Siddha Yoga is a spiritual path invented by Dr. Swami Hardas. The organization i.e. Swami Hardas Foundation states in its literature that the Siddha yoga tradition draws many of its teachings from the Indian yogic texts of Vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism, the Bhagavad Gita, and the poet-saints. Ashrams and centers of Dr. Swami Hardas provide places to learn and practice Siddha yoga. However, Siddha yoga can also be learned and practiced for gaining physical and mental health just by reading this well-explained article. The two main ashrams are Swami Hardas Foundation in Pune, India, and Hantoda, Anjangaon Surjee near Amrawati. There are meditation centers in almost all the states of India and a number of countries. Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System brings out a few of Siddha yoga here for the well-being of each and every person.
Siddha yoga Definition
The ancient generic Sanskrit term “Siddha yoga” is attested in the Third Tantra of the Tirumantiram of Tirumular, a Tamil poet of the 7th or 8th century. A definition of “Siddha yoga” is also offered by Dr. Swami Hardas, a yogi from the dual Navnath lineage, who wrote many books on “Siddha yoga” in early 1995:
The easy way of attaining salvation is said to be Siddha yoga. Siddha yoga or Siddha Marga is that means by which yoga can be attained without difficulty. It is attained by the infusion of spiritual force through the good grace of a saintly preceptor. Siddha yoga or Siddha Marga is nothing but the knowledge of the unity of Self and Brahma.
Words of Dr. Swami Hardas about Siddha yoga
Do you know what body is? As per medical science, the body consists of bones, flesh, and blood and hence the treatments of the body are invented based on these factors for curing bodily diseases.
But as per Yoga Shastra, it is not the limit and hence body also consists of Mana (Mind), Buddhi (Intellect), and Aatman (Soul) hence sufferings of human beings of all nature are effectively solved if available remedies are practiced rigorously. Being on the same path as Yoga Shastra, Dr. Swami Hardas invented ‘Siddha Yoga Shastra’, which has no complications and hence can be learned easily, adopted without hesitation, and can be practiced effectively for solving problems related to health, peace, and progress.
Yoga Shastra
The ‘Yoga Shastra’ is a real ‘Jeevan Shastra’ (Science of Life) for the Indian Culture, by which the importance of Yoga Shastra is understood. The real intention of this ‘Janma’ (birth) gets fulfilled in a real sense. There are various subjects in the Yoga Shastra that include:
- Bhakti yoga,
- Raja yoga,
- Karma yoga,
- Jnana yoga,
- Hatha yoga,
- Ashtanga yoga,
- Kundalini yoga,
- Tantra yoga, and
- Mantra yoga, etc.
The whole world is now realizing its importance. Hence let us also know about this Yoga in brief.
Bhakti yoga
Bhakti yoga is considered to be the easiest. Jnana yoga gives Moksha but this yoga gives beyond that. God likes devotion and hence devotees can be freed from all the attractions of this world and can easily merge into God.
Raja yoga
This yoga is a king of all yoga and hence is called Raja yoga. This is one kind of yoga from Yoga Shastra. The Sadhak by practicing this yoga can experience Bramha and gradually takes to the ultimate aim of life.
Karma yoga
Karma yoga is especially for the family members means Guhasthashrami. Lord Krishna through Bhagavad Geeta has guided people to perform Satkarma. The Karma performed without any desire, is called Nishkam Karma, which is the most important part of this yoga.
Jnana yoga
Jnana means knowledge. When more knowledge is acquired, it is inevitable to avoid Ahankaram which is likely to be developed. This yoga is incomplete without Karma yoga. The knowledge should be always shared and not staggered/restricted. The more the knowledge is shared with others, the more it increases hence achievement of the ultimate aim of life becomes easy.
Hatha yoga
This is one kind of yoga from Yoga Shastra invented by Maharishi Patanjali, which is practiced by Yogis. This Yoga consists of:
- Yam,
- Niyam,
- Aasan,
- Pranayam,
- Pratyahar,
- Dharana,
- Dhyan, and
- Samadhi.
