Siddha Pooja, Sadhana, and Vidhi of Siddha Marg, a part method of solving various problems under Swami Hardas Life System, invented by Dr. Swami Hardas is easy to understand, simple to perform, can be arranged, and performed at home. The Siddha Pooja, Sadhana, and Vidhi are result-oriented as they are supported by Siddha energy. Wherever there are favors, there Siddha energy works. The Siddha energy works through the energy of our Guru, Sadguru, God, or any other favorable energies. To achieve all of them for the favor of self, family members, and others is made possible through Siddha Pooja. Let us get well-acquainted with Siddha methods and start solving our problems being at home for well-being.
What is Pooja?
Pooja is a worship ritual performed by Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains to offer devotional homage and prayer to one or more deities, to host and honor a guest, or to spiritually celebrate an event. It may honor or celebrate the presence of special guests, or their memories after they die. The word Pooja is Sanskrit and means reverence, honor, homage, adoration, and worship. Pooja, the loving offering of light, flowers, and water or food to the divine, is the essential ritual of Hinduism. For the worshipper, the divine is visible in the image, and the divinity sees the worshipper. The interaction between human and deity, between human and guru, is called darshan, seeing.

What is Siddha Pooja
Siddha Pooja is a worship ritual performed by Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains to offer devotional homage and prayer to one or more deities, to host and honor a guest, or to spiritually celebrate an event. It may honor or celebrate the presence of special guests, or their memories after they die. Siddha Pooja, the loving offering of flowers, Siddha products e.g. Siddha yantra, Siddha Photo, etc, and water or food to the divine, is the essential ritual of Hinduism. The uniqueness of Siddha Pooja is that it needs no support from any Pandit or Brahmin for performing. It can be performed independently and solve the problems related to health, peace, and progress with the help of Siddha energy.
Why is Siddha Pooja performed?
It is performed for solving any problem of real life. The examples are cited below:
- Destroying all the reasons for related problems in real life.
- Diseases, pain, danger, spiritual Badha, etc.
- Instant sickness, no favorable results from medicines, repeated accidents, etc.
- Enemy’s activities and powers like black magic etc.
- Obstacles on the way of getting employment, a prosperity of business, promotions, etc.
- Financial problems, shortage of money, debt, loan, etc.
- Bad dreams, fear, troubles from spiritual Badha – Mrutatma, etc.
- Dosha of ‘Janma Kundali’, Graha Dosha i.e. Shani, Mangal, Rahu, Ketu.
- Fights, clashes, tension, enmity, bad habits, addiction, wrong applications and implications of remedies, etc.
Some more reasons to perform Siddha Pooja
- No peace in the house, an insufficient supply of grains, grains – money – things missing from the house, etc.
- No happiness from children, no success in getting babies, misconception, repeated miscarriage, repeated failure of delivery, etc.
- Clothes getting amazingly torn or burnt; pimples seen on the whole body or burning sensation in the body are felt.
- Numerous problems unnecessarily get created, court cases, etc.
- Achievement of happiness, peace, goal, and success in regular work, etc.
- Development of Satvaguna, Pranshakti, Aatmashakti, etc.
- Achievement of spiritual development, Aatmagyan, Aatmananda, etc.
- Achievement of health, peace, and progress for all the family members.
- Fulfillment of all kinds of good desires e.g. having babies, successful education, timely and successful marriage, better employment, etc.
When Siddha Pooja is performed?
The occasions when Siddha Pooja should be performed are appended below, which should be performed at least twice a year:
- Special occasions like Vastu Shanti, Birth Day, Marriage Anniversary Day, Laying of the foundation of house-construction, Gruha Pravesh, Inauguration of office, factory or shop, and other special occasions.
- On occasions when problems like severe illness, Badha, obstacles, financial problems, etc are being faced or for the fulfillment of good desires.
- On any occasion but at least twice a year.
Who should perform Siddha Pooja?
