Spondylosis is the most challenging and trouble-giving disease. We shall learn types, symptoms, causes, diagnosis; treatments available in Medical science, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga and spondylosis cervical exercises for the neck, etc. Also learning and practicing Siddha Energy Remedies sitting at home would be quite easier, convenient, and beneficial mostly to the sufferers. Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System has the capability to solve Spondylosis problems without money and medicines. So read it thoroughly and repeatedly for the gain of Spondylosis health.
Spondylosis Definition
Spondylosis refers to a degenerative process affecting the vertebral disc and facet joints, which gradually develops with age. A common form of spondylosis is cervical spondylosis (sometimes called neck arthritis) in which the facet joints in the neck become enlarged and causes the ligaments around the spinal canal to thicken and bone spurs to form. The chronic compression can lead to damage to the spinal cord, causing symptoms such as weakness and numbness in the upper extremities, impaired walking ability, and radicular arm pain.
Types of Spondylosis
Spondylosis is classified into different types depending on the area of the spine that is affected as:
1. Spondylosis cervical – Any changes taking place in your neck region is called spondylosis cervical or cervical spondylitis. With age and repetitive usage, the discs in the neck become more brittle and lead to symptoms like pain and stiffness in the neck.
2. Thoracic spondylosis – Pain in the acidic region or upper or middle back region is termed as thoracic pain. This leads to symptoms like pain and stiffness in the middle back, numbness in hands, legs, and feet.
3. Lumbar spondylosis – Degeneration of spine in the lower back region is termed as lumbar spondylosis. People with this type of spondylosis experiences symptoms like loss of mobility in the spine, pain during physical activities like walking, standing, and sitting.
4. Multilevel spondylosis – when degeneration takes place in more than one region then it is termed as multilevel spondylosis. This leads to symptoms like severe chronic pain in the neck, hands and legs, muscle weakness, loss of balance and so on.
Spondylosis is the degeneration of the spinal column from any cause. In the more narrow sense, it refers to spinal osteoarthritis, the age-related wear, and tear of the spinal column. This is the most common cause of spondylosis. The degenerative process in osteoarthritis chiefly affects the vertebral bodies.
When the space between two adjacent vertebrae narrows, compression of a nerve root emerging from the spinal cord may result in sensory and motor disturbances, such as severe pain in the neck, shoulder, arm, back, or leg, accompanied by muscle weakness.
Less commonly, direct pressure on the spinal cord may result in myelopathy, characterized by:
- Global weakness
- Gait dysfunction
- Loss of balance
- Loss of bowel or bladder control. Experience shocks in hands and legs because of nerve compression
- Lack of blood flow.
If vertebrae of the neck are involved it is labeled cervical spondylosis. Lower back spondylosis is labeled lumbar spondylosis.
Symptoms of Spondylosis
A severe but rare complication of this disease is vertebrobasilar insufficiency. This is a result of the vertebral artery becoming occluded as it passes up in the transverse foramen. The spinal joints become stiff in cervical spondylosis. Thus the chondrocytes which maintain the disc become deprived of nutrition and die. The weakened disc bulges and grows out as a result of incoming osteophytes.
Causes of Spondylosis
- Constant abnormal pressure on the spine
- Joint subluxation
- Stress-induced by sports
- Acute and/or repetitive trauma, or poor posture
- Abnormal stress
- Weight distribution
- Poor postures
- Loss of the normal spinal curves
- At any age; however, older people are more susceptible
Diagnosis of Spondylosis
Multiple techniques used in the diagnosis of spondylosis are:
- Cervical Compression Test
- Lhermitte sign
- CT scans
Spondylosis Treatment
Treatment is usually conservative in nature. Patient education on lifestyle modifications, chiropractic, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and:
- Physical therapy and osteopathic care are common forms of manual care that help manage such conditions
- Other alternative therapies such as massage
- Trigger-point therapy
- Yoga and acupuncture may be of limited benefit
It has been argued, however, that the cause of spondylosis is simply old age. Even though it can present at any age. The posture modification treatment is often practiced by those who have a financial interest such as Worker’s Compensation in proving that it is caused by work conditions and poor physical habits. Understanding anatomy is the key to conservative management of spondylosis.