By practicing these eight methods (Ashtanga yoga) one can achieve the goal of this birth. Yam means to control the organs of the outside body and Niyam means to control the organs of the inside body.
The procedure for controlling Prana and Apana Vayu is called Pranayama. Pratyahara is an act of detaching the mind from the outside world. The act of establishing the mind inside its place is called Dharana. To concentrate minds on one object is called Dhyana and to get completely lost in meditation during this process is called Samadhi. This is Yogic Exercise, which is learned and practiced under the supervision of the Guru.
Kundalini yoga
This yoga is celestial and gives knowledge of Brahma. Energy called Kundalini with the shape of a three and a half coil is situated in one of the chakras called Muladhar Chakra. This Kundalini is awakened with the guidance of Guru and by awakening all seven Chakras of the body. A person achieves all Ashta Siddhis and when the Kundalini reaches and meets Lord Shiva at the last Chakra of the body, a person becomes capable of getting Moksha.
Tantra yoga
Tantra yoga helps spread knowledge and gives security. These are of two types i.e. South Marg and Vam Marg. The particular Sadhana with the help of Liquor, Meat, etc is performed to achieve the desired energy.
Mantra yoga
This yoga is performed as sadhana of own Eist Devata or any Devta by reciting a few words in a particular manner and rules for achieving the ultimate aim of life. However, the particular mantra helps make particular worship Siddha.
What is Siddha Yoga?
There is one more such great and unique subject from Yoga Shastra i.e. ‘Siddha Yoga’. Siddha Yoga has been invented and founded by Dr. Swami Hardas with the blessings of Lord Siddheshwar and Siddha Gorakshanath through hard penance of 201 days and mild penance of 435 days. The most important thing in this Siddha Yoga is that the human efforts get great support from ‘Siddha Energy’ and the work gets fulfilled within the shortest period.
Those who have received the training of ‘Swami Hardas Life System’ have experienced this. Everybody gets this unique ‘Siddha Energy’ during the training of ‘Siddha Methods’ through the unique process called ‘Celestial Siddha Shaktipat’ and with little effort, one can fulfill the desire regarding achieving health, peace, and progress. The reason is the pious and unique ‘Siddha Energy’.
How to differentiate ‘Yoga’ and ‘Siddha Yoga’?
The difference between Yoga and Siddha yoga has been tabulated below for proper and easy understanding:
1 | Herculean efforts are required since it depends on own Sadhana. | The best results are achieved due to the support of ‘Siddha energy’. |
2 | There is a need for concentration. | There is no need for concentration. It is better if the concentration is possible. |
3 | Devotion is most important. | Devotion is not necessary but if it exists, it is good otherwise it will develop faster. |
4 | There could be side effects if a mistake is committed. | There will not be any side effects, even if the mistake is committed. |
5 | Many rules and restrictions are required to be followed strictly. | There is not much need of following the rules or restrictions. |
6 | There is the possibility of achieving ‘Siddhi’ hence development stops. | No ‘Siddhi’ is achieved hence with the protection of Siddha energy; the development achieved is without any obstacles. |
7 | Time, Direction, Aasan like restrictions, and many rules need to be followed meticulously. | There is absolutely no need of following Time, Direction, and Aasan like restrictions or rules. |
Types of Siddha yoga
1 | Celestial Siddha Shaktipat Yoga | It is for the welfare of every person. |
2 | Siddha Shaktidata Yoga | |
3 | Swayamsiddha Yoga | Both Yoga is for the welfare of self and fulfills the needs of even commonest people. |
4 | Siddha Kundalini Yoga | |
5 | Siddha Dhyan Yoga | For increasing Aatmashakti, and Aatmabal. |
More details about the above ‘Celestial Siddha Shaktipat Yoga’, ‘Siddha Shaktidata Yoga’, ‘Swayamsiddha Yoga’, and ‘Siddha Kundalini Yoga’ are appended below:
Celestial Siddha Shaktipat yoga
Only authorized persons, who have completed the most advanced training of ‘Swami Hardas Life System’ and have acquired the designation of ‘Inductor’, can practice ‘Celestial Siddha Shaktipat Yoga’ for the welfare of people.