Any person, who wishes to attain favor for self, family members, or everybody, can perform Siddha Pooja. This can be performed at own house. It is best to perform Siddha Pooja at public places like temples, institutes, and organizations collectively so that all are favored, benefited. In such cases, it is to be celebrated as a special occasion, handbills are to be printed and distributed to all so that maximum people can attend and are benefited.
How to perform Siddha Pooja?
Preliminary preparations: Clean the place and decorate it the way it is possible. Invite all the persons. Use Siddha Sanch in a place where the program is to be held. (The instructions for its use have been provided in the same Siddha Sanch.)
Material required for Siddha Pooja
- Siddha Sanch,
- Siddha Extractor,
- Siddha Flux,
- Siddha Vibhooti,
- Siddha Shanti Dhoop or Siddha Stabilizer,
- Siddha Adhisthana Patrak,
- Siddha Yantra, and
- Siddha Photo.
All the above materials are also available as a kit, which can be managed from Siddha Mandir, Pune or nearby Siddha Centres. If the above-mentioned things are available to you, then there is no need for Siddha Pooja Kit.
Use Siddha Sanch for Siddha Pooja
If Siddha Sanch is not available then use Siddha Extractor by making one ball, keep on palm; say Sankalp 3 times looking at that ball, “all dosha, Badha of this place should come in this” and walk all over the place making 3 rounds at least.
If it is found that there are some changes in the ball, dispose of it in a washbasin or latrine, then use one more till it remains in its original condition. Mix some Siddha Charger in water containing in some pot and place it on the palm. Say Sankalp 3 times looking at water, “establish purity in this place and let everyone get health, peace, and progress”.
Arrange Siddha Pooja
Siddha water then may be sprinkled all over the place. Now arrange Siddha Pooja as shown in the picture below so that Siddha Pooja is performed:

Siddha Pooja: The important instructions
Siddha Marg is selfsiddha, pure in its totality and hence is most powerful and effective.
(1) There is no need to observe prevailing rules like MC, Badha, etc.
(2) Time, Period, Muhoorth, Tithi, Good day, etc. Whenever time permits it can be performed.
(3) There is no need to be afraid or to have any tension. Siddha Gods are kind and favorable. Perform it with an open and wide mind. No mistake will be done, if it is committed, the Siddha Gods will accept with love since they are our mother and father.
(4) If it is possible to place idols or photos of the Gods, Siddha Yantra, Siddha Dhoop, Siddha Products in Siddha Pooja, it helps achieve more benefits.
Siddha Adhisthana Patrak (Chart) for Siddha Pooja
After arranging the Siddha Pooja as shown in the picture and Siddha Adhisthana Patrak (shown below), adopt the following method for performing ‘Siddha Pooja’:
- Perform Abhishek on idols or Betel Nut (Supari) representing that particular God.
- By saying the mantra and desire 3 times, offer flowers to each of the Siddha Yantra, Siddha Photo, Kalash, and Betel Nut. If there are no flowers, perform this activity by applying Siddha Flux as Vibhooti. Fold hands and again repeat the same desire 3 times. Worship ‘Siddha Gurukrupamrut Pothi’ as above and read it.
- Read Pothi with concentration and faith. Imagine that Siddhas are in front of you; they are pleased to listen and are blessing you.
- Every after each chapter of the Pothi do as per Sl No. 2 above.
- At the end of the last chapter, perform Pooja of the Pothi and say, “I am your illiterate child, give success to this Siddha Pooja and fulfill my desire” and recite Siddha Prayer.
- After finishing this Pooja, adds some Siddha Charger to water, drink little as ‘tirth’, and also offer the same to others. (When Siddha Charger is added to water, it becomes ‘tirth’ – sacred water).
- Offer ‘Naivaidhya’ to God.
- Show ‘Siddha Shanti Dhoop’, (which was placed in Siddha Pooja) by walking all over in the Vaastu and repeatedly saying in mind, “Safeguard us, clear our all the obstacles and fulfill our desire”.
- Leave this Siddha Pooja as it is at least for 2 hours. Then it may be dismantled.
- Half of the Grains placed in the pot may be donated to the temple and half should be mixed with the grains, which we already have a store in the house.
