Stomach diseases
It is believed that the root cause of almost 90% of diseases is the stomach. Stomach diseases include various types of diseases. Learn the types, symptoms, causes, chronic disorders; treatments available in Medical science, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, and Naturopathy. Learning about Stomach disease & Siddha Energy Remedies would be quite easier (video explanations added) and beneficial to all. Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System has the capability to solve Stomach Diseases of all types even ulcer or alsar, stomach ache for kids, stomach bypass surgery without money and medicines. So read it thoroughly and know for how to gain stomach health.
Stomach diseases
Stomach diseases (or gastropathy) include:
- Gastritis
- Gastroparesis
- Diarrhea
- Crohn’s disease, and
- Various Cancers
The stomach is an important organ in the body. It plays a vital role in the digestion of foods, releases various enzymes and also protects the lower intestine from harmful organisms. The stomach connects to the esophagus above and to the small intestine below. It is intricately related to the pancreas, spleen, and liver. The stomach does vary in size but its J shape is constant. The stomach lies in the upper part of the abdomen just below the left rib cage.

Examples including the name gastropathy include portal hypertensive gastropathy and Ménétrier’s disease, also known as “hyperplastic hypersecretory gastropathy”. However, there are many other stomach diseases that don’t include the word “gastropathy” such as gastric or peptic ulcer disease, gastroparesis, and dyspepsia.
Many stomach diseases are associated with infection. Historically, it was widely believed that the highly acidic environment of the stomach would keep the stomach immune from infection. However, a large number of studies have indicated that most cases of stomach ulcers, gastritis, and stomach cancer are caused by Helicobacter pylori infection. Gastritis and stomach cancer can be caused by Helicobacter pylori infection.
Symptoms of chronic disorders
There are many types of chronic disorders which affect the stomach. However, since the symptoms are localized to this organ, the typical symptoms of stomach problems include:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Bloating
- Cramps
- Diarrhea, and
- Pain
- Indigestion
Disorders of the stomach are very common and induce a significant amount of morbidity and suffering in the population. Data from hospitals indicate that more than 25% of the population suffers from some type of chronic stomach disorder.
Types of stomach disorders
In the stomach, there is a slight balance between acid and the wall lining which is protected by mucus. When this mucus lining is disrupted for whatever reason, signs and symptoms of acidity result. This may result in:
- Upper abdominal pain
- Indigestion
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea
- Vomiting, and
- Heartburn
When the condition is allowed to progress, the pain may become continuous; blood may start to leak and be seen in the stools. If the bleeding is rapid and of adequate volume, it may even result in vomiting of bright red blood (hematemesis). Presence of blood in stools is often the first sign that there is a problem in the stomach.
Another very common long-term problem which is now more appreciated is gastroparesis. Gastroparesis affects millions of individuals and is often never suspected and most patients have a delay in diagnosis. Basically, in gastroparesis, the stomach motility disappears and food remains stagnant in the stomach. The most common cause of gastroparesis is diabetes but it can also occur from a blockage at the distal end of the stomach, cancer or a stroke. Symptoms of gastroparesis include:
- Abdominal pain
- Fullness
- Bloating
- Nausea
- Vomiting after eating food
- Loss of appetite, and
- Feeling of fullness after eating small amounts of food
During digestion, food is stored in the liquid present in the stomach. The food that is not digested travels to the large intestine and colon in liquid form. These organs begin to absorb the water turning the food into a more solid form. Different viruses or bacteria can increase the amount of liquid that is secreted and moves too quickly through the digestive tract for the water to be absorbed. Diarrhea comes in two types:
- Acute diarrhea, and
- Chronic diarrhea
The acute diagnosis can last for a few days up to a week of time. Chronic diarrhea lasts for several days or longer periods of time lasting a few weeks. The difference in diagnosis will help determine the cause of the illness.
Crohn’s disease
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that can affect any part of the digestive tract, even the stomach, although it’s a rare presentation. Its main feature is inflammatory ulcers that can affect the total thickness of the stomach wall and can bleed but rarely perforate. Symptoms include:
- Abdominal pain
- Loss of appetite, and
- Weight loss
Diarrhea is also a symptom that can develop, so checking stools for the appearance of blood is important. It is possible for symptoms of Crohn’s disease to remain with a person for weeks or go away on their own. Reporting the symptoms to a doctor is recommended to prevent further complications.