Current surgical procedures used to treat spondylosis aim to alleviate the signs and symptoms of the disease by decreasing pressure in the spinal canal and/or by controlling spine movement (fusion surgery):
Decompression surgery: The vertebral column can be operated on from both an anterior and posterior approach. The approach varies depending on the site and cause of root compression. Osteophytes and portions of the intervertebral disc are removed.
Fusion surgery: Performed when there is evidence of spinal instability or mal-alignment. Use of instrumentation (such as pedicle screws) in fusion surgeries varies across studies.
Health insurance
Health insurance is insurance, being an integral part of our precious life, which covers the whole or a part of the risk of a person incurring medical expenses. This spreads the risk over a large number of persons. By estimating the overall risk of health care and health system expenses over the risk pool, an insurer can develop a routine finance structure, such as a monthly premium or payroll tax, to provide the money to pay for the health care benefits specified in the insurance policy.
According to the Health Insurance Association of America, health insurance is defined as coverage that provides for the payments of benefits as a result of sickness or injury. It includes insurance for losses from accident, medical expense, disability, or accidental death and dismemberment. On the same pattern, the Association of Healthcare Providers (India) also has the vision to have a healthy India, encompassing society, community and common man at the grass root. Health insurance can always be preferred from a most reliable company to secure our future.
Ayurveda for Spondylosis
Ayurveda treatment of Spondylosis comprises of medicines, exercises, and therapies, including those in the Panchakarma genre. Therapies like Podikkizhi, Ilakkizhi, Kativasthi, Tailadhara, Nhavarakkizhi, and Vasthi are used in Ayurveda.
Homeopathy for Spondylosis
Homeopathy is highly suggested for spondylosis, it reduces pain and stiffness. This is the major advantage of homeopathy and it uses natural remedies, which are safe and free from adverse side effects. Homeocare International offers Constitutional Homeopathy treatment for spondylosis and improves your quality of life by controlling pain and stiffness. The expertise homeopaths not only suggest most effective and suitable remedies but also suggest few exercises and lifestyle changes for quick recovery.
Naturopathy for Spondylosis
Recently, awareness concerning cervix ailments has gained prominence with so many television commercials, emphasizing the need to strengthen bones both in woman and men. Hectic lifestyle coupled with inaccurate posture for a prolonged span of time results in chronic ailments, such as cervical spondylosis.
This is a degenerative clinical condition that makes changes in the spinal discs, neck joints as well the bones. Previous reports highlight that it is prevalent in 90 percent of people over the age of 65. However, today latest researches confirm that it can happen to people below that age group as well.
Yoga for Spondylosis
Yoga gurus from India later introduced Yoga to the West, following the success of Swami Vivekananda in the late 19th and early 20th century. In the 1980s, Yoga became popular as a system of physical exercise across the Western world. Yoga in Indian traditions, however, is more than physical exercise; it has a meditative and spiritual core too.
Many studies have tried to determine the effectiveness of Yoga as a complementary intervention for cancer, schizophrenia, asthma, and heart disease. The results of these studies have been mixed and inconclusive. On December 1, 2016, Yoga was listed by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage. You may like to see a video of Pantajali Yoga demonstrating cervical spondylosis.
Spondylosis cervical exercises
Neck pain medically termed as ‘cervical spondylosis’, has become a common problem, experienced by most of us at some point in our lives. It is an age-related medical problem, mostly seen above the age of 40. A modern lifestyle that can involve long working hours and lack of both exercise and rest is causing people to suffer from neck pain at a much younger age. Types of exercises for Cervical Spondylosis are as follows:
- Neck Flexion and Extension – Drop and Raise
- Head Tilt toward left and right side – Neck Rotation
- Neck Retraction
- Shoulder Rolls
- Neck Extension
- Neck Flexion
- Side Bending
- Neck Stretching – right and left side
In view of the above, if one finds such symptoms, causes are appropriate then approach a doctor/specialist for a proper diagnosis if desired, and follow their advice. Meanwhile, learn and practice Siddha Energy Remedies immediately. Siddha Spirituality does not compel for the diagnosis since it is capable of solving health-related problems without money and medicines.