- Replace the idols, photos to their original place. If ‘Adhisthana Patrak’ is reusable preserve it for the next Pooja otherwise immerse it. ‘Dakshina’ (donation) may be sent to Siddha Mandir. Betel Nuts can also be re-used in the future.
Siddha Pooja: Adhisthana Patrak
|| Om Siddha Ganeshay Namaha || | || Om Siddheshwaray Namaha || | || Om Siddheshwari Matrey Namaha || | || Om Siddha Dattatrayay Namaha || | || Om Siddha Gorakshanathay Namaha || | || Om Siddha Swami Hardasay Namaha || | || Om Siddha Guru Devay Namaha || |
|| Om Siddha Vishnu Devay Namaha || | || Om Siddha Mahalakshmi Matrey Namaha || | || Om Siddha Tryambakay Namaha || | || Om Siddhay Namaha || | || Om Siddha Kulswamini Matrey Namaha || | || Om Siddha Kuldevtay Namaha || | || Om Siddha Kulguru Devay Namaha || |
|| Om Siddha Bhoodevay Namaha || | || Om Siddha
Vaastu Devtay Namaha || |
|| Om Siddha Gram Devtay Namaha || | || Om Siddha Matru Devtay Namaha || | || Om Siddha Pitru Devtay Namaha || | || Om Siddha Aacharya Santay Namaha || | || Om Sarva Siddha Shakti Devtay Siddhay Namo Namaha || |
Kuldharma Kulachar Siddha Pooja
This Pooja is performed for achieving following benefits, however, it is performed only at ‘Siddha Mandir’, Pune (India) for:
- Completing ‘Kuldharma’ – ‘Kulachar’ responsibilities towards ‘Kuldevta’, ‘Kulswamini’,
- Removing, destroying obstacles from the way of family progress,
- Removing the misfortune of the family members,
- Achieving health, peace, and progress of all family members, and
- Purifying food that we eat by adopting the practice of donating.
Nath Siddha Pooja
This Pooja is performed for achieving the following benefits, however, it is performed only at ‘Siddha Mandir’, Pune (India) for:
- Removing, destroying obstacles from the way of life,
- Reducing the impact or avoiding accidents,
- Destroying the ill effects aroused by evil powers,
- Reducing or destroying the unsuccess experienced in the work, and
- Leading glorious, happy life throughout.
Siddha Mahalakshmi Siddha Pooja
This Pooja is performed for achieving following benefits, however, it is performed only at ‘Siddha Mandir’, Pune (India) for:
- Achieving special blessings, the grace of Siddha Mahalakshmi Mata,
- Solving financial problems,
- Increasing income and finding new sources of income,
- Becoming able to repay a loan, debt, and
- Achieving the ability to recover a loan.
Siddha Gorakshanath Anusthana
Siddha Gorakshanath among the Navnath is awake and responsive, kind and favorable. Many devotees have experienced them. The result is definitely achieved if Sadhana is performed properly. Siddha Marg is quite effective and great. Siddha Gorakshanath’s celestial place is ‘Siddha Mandir’, Pune. The great system of surrendering Siddha Gorakshanath is called ‘Anusthana’.
Why ‘Siddha Gorakshanath Anusthana’?
It is performed for solving the following problems of life:
- Solving any problem of the real-life,
- Any sorrow of real life,
- Any disease, sickness, medicines give no positive response,
- Financial problems,
- Failures,
- Fulfillment of good desires,
- Achievement of Aatmashakti,
- Peace in house and life,
- Avoiding dangers,
- Success in work undertaken, and
- Spiritual development and many more.
What to do for performing Siddha Gorakshanath Anusthana?
Minimum 1.25 lakhs Jap of ‘II Om Siddha Gorakshanathay Namaha II’ mantra should be recited; minimum 21 Abhishek should be performed with this mantra and Siddha Gurukrupamrut Pothi should be read a minimum of 21 times as per convenience. It is best to write the mantra 1.25 lakhs times, which will be recited as well as written.
When To Perform Siddha Gorakshanath Anusthana?