The authorized person practices this yoga and becomes capable of transferring ‘Siddha energy’ to the persons during the training of any of the methods mentioned above. The person who receives this ‘Siddha energy’ and training becomes capable of solving the problems of self and also others related to health, peace, and progress. This ‘Celestial Siddha Shaktipat Yoga’ provides complete protection and capacity to deal effectively with any problems related to health, peace, and progress.
Siddha Shaktidata yoga
We all are grasped with many and various kinds of problems, difficulties in our day-to-day life. This unique ‘Siddha Shaktidata Yoga’ can be learned by any person and applied for solving problems related to health, peace, progress, addiction, education, financial, etc.
This ‘Siddha Shaktidata Yoga’ is specially introduced for practicing by any common person so that they too are benefited. There is no compulsion of training of ‘Swami Hardas Life System’. No ‘Celestial Siddha Shaktipat’ is required for practicing this ‘Siddha Shaktidata Yoga. This yoga not only gives benefits to self but also it can be used for others effectively, who may be in the same house, distantly available in the same city, same nation or maybe in any corner of the world.
There are 2 kinds of Siddha Shaktidata yoga, which have been explained below:
1. Siddha Shaktidata yoga: For Self
The method for practicing this Yoga for self is explained as follows:
Material Required: ‘Shaktidata Photo’ of Dr. Swami Hardas and Asana. One needs to have a ‘Shaktidata Photo’ of Dr. Swami Hardas for practicing this yoga, which may be of calendar size or passport size. The ‘Shaktidata Photo’ can be acquired from any of the nearest Training Centers of ‘Swami Hardas Foundation’ established all over India or directly from ‘Swami Hardas Foundation’, Pune.

Method: Sit comfortably on the ground over any piece of cloth or Asana. Hold the ‘Shaktidata Photo’ of Dr. Swami Hardas in any of the hands. Start looking continuously in the eyes of Swamiji and say a Sankalp i.e. “Siddha Swami Siddha Shakti Deejiye, jisase Muze Aarogya mile” (Siddha Swami Give Me Siddha Energy so that I get Health) three times. Keep looking continuously for a few seconds and feel that Swamiji is bestowing ‘Siddha Energy’. Now, close your eyes for half a minute and establish it in between two eyebrows just above the nose on the forehead for half a minute. Repeat this process three times. However, do not open your eyes the third time.
Now start moving the energy inside the whole body from the point between two eyebrows downward up to the toes and again up to the point between two eyebrows. Repeat this process three times. Where there is a problem in the body at a particular spot, there the energy should be rotated for a little longer time. Finish this process within 4 to 5 minutes and open the eyes by leaving the energy at the affected part of the body or at a point between two eyebrows. Then open the eyes slowly. This way, the ‘Siddha Shaktidata Yoga’ gets completed.
This Yoga may be performed with the minimum gap of an hour. The ‘Sankalp’ can be as per the need or ‘Sattvik Manokamna’.
2. Siddha Shaktidata yoga: For Others
The method for practicing ‘Siddha Shaktidata Yoga’ for others is explained as follows:
Material Required: ‘Shaktidata Photo’ of Dr. Swami Hardas and ‘Asana’.