Cancers of the stomach are rare and the incidence has been declining worldwide. Stomach cancers usually occur due to fluctuations in acidity level and may present with vague symptoms of abdominal fullness, weight loss, and pain. The actual cause of stomach cancer is not known but has been linked to infection with Helicobacter pylori, pernicious anemia, Menetriere’s disease, and nitrogenous preservatives in food.
Causes of stomach diseases
Smoking has been linked to a variety of disorders of the stomach. Tobacco is known to stimulate acid production and impairs production of the protective mucus. This leads to the development of ulcers in the majority of smokers. Chronic stomach problems have also been linked to excess intake of alcohol. It has been shown that alcohol intake can cause stomach ulcer, gastritis, and even stomach cancer. Thus, avoidance of smoking and excess alcohol consumption can help prevent the majority of chronic stomach disorders.
One of the most causes of chronic stomach problems is the use of medications. Use of aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to treat various pain disorders can damage the lining of the stomach and cause ulcers. Other medications like narcotics can interfere with stomach emptying and cause bloating nausea, or vomiting.
Medical treatment for stomach diseases
The majority of chronic stomach problems are treated medically. However, there is evidence that a change in lifestyle may help. Even though there is no specific food responsible for causing chronic stomach problems, experts recommend eating a healthy diet which consists of fruits and vegetables. Lean meat should be limited. Moreover, people should keep a diary of foods that cause problems and avoid them. The medical treatments are as follows:
There are many tools for investigating stomach problems. The most common is endoscopy. This procedure is performed as an outpatient and utilizes a small flexible camera. The procedure does require intravenous sedation and takes about 30–45 minutes; the endoscope is inserted via the mouth and can visualize the entire swallowing tube, stomach, and duodenum. The procedure also allows the physician to obtain biopsy samples. In many cases of bleeding, the surgeon can use the endoscope to treat the source of bleeding with laser, clips or other injectable drugs.
X rays
Other radiological studies frequently used to assess patients with chronic stomach problems include a barium swallow, where a dye is consumed and pictures of the esophagus and stomach are obtained every few minutes. Other tests include a 24-hour pH study, CT scans or MRI.
Stomach bypass surgery
Gastric or Stomach bypass surgery refers to a surgical procedure in which the stomach is divided into a small upper pouch and a much larger lower “remnant” pouch and then the small intestine is rearranged to connect to both. Surgeons have developed several different ways to reconnect the intestine, thus leading to several different gastric / stomach bypass (GBP) procedures. Any GBP leads to a marked reduction in the functional volume of the stomach, accompanied by an altered physiological and physical response to food.
The operation is prescribed to treat morbid obesity (defined as a body mass index greater than 40), type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and other comorbid conditions. Bariatric surgery is the term encompassing all of the surgical treatments for morbid obesity, not just gastric bypasses, which make up only one class of such operations. The resulting weight loss, typically dramatic, markedly reduces comorbidities. The long-term mortality rate of gastric / stomach bypass surgery patients has been shown to be reduced by up to 40%. As with all surgery, complications may occur. A study from 2005 to 2006 revealed that 15% of patients experience complications as a result of gastric / stomach bypass surgery, and 0.5% of patients died within six months of surgery due to complications.
Stomach ache for kids
Your doctor will first ask you some questions, examine you for stomach ache, and maybe do some tests. Your doctor may suggest you take some medicine or might give you special instructions for eating to help your body heal the stomach ache for kids.
If the doctor suspects you might have appendicitis, he or she may want to take a small sample of your blood and have it tested. Or, the doctor may ask you to have an X-ray, ultrasound, or CAT scan. These tests give the doctor more information about what’s going on inside you. If it turns out that you have appendicitis, you will need an operation called an appendectomy.
If stress seems to be causing your stomach problems, your doctor may recommend a specialist, such as a psychologist. These experts can help kids figure out the source of the stress and help them come up with some ideas for how to fix the stomach ache for kids or handle them better.