It can be performed any day as per requirement. In the beginning, Sankalp should be said 3 times i.e. “I am trying to perform Anusthana, I expect my desire will be fulfilled, get this service done by me”.
Siddha Gurukrupamrut Pothi
Arrangement for Anusthana is also explained in Siddha Gurukrupamrut Pothi as well as mentioned below:
(a) Spread red or yellow cloth over one Asana. The Asana should be placed near the wall. Place Siddha Yantra, Panch Siddha Photo and Siddha Paduka over it. Keep one smaller Asana in front of the first Asana and keep Siddha Gurukrupamrut Pothi over it. This is the arrangement for performing Siddha Gorakshanath Anusthana. The Siddha Yantra, Panch Siddha Photo should face to east and performer to face west. Other directions also will serve the purpose.
(b) Light one Siddha Stabilizer or Agarbatti. Keep little Siddha Charger in a bowl or small plate.
(c) Keep little rice or wheat in a bowl or glass. After Anusthana finishes, dispose of this grain retaining half of it, and offer to remain to birds or fish. Retained grain should be mixed with other grain stored in our house.
Method Of Siddha Gorakshanath Anusthana
Worship Siddha Yantra, Panch Siddha Photo, and Siddha Paduka. Say the above Sankalp 3 times. Recite each mantra written over Siddha Yantra and mantra of our Kulswamini, Kuldevta, Kulguru, and Eist Devta 27 times. Recite the ‘Om Siddha Gorakshanathay Namaha’ mantra 108 times. Say above Sankalp 3 times and read Siddha Gurukrupamrut Pothi.
Read Siddha Gurukrupamrut Pothi
Repeat above Sankalp every after reading one chapter of the Pothi and offer worship at last. It is best to perform Siddha Pooja also. Offer ‘naivaidhya’ after Siddha Pooja is over. Perform this way till desire is fulfilled. If feasible, observe fast on the last day by offering ‘naivaidhya’.
The Anusthana should be done separately for each desire. While reciting the mantra i.e. ‘II Om Siddha Gorakshanathay Namaha II’ the desire concerning to respective Devta, His mantra also to be recited along with ‘II Om Siddha Gorakshanathay Namaha II’ e.g. for fulfilling the desire of finance, the mantra of Siddha Mahalakshmi Mata i.e. ‘II Om Siddha Mahalakshmi Matay Namaha II’ should also be recited and in between desire i.e. “my financial problems may be solved with your grace”, be repeated.
Siddha Mahalakshmi Anusthana
This should be performed for solving the problems related to finance, debt, loan, business, and service and for getting the grace of Siddha Mahalakshmi Mata, for purifying money, etc. The ‘Siddha Mahalakshmikrupamrut Pothi’ should be read. The complete process is explained in the same.
Siddha Manokamna Sadhana
The ‘Siddha Manokamna Sadhana’ explained below could be performed by any person for fulfilling any kind of ‘Satwik Manokamna’. There are no restrictions of any kind. It is gone through the ‘Siddha’ process and hence could be effectively performed by any person at any time, on any day, in any condition:
Material Required
Panch Siddha Photo (Siddha Gorakshanath and Siddha Swamiji’s combined photo), Siddha Manokamna Yantra, Rice, Bowl, Siddha Stabilizer, Small plate, Siddha Charger, Siddha Vibhooti or Siddha Flux, Stool or Small Table, New Cloth for spreading on Stool or Table, Aasan, Match Box, etc.
First, spread a cloth on the Stool or small table and arrange the articles as named:
- Siddha Manokamna Yantra,
- Panchasiddha Photo,
- A bowl containing Siddha Charger,
- Siddha Stabilizer, and
- A bowl containing rice.
Arrangement of Siddha Manokamna Sadhana
Place ‘Siddha Panchasiddha Photo’ in the center of the stool and besides ‘Siddha Manokamna Yantra’. Roll ‘Siddha Stabilizer’ like incense-stick, place it on the plate, and keep in front of ‘Siddha Manokamna Yantra’. Place a bowl containing rice on a stool in front of you on a stool. Light the ‘Siddha Stabilizer’. Worship ‘Siddha Panchasiddha Photo’ and ‘Siddha Manokamna Yantra’ with Siddha Flux or ‘Siddha Vibhooti’.
