atmoddhar: Traditional methods
There are many traditional methods for Atmoddhar, which are mainly divided into 3 parts – (1) Scientific, (2) Grace of Sadguru, and (3) Vow-Atonement-Deed-Pure conduct.
(1) Scientific: The following few methods are known as Yoga e.g. Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, etc. However, other methods are called Sadhana. All are beautiful and proved through experiences. All these needs (1) Faith, (2) Concentration, (3) Might, which are of most importance.
Important Yoga Sadhana: Siddha Marg Sadhana
1 | Jnana Yoga | Different from Gross, Subtle, Causal body, get stable in own form. By adopting Satwik knowledge Karma, intellectuality, happiness, etc, are devoid of duties and bearings. | The ability to acquire knowledge, curiosity, and sharp intelligence. | Difficult to get stable due to the flow of many thoughts. |
2 | Karma Yoga | Gross, Subtle, Causal bodies are different from each other hence all three are put in other’s services. | Attachment less, Desireless, and sense of surrendering to God. | Our welfare is attended to automatically by favoring others. |
3 | Bhakti Yoga | We offer ourselves to God. | Power of acceptance and confidence. | To uniform with our God. |
4 | Raja Yoga | Detention of mind, the poison of mind – happiness, sorrow, subjects of wisdom – memory, fear, option, subjects of mind – ego of mind – egotism, etc. | Control of mind and breath is necessary. | Need of best guidance and Guru. |
5 | Other Yoga and Sadhana | Try to know the forms, types, etc. | Think of the necessity of things. To think if it can be done. | Think of specialty. |
Grace of Sadguru
The grace of Guru is quite effective but it is most important to get a suitable Sadguru. Such Guru is required to be self knowledgeable, which is quite difficult to find out. If our Guru is not found suitable, it is most likely that we are cheated and most of the time it happens. It would be better to study the Grantha written by well-known saints and bring in to practice the knowledge. When one becomes capable, Sadguru will automatically meet. Saint Shri Tukaram Maharaj did not go after finding any Sadguru. If one gets Sadguru with your fate, your path will be cleared in true spirit.
The other easy way is to make Deeksha Guru. Study holy books of self knowledgeable saints, perform Sadhana with might, accept suitable knowledge, and leave the rest of it. Any number of Deeksha Guru can be made. Increase your level by practicing Sadhana and making yourself able. Don’t worry; you will surely get Sadguru one day.
Vow-Atonement of Deeds-Vaikalya-Pure conduct
It is not so easy to do all this, but those who possess religious Pind (body) have an interest in it. Many Grantha, books have sufficient information about all these, read, study and try to understand, which needs a high level of might.
Important: It is more beneficial if more than one method mentioned above is coordinated, which gives faster results.
Ways of Atmoddhar: Swayamsiddha method
Swayamsiddha Siddha Marg method is a form of Traditional Method’s self Siddha, self-complete, quick result oriented, easy to adapt, easy to practice, most favorable, full of Siddha Energy. It has been created with the grace of Parmatma considering today’s conditions, lifestyle, and effects of Kali Yuga.
The important thing is that the things, which are impossible as per lifestyle and social life today, are beyond the capacity for the common people e.g. faith, concentration, the necessity of pious atmosphere, rules, restrictions, bindings, etc. The common people need methods, which are easy, simple, affordable, and easy to practice. If Sadhana is performed according to Swayamsiddha Method, it is experienced by many that the results achieved are sure because Swayamsiddha Method gives quick results with the help of Siddha Energy.
Main methods of Atmoddhar: Siddha Marg Sadhana
There are three main methods of Atmoddhar in the Swayamsiddha Method:
(1) Siddha Bhakti Marg,
(2) Siddha Sewa Marg, and
(3) Siddhacharan.
The grace of Siddha Energy in the Swayamsiddha Method is most important. Hence, for that reason, Celestial Siddha Shaktipat is made, which has different types based on the work and Sadhana. For beginners, it is ‘Deeksha’. Then only, it is possible to perform Sadhana, even otherwise also Sadhana can be performed but the experiences will be too late and very few.
Siddha Bhakti Marg: Swayamsiddha Marg
We belong to Siddha and hence we should surrender to Siddha. Keeping faith and confidence in this philosophy, we have to start devoting them. The main Devta in Swayamsiddha Method is – ‘Siddha’, which are (a) Lord Siddheshwar, (b) Siddha Gorakshanath, (c) Siddha Swami Hardas, apart from these, (d) Siddha Ganesh, (e) Siddheshwari Mata. All these and Siddha have made Swami Hardas a ‘Siddha Swami’ by giving Siddha Energy, Might, and Cover of Grace.