Siddha Energy Remedies for Spondylosis
Spondylosis and even associated problems can be solved successfully with Siddha Energy Remedies for achieving health. Please read about how to solve the problems with Siddha Energy Remedies:
1. Siddha Preventive Measures for Spondylosis
Everybody must practice preventive measures, whether healthy or not. As a matter of fact, Siddha Preventive Measures are primary steps for switching on to any other Siddha Energy Remedies. It helps in one’s capability, effectiveness, productivity, decision making power, intellectuality and removing minor health problems. Earthing, Field Cleaning, and Siddha Brain Exercise/Energizing are three types of preventive measures:
Stand erect raising heels from the ground, raise both the hands in the air, and open up all the fingers. Now bring hands downward in a circular motion and touch the ground with the tips of fingers. Stay for 30 to 60 seconds in the same position and come back slowly to the original position.
Do this only once soon after waking up in the morning and before leaving the bedroom. In case, Spondylosis affected person is unable to bend due to spondylosis pain, such persons can touch the tips of fingers to the wall.
Field cleaning
Stand erect on flat feet. Keep the palm of both the hands over the head and slowly bring down toward the ground, as close as to the body but not touching any part/portion. Thus, touch the ground with flat palms of the hands. Stay for 30 to 60 seconds in this same position and come back slowly to the original position.
Do it soon after performing the earthing exercise, as mentioned above. Repeat this process twice. In case, Spondylosis affected person is unable to bend due to spondylosis pain, such persons can touch the palms to the wall.
Siddha Brain Exercise/Energizing:
Step 1: Apply little coconut oil or any suitable oil to the tips of all the 10 fingers of both hands and do massage with the tips for almost two minutes. Wait for a few seconds. There is no compulsion of applying oil to hair/head.
Step 2: Now, open all the fingers of your hands, place them over the forehead and drag them slowly with little pressure up to the lower portion of the small brain. Do this at least 8 to 10 times. Wait for a few seconds. Be aware of your nails, which should not become a cause for damaging your head-skin.
Step 3: At this moment, the head should be bent and brought below the level of the heart. Wait there for almost 1 minute and slowly come to a normal position. Do this 3 times. Practice it two times a day, after taking a bath and before going to bed.
Kindly note that the benefits achieved by regular practice of Siddha Brain Exercise are praiseworthy and astonishing. Regular practice of Siddha Brain Exercise energizes neurotransmitters, improve blood flow to the brain, help solve minor health problems, and increase memory, even controls hair-fall, and dandruff, etc. So, practice and avail the benefits.
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2. Siddha Shaktidata Yog for Spondylosis
Material Required
Shaktidata Photo of Dr. Swami Hardas and Aasan. The Shaktidata Photo of Dr. Swami Hardas may be of calendar size or passport size. Now let’s know the Method:
Dr. Swami Hardas – Inventor & Founder
Sit comfortably on the ground over any piece of cloth or Aasan. Hold the Shaktidata Photo in any one of the hands. Start looking continuously in the eyes of Swamiji and say a Sankalp:
“Siddha Swami Give Me Siddha Energy so that I get Health,” say three times. Keep looking continuously for a few seconds and feel/imagine Swamiji is bestowing ‘Siddha Energy’. Now, close eyes for half a minute and establish received Siddha Energy in between two eyebrows (just above the nose on the forehead i.e. Agya Chakra) for half a minute. Repeat this process three times.
However, do not open eyes the third time. Now start moving the energy in a circular motion inside the whole body visualizing all the organs. Repeat this process nine times. Rotation of the energy should be for a little longer time at a spine (at neck for cervical spondylosis, back for thoracic spondylosis, lower back for lumbar spondylosis, and multi-points of the spine for multilevel spondylosis). Finish this process within 3 minutes.
Open the eyes by leaving the energy either at the Agya Chakra or where the problem lies i.e. spine. The opening of the eyes should be slow. Thus, you will surely achieve health as far as Spondylosis is concerned.
3. Siddha Kalyan Sadhana for spondylosis
Recite Siddha Kalyan Sadhana with the Sankalp i.e “My Spondylosis & Associated Problems Be Solved As Early As Possible And I Should Gain Health” should be said in mind 3 – 3 times every after each stanza. It is quite effective and favorable for all. Any person irrespective of caste, creed, religion, faith, sex, and age can recite this Sadhana, which should be recited at least twice in a day. For further details, please read…
4. CCPE products for spondylosis
These products work on the concepts of ‘Conceptual Creative Positive Energy’ (CCPE) within the provisions of ‘CCPE Life System’ and the theory of Quantum Technology to a certain extent. However, the products get activated only whenever touched by a human and then they become capable of solving the problem and achieving health. This is one of the most effective Siddha Energy Remedies for the persons, who could not undergo training of Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System.