Recite Siddha Mantra
Fold hands and recite the ‘II Om Siddha Gorakshanathay Namaha II’ and ‘II Om Siddha Swami Hardasay Namaha II’ mantra five times each. Repeat ‘Sattvic Manokamna’ three times. Continue reciting mantra i.e. ‘II Om Siddha Gorakshanathay Namaha II’ and offer 2/3 rice as Aahooti on every mantra recited. In between repeat Sattvic Manokamna. Continue this activity till ‘Siddha Stabilizer burns completely.
Then, collect the ash of ‘Siddha Stabilizer’ and mix with ‘Siddha Charger’ and take a little mixture on the palm. Stand on the spot, look towards the mixture, repeat ‘Sattvic Manokamna’ three times and blow it to all directions rotating around on the spot. The rice then may be cooked and consumed.
‘Siddha Manokamna Yantra’ may be kept always and whenever time permits recite each mantra five times written on the Yantra and repeat the same ‘Sattvic Manokamna’ three times. Perform this activity daily at least once till ‘Sattvic Manokamna’ is fulfilled.
Siddha Mahalakshmi Manokamna Sadhana
This Sadhana also may be performed like the earlier explained ‘Siddha Manokamna Sadhana’. However, ‘Siddha Mahalakshmi Manokamna Sadhana’ is performed for fulfillment of the ‘Sattvic Manokamna’ related to financial problems:
Material Required
- Panch Siddha Photo,
- Siddha Mahalakshmi Yantra,
- Siddha Manokamna Yantra,
- Rice,
- Bowl,
- Siddha Stabilizer,
- Small plate,
- Siddha Charger,
- Siddha Vibhooti or Siddha Flux,
- Stool or Small Table,
- New Cloth for spreading on Stool or Table,
- Asana,
- Match Box, etc.
First, spread a cloth on the Stool or small table and arrange the material as named:
- Siddha Manokamna Yantra,
- Panchasiddha Photo,
- A bowl containing Siddha Charger,
- Siddha Stabilizer,
- A bowl containing rice, and
- Siddha Mahalakshmi Yantra.
Arrangement and worship
Place ‘Siddha Panchasiddha Photo’ in the center of the stool and ‘Siddha Manokamna Yantra’ and ‘Siddha Mahalakshmi Yantra’ on each of both sides of ‘Panchasiddha Yantra’. Keep one piece of paper in front of ‘Siddha Mahalakshmi Yantra’.
Roll ‘Siddha Stabilizer’ like incense-stick, place it on the plate, and keep in front of ‘Siddha Manokamna Yantra’. Place a bowl containing rice on a stool in front of you on a stool. Light the ‘Siddha Stabilizer’. Worship ‘Siddha Panchasiddha Photo’, ‘Siddha Mahalakshmi Yantra’, and ‘Siddha Manokamna Yantra’ with Siddha Flux or ‘Siddha Vibhooti’.
Reciting the mantra
Fold hands and recite the following mantra five times each:
- II Om Siddha Mahalakshmi Matay Namaha II,
- II Om Siddha Gorakshanathay Namaha II, and
- II Om Siddha Swami Hardasay Namaha II
Saying Sankalp
Say sankalp three times “Main Aapka Agyan Balak Hun, Main Apaki Sharan Aaya Hun, Mere Aarthik Prashna Choodaneke Liye Main Yah Siddha Mahalakshmi Manokamna Sadhana Kar Raha Hun”. (I am your innocent child, I am surrendering you, I am performing Siddha Mahalakshmi Manokamna Sadhana for solving my financial problems). Repeat ‘Sattvic Manokamna’ three times.
Continue reciting mantra i.e. ‘II Om Siddha Mahalakshmi Matay Namaha II’ and offer 2/3 rice as ‘aahooti’ on every mantra recited. In between repeat Sattvic Manokamna. Continue this activity till ‘Siddha Stabilizer burns completely.