The following things are most important in Siddha Bhakti:
- Siddha Mantra Sadhana,
- Nam Sadhana,
- Siddha Pooja – Upavas,
- Darshana – Repeated Visits,
- Shaktidata Sadhana,
- Atmasamarpan, Sharanagati, Atmanivedan, and
- Nishkam Bhakti.
These Sadhana have already been explained in the earlier parts. Wherever possible, sit and perform this Sadhana, rest can be done while walking, doing work, etc. Siddha Mandir can be contacted for more information if required. Shuddhikaran and Atmavikas Sadhana are necessary to be performed regularly.
Siddha Marg Sadhana: Siddha Sewa
This Marg is beautiful and convenient for the common people. It is possible to attain to Atmoddhar without making any changes in daily routine. For that:
(a) One needs to undergo Celestial Siddha Shaktipat.
(b) Learn how to render Siddha Service, for which basic training needs to be completed and start healing self and other members of the family and get realizations. Thereafter, complete further training.
(c) Render Siddha Services under the supervision of staff available in Siddha Sewa Center at Shaktidata, Pune. Try to serve the victims of sorrow, troubles, sufferings, ailments, etc and solve their problems. For this, the following things are important:
- Render services selflessly, don’t ask for any money or in-lieu from them, have this feeling and serve selflessly.
- Men should render services to men and women to women. Service can be rendered to family members in our home but not outside of the home. Service can be rendered to anyone irrespective of men or women in emergencies only.
- Understand aim and methods properly. It is service to God, it can neither be sold nor purchased.
- The structure of Siddha Work is established on four pillars i.e. Selfless Service, Good Deeds, Humanity, and Research.
The following things are most important:
(1) Recite Kalyan Sadhana regularly minimum 2 times a day, in the morning and evening. It is more beneficial if recited more than 2 times.
(2) Chant Deeksha Mantra regularly after undergoing Siddha Deeksha Process.
(3) Whenever possible, perform Siddha Pooja.
(4) Whenever possible visit Siddha Mandir, Pune, which is the main base of Siddha Energy for Darshana, Performing Sadhana, rendering Siddha Services. Make circumambulation of Sish at least twice a year, every year. The more the times, the more benefits will be achieved.
(5) Take Darshana of Siddha Swami Hardas regularly, offer Guru Alma to him, which is important. Alms can be sent through someone by hand or even sent by post or electronic banking system.
(6) Perform Siddha Shaktidata Sadhana at least twice a day, more time will be more beneficial.
(7) Siddha Sewa: Render Siddha Sewa regularly in your Training Center or in nearby Centers. Whenever, any victim of sorrow, troubles, ailments meet, try to render your services. Open and establish new Siddha Sewa Centers, render maximum services, give publicity and proliferation to Siddha Work, arrange Siddha Programs at various places, make villages Swayamsiddha, render services in other needy countries, help establish small Siddha Mandir at various places, donate money – construction material – land, etc – these all are great services towards mankind and is very much an important part of Siddha Bhakti Marg.
The most important is ‘Shuddhikaran and Atmavikas Sadhana Part-2 of Siddhacharan.
Siddha Marg Sadhana: Siddhacharan
The best method for those who are employed or doing some business or in short doesn’t have sufficient time to perform Sadhana. Whenever time permits or even by availing leave, can perform this Sadhana. There are mainly two types, (a) For those who can spare a minimum of one hour and (b) For those who can spare a minimum of 2-3 hours in a week.
Siddhacharan: Part – 1
For those who can spare 1 hour daily: Such persons can do the following:
(i) Undergo Siddha Diksha Process, chant minimum one Jap Mala of each Mantra daily, their journey will start to subtle from gross, realization will soon begin, then after 3 months chant maximum Jap Mala of one Mantra out of the four above daily.
(ii) Perform Shaktidata Sadhana a minimum of 2 times, which will help remove negative energy from the body and it will be charged with Siddha Energy.
(iii) Recite Kalyan Sadhana with introspection a minimum of 2 times, once in the morning and once in the evening, which will help retain Siddha Energy and you will be safeguarded with the grace of Guru.
(iv) Do Siddha Pooja minimum twice a month.
(v) Siddha Yog Sadhana – Siddha Shaktidata Yog and Siddha Dhyan Yog, each 2 times. Swayansiddha Yog, Siddha Kundalini Yoga, each minimum once.
(vi) Ananada – Atmananda Sadhana minimum 5 times daily.