Method: Sit comfortably on the ground over any piece of cloth or Asana. Hold the ‘Shaktidata Photo’ of Dr. Swami Hardas in any of the hands. Start looking continuously in the eyes of Swamiji and say a ‘Sankalp’ i.e. “Siddha Swami Siddha Shakti Deejiye, jisase … (Name of a person for whom this yoga is being practiced), ko Aarogya mile” (Siddha Swami Give Me Siddha Energy so that … gets Health) three times. Keep looking continuously for a few seconds and feel Swamiji is bestowing ‘Siddha energy’. Now, close your eyes for half a minute and establish it in between two eyebrows just above the nose on your forehead for half a minute. Repeat this process three times. However, do not open your eyes the third time.
Now transfer the energy imaginary to the point between two eyebrows on the forehead of a person to whom this yoga is being practiced, start moving the energy inside his/her whole body from the point between two eyebrows downward up to the toes and again up to the point between two eyebrows. Repeat this process three times. Where there is a problem in the body at a particular spot, there the energy should be rotated for a little longer time. Finish this process within 4 to 5 minutes and open the eyes by leaving the energy at the affected part of the body or at a point between the two eyebrows of the person to whom this yoga has been practiced. Then open the eyes slowly. This way, the ‘Siddha Shaktidata Yoga’ gets completed.
This yoga may be performed with the minimum gap of an hour. The ‘Sankalp’ can be as per the need or ‘Sattvik Manokamna’ of that person.
For solving problems related to finance, this ‘Siddha Shaktidata Yoga’ can also be effectively used. The energy should be moved/rotated in the place where money is stored or from where the money is expected.
Swayamsiddha yoga
This ‘Swayamsiddha Yoga’ is taught only by Dr. Swami Hardas, who himself makes ‘Celestial Siddha Shaktipat’. After completion of training of almost two hours, one achieves the capacity for solving the problems e.g.:
- Health – any bodily disease,
- Peace – anxiety, social anxiety, stress, depression, tension, hypertension, sleep disorders, sleepwalking, etc,
- Underdevelopment of wisdom,
- Loss of memory, and
- Progress – progress in all the fields, etc.
This is practiced only for the welfare of self and cannot be practiced for the welfare of others. Permanent energy is bestowed for performing this yoga. In case, it is not practiced regularly, it may be practiced twice during the preceding day to cover the lapse.
Instructions for practicing Siddha Shaktidata yoga
- The time needs for practicing this yoga is hardly five minutes, which can be any time after awakening from sleep and before going to bed.
- The restrictions like Direction, Aasan, Day, Time, Full Moon Day, Dark Moon Day, Muhoorth, Monthly Cycle, occasions like death – birth, etc need no attention.
- In case there is any disturbance during the practice of this yoga, do not worry, attend the commitment, finish the work and again start practicing from the beginning and complete the whole process.
- This yoga can be practiced sitting on the ground, sitting in a chair, standing, or even lying in the bed. Whatever the situation may be, but should be practiced regularly and daily.
There are no restrictions regarding the choice of food consumed. Bad things, bad habits, ugly behaviors get destroyed gradually and good habits get developed. Then the problems regarding health, peace, and progress also get gradually solved and the development of wisdom, fulfillment of good desires, etc starts taking place.
Siddha Kundalini yoga
‘Siddha Kundalini Yoga’ is taught only by Dr. Swami Hardas, who makes ‘Celestial Siddha Shaktipat’. After completion of training of almost two hours, one achieves success in life, develops spiritually, and achieves the ultimate aim of this human life i.e. enlightenment (Aatmoddhar). This is practiced only for the own welfare and cannot be practiced for the welfare of others.
Permanent energy is bestowed for performing this ‘Siddha Kundalini Yoga’. In case, it is not practiced regularly, it may be practiced twice during the preceding day to cover the lapse.
Instructions for practicing Siddha Kundalini Yoga
- The time needs for practicing this yoga is hardly five minutes, which can be practiced any time after awakening from sleep and before going to bed.
- The restrictions like Direction, Aasan, Day, Time, Full Moon Day, Dark Moon Day, Muhoorth, Monthly Cycle, occasions like death – birth, etc need no attention.