Then, collect the ash of ‘Siddha Stabilizer’ and mix with ‘Siddha Charger’ and take a little mixture on the palm. Stand on the spot, look towards the mixture, repeat ‘Sattvic Manokamna’ three times and blow it to all directions rotating around on the spot.
The rice then may be cooked and consumed. ‘Siddha Mahalakshmi Yantra’ may be kept always with you and whenever time permits recite each mantra five times written on the Yantra and repeat the same ‘Sattvic Manokamna’ three times. Perform this activity daily at least once till ‘Sattvic Manokamna’ is fulfilled.
Siddha Manokamana for gaining health
This way, for gaining health, the ‘II Om Siddha Tryambakay Namaha II’ mantra can be recited. The only change will be about the Yantra, which will be ‘Vyadhi Niwarak Yantra’. If problems regarding pain, trouble, obstacle, sorrow, etc to be solved, then the Yantra will be “Dookkha Niwarak Yantra’ and the mantra will be ‘II Om Siddha Mahamrutyunjayay Namaha II’ and ‘II Om Siddha Mahakali Matay Namaha II” and in place of Siddha Stabilizer, ‘Siddha Extractor’ will be used for burning.
Vyakti Sudhar Vidhi
This Vidhi is performed for the following purpose:
- Person or animal that has left/lost from the house, to bring him back,
- Gaining health,
- Correcting the nature of a person,
- De-addiction,
- Getting back loaned money,
- A person should not hate or get angry, and
- Getting a letter, news or money from the person who is away for a long, etc.
Material Required
The materials required for this Vidhi include:
- Siddha Extractor,
- Siddha Charger,
- Panch Siddha Photo, and
- Photo of person, if available.
Making ball of Siddha Extractor
Make one ball of Siddha Extractor, place over the palm and while looking at it say 3 times, “all the obstacles of my/his/her work should come in this ball”, wait for some time while looking at it and dispose of it in latrine or basin.
Siddha Charger
Take a little Siddha Charger in a bowl or plate, repeat your desire 3 times look at it, and place it on some Aasan in front of you.
Light Siddha Extractor
Make Agarbatti like the shape of Siddha Extractor, light and place it on Asana. Sit erect in front of Aasan, start deep breathing, and set any mantra in it e.g. ‘II Om Siddhay Namaha II’ or ‘II Om Siddha Gorakshanathay Namaha II’. Keep continuously reciting the mantra till Siddha Extractor gets completely burnt. Repeat desire in between while reciting the mantra.
The blowing of Siddha Charger
Mix the Siddha Charger with water and try to give that person if locally available or take the Siddha Charger over the palm and blow it by rotating on the spot in all directions. While doing this, desire should be said in mind. Perform this Vidhi (blowing of Siddha Charger alone) at least 3 times a day. Give a support of Japa of ‘II Om Siddha Gorakshanathay Namaha II’ or Siddha Gorakshanath Anusthan. Perform it daily till desire is fulfilled.
This Vyakti Sudhar Vidhi need not be performed daily at the initial stage but in case no result is achieved, then its frequency should be raised gradually.
Siddha Satsang
This program is part of Siddha Marg. Hence it contains Mantra Sadhana, Mantra Jap, Badha Homa, Manokamna Homa, Siddha Pooja, etc. Whichever house or place it is performed it becomes pure. Everybody is invited to celebrate this program. The first thing performed at the beginning of ‘Siddha Satsang’ is the use of Siddha Sanch, which can be used by 2/3 Siddharth/Volunteer or Siddha Purohit at a time. Make all arrangements for Siddha Pooja.