How to use these products for Spondylosis
How to use these products for solving Spondylosis problems? The uses are simple. The procedure is mentioned below, start practicing them for overcoming Spondylosis and achieve health as mentioned below:
CCPE Extractor
The CCPE Extractor should be gently moved over the Agya Chakra in a circular motion at least for 30 to 60 seconds, which will convert negativity into positivity. Thereafter, follow the same process on the spine for another 30 to 60 seconds on the point(s) e.g. at neck for cervical spondylosis, back for thoracic spondylosis, lower back for lumbar spondylosis, and multi-points of the spine for multilevel spondylosis whatever the case may be. Thus the process of using extractor finishes within almost 2 minutes.

CCPE Booster
Keep one Booster over the Agya Chakra and another over the on the spine (at neck for cervical spondylosis, back for thoracic spondylosis, lower back for lumbar spondylosis, and multi-points of the spine for multilevel spondylosis) for 3 to 5 minutes. You may need to have 2 Boosters and thus the process finishes within almost 3 – 5 minutes, which establishes positivity.

Wrapping boosters in a thin cloth and tying on the spine (at neck for cervical spondylosis, back for thoracic spondylosis, lower back for lumbar spondylosis, and multi-points of the spine for multilevel spondylosis) overnight to achieve faster results is permissible but after the use of Extractor as explained above. This will help in the conversion of negativity into positivity in required quantity and result in achieving faster results for restoring spondylosis health.
5. UAM for Spondylosis
UAM (Understanding, Awakening & Movement): It is a unique process which can be applied by the persons who have undergone training. One should have attended a minimum age of 18 years to avail of this opportunity. A desirous person can undergo this process irrespective of caste, creed, religion, faith, and sex.
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However, some of the tips for trained persons are mentioned below as guidance:
- Cervical spondylosis, the point is at the neck, and the type of remedy is UAM
- Thoracic spondylosis, the point is on the back, and the remedy is UAM and Levelling
- Lumbar spondylosis, the point is at the lower back, and the remedy is UAM
- Multilevel spondylosis, the point is on located multi-points, and the remedy is UAM and Leveling
- All types of spondylosis and the remedy is Siddha Charger/Booster Powder to be applied to both the palms for applying UAM/Leveling
- CCPE Extractor and CCPE Booster can also be utilized for all types of spondylosis
- Sight Healers can also apply Sight healing for all types of spondylosis
- Distant Healers also can also apply distant healing for all types of spondylosis
Apart from the health-related problems, we have some other problems related to peace and progress. There are various reasons behind the problems, but effective Siddha Energy Remedies would help solve them. You may also like to read about Agriculture, Education, Vastu, Addiction for the gain of peace and progress in life.
In conclusion to the above, I am confident that you have learned the basics of what is Spondylosis, the types, symptoms, causes, diagnosis of spondylosis. As a bonus, you also learned treatments available in Medical science, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, and most successful Siddha Energy Remedies without money and medicines. Now its right time to use acquired knowledge for solving problems related to all types of spondylosis. The sufferers know, how painful spondylosis is!
Forthcoming article
These articles are a series of health-related problems. We shall continue discussing the different diseases, under the main category of health. However, my forthcoming article will be published covering one of the most complicated diseases about “Stomach Disease and Siddha Energy Remedies”.
Meanwhile, if you liked this article, please don’t hesitate to comment and share with your friends, family members, relatives, and needy persons so that in conclusion, they also will be benefited. The feedback received from some of you helped me resulting to gain more confidence. Keep practicing the methods, which would solve problems with Siddha Energy Remedies and resulting in a gain of health because it is our real wealth.
Please remember that a desirous person irrespective of caste, creed, religion, faith, and sex can undergo this process. In case, any help is required, you may contact on the following address for more information, additionally, you can also inquire about the availability of the Siddha Shaktidata Photo and CCPE Products:
Siddha Nagar, S. No. 50/7, Old Mundhawa Road, Wadgaonsheri, PUNE – 414 014 (India)
Phone No: 8956891650, 8956891651
E-MAIL: drswamihardas@hotmail.com, WEBSITE: www.shf.net.in
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