If you’d like to prevent stomach ache in kids, here are some good tips to follow:
- Don’t overeat
- Eat fiber-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, so your bowel movements are regular
- Drink lots of fluids, especially water
- Wash your hands before eating
- Don’t eat right before bedtime
- Get lots of sleep so your body doesn’t get run down
If you suspect stomach ace in kids exists, be sure to let your doctor know what’s going on!
Ayurveda for stomach diseases
Let it be indigestion, bloating, acid reflux, diarrhea, or constipation, Ayurveda says your kitchen has the answer. In Ayurveda, Agni (fire) is viewed as the source of life. It’s literally the gatekeeper of good health and a metaphor for all metabolic functions in the body. Everything you eat is looked upon as an offering to Agni (fire) and what’s a more potent, direct offering than food? What you eat can nourish and strengthen this fire, boosting your digestive system or it can smother it, leading to an impaired, weakened, or imbalanced Agni, the fire.
According to Ayurveda, harmful foods, such as fried foods, processed meats, and very cold foods, can create undigested residue that forms toxins, which is the root cause of disease. So, the health goal is to balance this metabolic fire. When it comes to good eating habits, here’s the best advice most Ayurvedic practitioners give:
- Eat only when hungry
- Observe gap of at least three hours between each meal so that previous meal is digested
- Avoid smothering Agni with cold, wet, spicy, oily, and fried food
A diet of light simple foods is the best. Alkalis help regulate this gastric fire. Ghee (purified butter) stimulates Agni and improves digestion. Proper chewing is essential to good digestion.
Homeopathy for stomach diseases
Indigestion, nausea, vomiting, or an upset stomach can affect anyone and sometimes strike without warning. Whether you’re at home or out and about, homeopathy can help relieve these symptoms and restore your health.
Consider the following remedies when treating indigestion, nausea, or vomiting:
- Antimonium crudum: vomit right after eating or drinking and overeating or eating an indigestible substance
- Arsenicum: cannot bear sight or smell of food; burning pains in abdomen relieved by heat
- Bryonia: stomach feels heavy after eating and burps taste bitter, stitching, tearing pains, and vomiting
- Carbo vegetabilis: gas and belching about 30 minutes after eating
- Chamomilla: bitter taste in mouth and indigestion after a fit of anger or irritability
- Colocynthis: severe cutting abdominal pain causing the person to double up, or indignation
- Ignatia: rumbling in the bowels, sour belching, and craves food that doesn’t agree with them
- Ipecac: constant and continual nausea, intestinal pains and tongue clean etc
- Phosphorus: similar to Arsenicum (vomiting, diarrhea, burning pains, anxiety, and vomiting etc)
- Pulsatilla: heartburn, queasiness, dry mouth with bad taste, and a sense of heaviness after eating etc
- Veratrum album: a person feels cold to touch, cold sweat, and especially on the forehead etc
Naturopathy for stomach diseases
Your digestive system is one of the most important systems in your whole body – if your body cannot properly digest and absorb nutrients and eliminate waste products, then it’s nearly impossible to achieve optimal health. Proper gut function is critical to addressing what can be seemingly unrelated conditions. If your gut is not happy, your body is not happy.
When something goes wrong during the process of digestion, it often affects not just your gut, but also your immune, hormonal and nervous systems. Even if you eat an ideal diet, you may have impaired nutrient absorption and energy production and digestive issues can furthermore lead to the development of inflammation and allergies.
Health insurance
Health insurance is insurance, being an integral part of our precious life, which covers the whole or a part of the risk of a person incurring medical expenses. This spreads the risk over a large number of persons. By estimating the overall risk of health care and health system expenses over the risk pool. An insurer can develop a routine finance structure, such as a monthly premium or payroll tax, to provide the money to pay for the health care benefits specified in the insurance policy.
According to the Health Insurance Association of America, health insurance is defined as coverage that provides for the payments of benefits as a result of sickness or injury. It includes insurance for losses from accident, medical expense, disability, or accidental death and dismemberment. On the same pattern, the Association of Healthcare Providers (India) also has the vision to have a healthy India, encompassing society, community and common man at the grass root. Health insurance can always be preferred from a most reliable company to secure our future.
Siddha Energy Remedies without money & medicines
1. Siddha Preventive Measures
Everybody must practice preventive measures, whether healthy or not. As a matter of fact, Siddha Preventive Measures are primary steps for switching on to any other Siddha Energy Remedies. It helps in one’s capability, effectiveness, productivity, decision making power, intellectuality and removing minor health problems. Earthing, Field Cleaning, and Siddha Brain Exercise/Energizing are three types of preventive measures. Please refer to the page, where it has been explained through video also.