If Siddha Purohit is available, perform Badha Homa and Manokamna Homa. In case Siddha Purohit is not available then the Siddha Special Extractor or Siddha Extractor by rolling like Agarbatti is lighted and Panch Siddha Mantras are recited till it gets fully burnt. The Panch Siddha Mantras are as follows:
- II Om Siddha Ganeshay Namaha II,
- II Om Siddheshwaray Namaha II,
- II Om Siddheshwari Matay Namaha II,
- II Om Siddha Gorakshanathay Namaha II, and
- II Om Siddha Swami Hardasay Namaha II
Badha Homa
Every mantra should be recited at least 11 times and then the ‘II Om Siddha Mahamrutyunjayay Namaha II’ mantra should be recited 108 times. At last, ‘II Om Siddha Mahakali Matay Namaha II’ should be recited till Siddha Extractor is fully burnt. This performance is called ‘Badha Homa’.
Manokamna Homa
After this finishes, get ready for performing ‘Manokamna Homa’. If there is no Siddha Purohit, Siddha Stabilizer is to be lighted and Panch Siddha Mantra to be recited. Till the Siddha Stabilizer is burnt fully, recite ‘II Om Siddha Gorakshanathay Namaha II’.
At last, a senior person should select one page or chapter of ‘Swayamsiddha Upay Yojana’, and should read out to persons available and explain them the actual meaning in detail. Siddha Prayer should be recited collectively.
Categories of Siddha Satsang
The Siddha Satsang is categorized in following three parts:
Siddha Satsang: The program is arranged in the local area under the chairmanship of Siddha (Inductor), Mahasiddha (Professor), Manager, or Senior Mahasiddha (Director), etc, is called Siddha Satsang.
Vishesh Siddha Satsang: The program arranged in the local area with the presence of Siddha Paduka of Siddha Gorakshanath brought from Siddha Mandir, Pune is called Vishesh Siddha Satsang.
Ati Vishesh Siddha Satsang: The program is arranged in the local area with the presence of Siddha Paduka of Siddha Gorakshanath, Siddha Swamiji, and or Sou. Maiji is called Ati Vishesh Satsang.
Siddha Satkarma Shibir
The activities carried out to cure persons with the help of Siddha Science Healings in a house or place, become pure and Siddha energy automatically favors every occupant of the house or a place. This program is purely a part of Siddha Science. No Jap or Mantra is recited in this program hence any person belonging to any religion can arrange this program collectively and participate. The Siddha Sanch is to be used by one or more Siddharth/volunteers. The patients and Siddharth, Sight Healers, Siddha, etc may be invited to this program.
Regular healing to the patients
The trained persons of Siddha Science should impart regular and maximum Healing to the patients. The patients from the family where the program is conducted also get the best opportunity to be treated. After imparting Healing, all Siddharth, etc should one by one narrate their experiences of the field and discuss the Healing, methods of services rendered. At last, a senior person should impart guidance to all the persons present. Siddha Kalyan Sadhana should be recited before starting and at the end of the program. The Siddha Satkarma Shibir is categorized into the following two parts:
- Siddha Vishesh Satkarma Shibir: The program arranged in the local area under the chairmanship of Mahasiddha or Senior Mahasiddha etc, is called Siddha Vishesh Satkarma Shibir.
- Siddha Ati Vishesh Satkarma Shibir: The program is arranged in the local area with the presence of Siddha Swamiji and or Sou. Maiji is called Siddha Ati Vishesh Satkarma Shibir.
Special occasion Vidhi
There are many methods of celebrating ‘birthday’. The very bad method is the English method, which is ‘candle blowing’. The ‘deep’ or ‘candle’ should be lighted on such occasions, don’t ever blow it. Hence, to celebrate the occasions like ‘birthday’, ‘marriage anniversary’, ‘important and special occasions of life or ‘achievement’ etc to be celebrated by performing ‘Abhishek’ with the following mantra:
- II Om Tryambak Yajamahe Sugandhi Pushtivardhanam II
- II Urvarookmiv Bandhananmrutyomukshim Mamrutam II
The above mantra is recited at least 11 times sitting in one place. The remaining Jap can be done while walking, sitting and all the times. The idea is that one must recite the mantra to maximum numbers. Then perform Siddha Pooja and read Siddha Gurukrupamrut Pothi, which should be finished with Siddha Prayer. While reciting the mantra, desire should be repeated in between.