(vii) Render Siddha Sewa for 9 days at Siddha Mandir, Pune, or according to orders received for.
(viii) Whichever things in life are possible, do them honestly.
(ix) Whichever things from Bhakti Marg are possible, do them honestly.
(x) Whenever feasible and time allows, perform Sadhana of Siddhacharan.
(xi) Whichever way possible, coordinate all the Sadhana of the Swayamsiddha Method, perform them honestly.
(xii) The most important is ‘Shuddhikaran and Atmavikas Sadhana Part-2 of Siddhacharan, if performed, way of Atmoddhar will be cleared.
Siddhacharan: Part – 2
For those persons who can spare 2-3 hours in a week and can avail 3-4 days leave and perform Sadhana at Siddha Mandir, Pune. Siddha Marg is convenient for such persons. The Sadhana in Siddha Marg is based purely on science and being performed step-by-step can be easily and conveniently performed, which reaches up to Atmoddhar. These Sadhana are dot done after making Celestial Siddha Shaktipat and offering security cover.
Owing to this Sadhana, the common man’s journey starts from Gross to Subtle and Causal and reaches safely up to Parmatma.
Siddha Marg Sadhana steps
NO |
1 | Dukkha – Peeda Niwarak Sadhana | Troubles from Negative bad energy, Black magic, Bad souls, no results achieved from any method, treatment, etc, troubles from Tantrik-Mantrik, the occurrence of unfavorable incidents, etc | 3 days, followed with Kalyan Sadhana of 3 more days | Approximately everybody gets benefited but those who have more problems may need to repeat the Sadhana |
2 | Vidhi, according to purpose, Sadhana, Siddha Pooja, Anushthan, Mahayagya etc | There are many and various problems in actual life. It’s better to perform Vidhi according to the purpose. The results achieved are faster and favor achieved | Depending on the Vidhi – Sadhana, minimum 3 hours | Most of the problems are solved through these Vidhi – Sadhana. Vidhi should be continued till the particular problem is solved |
3 | Siddha Kalyan Sadhana | It is the best Sadhana for everyone. There are many problems e.g. sorrow, troubles, sufferings, ailments, dangers, obstacles, no success in any of the work, repeated accidents, unsuccessful in getting service or establishing a business, financial problems, debt, loan, not to have children, no marriage and many more. | 3 days, it is better to have one extra day in hand. Some of the Vidhi is required to be done at home, if it is not feasible, stay at Pune and complete them | After completion of this Sadhana, some of the Vidhi are advised to do it at home, which must be completed. Many have been benefited from this Sadhana as per the experiences of the people who performed this Sadhana |
4 | Shuddhikaran & Atmavikas Siddha Sewa Sadhana | Those who wish to make life journey successful, attain to Atmoddhar, for them, this Sadhana is beneficial, by which body, mind, intellectuality gets purified, Atmabal gets developed and the path of Atmananda gets cleared | 3 days | Through this Sadhana, life gets proper direction and march towards Atmananda and Atmoddhar |
5 | Pap Kshalan | We have taken many births till today, hence which birth how many sins have been committed is not known. There is no other method in the world, which can remove these sins; one has to bear the ill effects of sins. Swayamsiddha Method is the only method in the world to remove such sins because Siddha Energy only can do it | 5 days | How much Sadhana has been completed, can be checked here. If necessary, Sadhana can be extended by 1-2 days, which is better. Thereafter, small Sadhana can be performed at home, which everyone can do |
6 | Shap Mochan | We have taken many births till today, hence in which birth who had cursed us is not known. There are no remedies also but there is a provision in the Swayamsiddha Method to remove those curses and clear the path of Atmoddhar | 4 days | How much Sadhana has been completed can be checked by the person himself who is performing this Sadhana. Many times curses have been removed at one go but it does not happen, the same can be continued |
7 | Atmoddhar Sadhana | After performing all the above Sadhana, it is better to perform this Sadhana. When everything that happened is cleared, Atmoddhar will be attained. | 2 days | It is better to perform this Sadhana every after 2 years. If it does not get completed within 2 days, the same may be continued |
Before visiting for the above Siddha Sadhana or Vidhi at Siddha Mandir, Pune, it is mandatory to enquire about material required, expected expenditure, lodging–boarding, etc. Please be informed that all these Sadhana leads to Atmoddhar and hence all the expenditures have to be borne by the participants, they should even not accept cups of tea from others freely. Guru Alms, Annadana, Donation should be given primarily as these activities also help in leading to Atmoddhar.
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