- In case there is any disturbance during the practice of this yoga, do not worry, attend the commitment, finish the work and again start practicing from the beginning and complete the whole process.
- This Yoga can be practiced sitting on the ground, sitting in a chair, standing or even lying in the bed. Whatever the situation may be, but should be practiced regularly and daily.
- There are no restrictions regarding the choice of the food consumed. Bad things, bad habits, ugly behaviors get destroyed gradually and good habits get developed. Then success in life, happiness, satisfaction, spiritual development like positive things are achieved and finally the ultimate aim i.e. enlightenment is experienced.
History of Siddha yoga
Dr. Swami Hardas, inventor and spiritual teacher was born on 21 Aug 1940 in the Maharashtra state of India. His spiritual life began in childhood. After graduation, he joined Indian Air Force and retired in 1975. On the commandment of Siddha Gorakshanath, he went through various penance. On getting the required guidance and pious Siddha energy from Lord Siddheshwar and Siddha Gorakshanath, he started serving people. This way, he got settled at Shaktidata, Pune, and constructed the Celestial Siddha Temple of Siddha Gorakshanth. As his visitors and devotees increased in number, the Siddha work spread not only in India but also in some other countries.
Death of Dr. Swami Hardas
Dr. Swami Hardas died on February 8, 2019, and his Samadhi was erected at Shaktidata, Pune on February 10, 2019, in the presence of thousands of his followers. Before, his death, he founded Shaktidata Trust by appointing some trustees and his pious Siddha work is still being carried out along with Siddha Yoga as a special division for solving people’s problems related to health, peace, and progress.
One of the trustees of Shaktidata Trust, Pune is being looked after Smt Nalini Gayke (Mayi), wife of Dr. Swami Hardas as per the constitution of the Trust. She is being supported by her children and grandchildren for keeping the pious Siddha work alive.
Moving online
In 2020, in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Mayi and her trained staff started speaking infrequently live online. As of 2022, disciples or devotees may visit the Shaktidata, Pune for seeking desired services or required training of Swami Hardas Life System, or to attend online training classes.
Frequently asked questions
Before posting your query, kindly go through them:
What is Siddha yoga?
Siddha Yoga has been invented and founded by Dr. Swami Hardas with the blessings of Lord Siddheshwar and Siddha Gorakshanath through hard penance of 201 days and mild penance of 435 days. The most important thing in this Siddha Yoga is that the human efforts get great support from ‘Siddha Energy’ and the work gets fulfilled within the shortest period. |
What is Kundalini yoga?
This yoga is celestial and gives knowledge of Brahma. Energy called Kundalini with the shape of a three and a half coil is situated in one of the chakras called Muladhar Chakra. This Kundalini is awakened with the guidance of Guru and by awakening all seven Chakras of the body. A person achieves all Ashta Siddhis and when the Kundalini reaches and meets Lord Shiva at the last Chakra of the body, a person becomes capable of getting Moksha. |
Can Siddha yoga be learned online?
In 2020, in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Mayi and her trained staff started speaking infrequently live online. Siddha yoga, as well as other healing methods also can be learned online. As of Feb 2022, disciples or devotees may visit the Shaktidata, Pune for seeking desired services or required training of Swami Hardas Life System, or to attend online training classes. |
My name is JayanthiRavinath I attend siddha class in Kampala during 2010 when Swami Haridas visited I am practising sakthidada yoga daily.I am very much satisfied.i want chennai address of your centre.I want to collect swamiharidas photo
Om Siddhay Namaha, Jayanthi. I hope, you’re doing well. You’re quite fortunate to have the blessings of Swami Hardas. Thanks for your enquiring about His photograph. Please browse the http://siddhaspirituality.comtraining page of this website. You will find the contact and names of the various centers and accordingly can ask for your requirements. In case, you don’t find useful information, contact directly to Shaktidata, Pune office so that they can send it by post. Thanks and take care!!
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