Note: This Vidhi is also performed in Siddha Mandir, Pune on your behalf by sending Rs. 101/- towards the expenditure incurred. The ‘prasad’ will also be sent to your address by post.
Sankat Mochan Vidhi
For reducing or destroying the reasons of dangers, diseases, operations, accidents, dangerous occasions, etc, this Vidhi is performed in the Siddha Mandir, Pune immediately on receipt of information like name, age, sex, and nature of the problem of a person who is a sufferer. This can be conveyed through the telephone also.
This Vidhi is performed free and repeated three times minimum. However, the feedback of the development may be communicated by the person and required so the Vidhi will be again repeated.
The beneficiary may send a donation, if they desire, to Siddha Mandir, Pune if benefited. The address and Telephone numbers are as follows for information:
Swami Hardas Foundation
Survey No. 50/7, ‘Shaktidata’ (Siddha Nagar), Old Mundhawa Road, Wadgaonsheri
PUNE – 411 014 (INDIA)
Telephone No. 91-020-27031900, 27030128, 32301322, 32301204, 32301205.
Frequently asked questions
Before posting your query, kindly go through them:
When is Siddha Pooja performed?
The occasions when Siddha Pooja should be performed are appended below, which should be performed at least twice a year: Special occasions like Vastu Shanti, Birth Day, Marriage Anniversary Day, Laying of the foundation of house-construction, Gruha Pravesh, Inauguration of office, factory or shop, and other special occasions; On occasions when problems like severe illness, Badha, obstacles, financial problems, etc are being faced or for the fulfillment of good desires. On any occasion but at least twice a year. |
Why Nath Siddha Pooja is performed?
This Pooja is performed for achieving the following benefits, however, it is performed only at ‘Siddha Mandir’, Pune (India) for Removing, destroying obstacles from the way of life; Reducing the impact or avoiding accidents; Reducing or destroying the ill effects aroused by evil powers; Reducing or destroying the unsuccess experienced in the work; and Leading glorious, happy life throughout. |
What is Sankat Mochan Vidhi?
This Vidhi is performed for reducing or destroying the reasons of dangers, diseases, operations, accidents, dangerous occasions, etc. It is performed in the Siddha Mandir, Pune immediately on receipt of information like name, age, sex, and nature of the problem of a person who is a sufferer. This can be conveyed through the telephone also. This Vidhi is performed free on behalf of the sufferer and repeated three times minimum every day for 15 days. However, the feedback of the development may be communicated by the person and required so the Vidhi will be again repeated. |
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No Games Available. Ad Unit: “+data2.slot.getAdUnitPath().replace(” 6088″,””)+’ The Florida High School Athletic Association released its new classification and district assignments for football on Friday morning, unveiling some new twists for area teams. In a winding and confusing two-hour virtual meeting on Tuesday afternoon, the Florida High School Athletic Association’s board of directors voted to get rid of the Suburban-Metro playoff system and go back to an eight-classification, enrollment-based format for the coming years, the latest shift in the ever-changing landscape of sports here. Northern Durham hires Jason Trousdale as its head football coach Question, Comment, Feedback, or Correction? Company Number 8718734 | Registered in England© Football Web Pages Ltd 2024 Cary’s football team is set to feature UNC & NC State commits
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Reference ID: 0.1cf95568.1722162529.318b0fdf The decision comes in the same week as crypto exchanges Binance and Coinbase were sued by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on allegations that they have violated securities laws. Binance blamed the SEC for “creating challenges for the banks” that Binance partners with, leading to these banking partners “pausing fiat withdrawal channels.” While the SEC sued both Binance and Coinbase this week for selling unregistered securities, the regulatory agency also went further with Binance, alleging the crypto exchange partook in “market manipulation and fraud.” Another way to earn crypto through Crypto is the the main app’s “missions” program, which challenges customers to use aspects of the service in exchange for the chance to win rewards including the affiliated cryptocurrency Cronos. Missions often require users to spend money, purchasing a certain amount of crypto for instance.
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