2. Siddha Shaktidata Yog
3. Siddha Kalyan Sadhana
Siddha Kalyan Sadhana is recited with a Sankalp“My Stomach Disease Problems Be Solved As Early As Possible And I Should Gain Health” should be said in mind 3 – 3 times every after each stanza. It is quite effective and favorable for all. Any person irrespective of caste, creed, religion, faith, sex, and age can recite this Sadhana, which should be recited at least twice in a day. For further details, please read…
4. CCPE products
These products work on the concepts of ‘Conceptual Creative Positive Energy’ (CCPE) within the provisions of ‘CCPE Life System’ and the theory of Quantum Technology to a certain extent. However, the products get activated only whenever touched by a human and then they become capable of solving the problem and achieving health. This is one of the most effective Siddha Energy Remedies for the persons, who could not undergo training of Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System.
How to use these products for Stomach Diseases
How to use these products for solving problems related to Stomach Diseases? The uses are simple. The procedure is mentioned below, start practicing them for overcoming Stomach Diseases and achieve health as mentioned below:
CCPE Extractor
The CCPE Extractor should be gently moved over the Agya Chakra in a circular motion at least for 30 to 60 seconds, which will convert negativity into positivity. Thereafter, follow the same process on the stomach for another 30 to 60 seconds. Thus the process of using extractor finishes within almost 2 minutes.

CCPE Booster
Keep one Booster over the Agya Chakra and another over the on the stomach for 3 to 5 minutes. You may need to have 2 Boosters and thus the process finishes within almost 3 – 5 minutes, which establishes positivity.

Wrapping boosters in a thin cloth and tying on the stomach overnight to achieve faster results is permissible but after the use of Extractor as explained above. This will help in the conversion of negativity into positivity in required quantity and result in achieving faster results for restoring stomach health.
5. UAM for stomach diseases
UAM (Understanding, Awakening & Movement): It is a unique process which can be applied by the persons who have undergone training. One should have attended a minimum age of 18 years to avail of this opportunity. A desirous person can undergo this process irrespective of caste, creed, religion, faith, and sex. Trained persons can follow the tips explained below:
- Gastritis: UAM, Sight healing, CCPE products, and Distant healing
- Gastroparesis: UAM, Sight healing, CCPE products, and Distant healing
- Diarrhea: UAM, Sight healing, CCPE products, and Distant healing
- Crohn’s disease: UAM, Sight healing, CCPE products, and Distant healing
- Cancer: UAM, Sight healing, CCPE products, and Distant healing
Apart from the health-related problems, we have some other problems related to peace and progress. There are various reasons behind the problems, but effective Siddha Energy Remedies would help solve them. You may also like to read about Agriculture, Education, Vastu, Addiction for the gain of peace and progress in the life.
In conclusion to the above, I am confident that you have learned the basics of what is Stomach Diseases, the types, symptoms, and causes. As a bonus, you also learned treatments available in Medical science, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, and most successful Siddha Energy Remedies to solve stomach diseases of all types even ulcer or alsar, stomach ache for kids, stomach bypass surgery without money and medicines. Now its right time to use acquired knowledge for solving problems related to all types of stomach diseases. The sufferers know, how painful stomach diseases are!
Forthcoming article
These articles are a series of health-related problems. We shall continue discussing the different diseases, under the main category of health. However, my forthcoming article will be published covering one of the most complicated diseases about “Stomach ache in kids and Siddha Energy Remedies Without Money & Medicines”.
Meanwhile, if you liked this article, please don’t hesitate to comment and share with your friends, family members, relatives, and needy persons so that in conclusion, they also will be benefited. The feedback received from some of you helped me resulting to gain more confidence. Keep practicing the methods, which would solve problems with Siddha Energy Remedies and resulting in a gain of health because Health is real Wealth. You may please contact following for any help or guidance:
Siddha Nagar, S. No. 50/7, Old Mundhawa Road, Wadgaonsheri, PUNE – 414 014 (India)
Phone No: 8956891650, 8956891651
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