Swami Hardas Life System (SHLS) is the scientific and spiritual heritage of India. It is even much better than today’s science and technology. It is very clear that in ancient days, how those great people could develop such a high and permanent forever truth. Taking into consideration of actual conditions, health, mental problems, sufferings, etc; today’s utmost need of the time is to have such a system that can suit every person and help gain health, peace, and progress. Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System feels the need to introduce Swami Hardas Life System (SHLS) – a great invention of Dr. Swami Hardas, to our valuable readers for well-being.
What is Swami Hardas Life System (SHLS)?
In simple words, SHLS is a pious and energy-based simple technique for solving problems related to health, peace, and progress. This unique system of life works only when a person undergoes training and unique celestial Siddha Shaktipat. The methods are so simple and effective that any person irrespective of religion, caste, creed, faith, sex, education, and age can learn and practice the methods instantly for the well-being of self, family, friends, animals, plants, and even inanimates to a certain extent. This unique method since has been invented by Dr. Swami Hardas, it has been named as Swami Hardas Life System.
In ancient times for the same Lord Shiva alias, Siddheshwar ordered Gorakshanath – a prominent Nath among Navnath – to provide guidance and easy solutions to the problems and sufferings of the common man with the help of the graceful, divine form of scientific and spiritual heritage.
The work, as desired by Lord Shiva, performed by Gorakshanath in the divine graceful form is known as ‘Siddha Gorakshanath’. Later the same work is being performed by Siddha Gorakshanath through Dr. Swami Hardas, which is explained as follows:
Siddheshwar gave power and advice to Siddha Gorakshanath.
Siddha Gorakshanath gave blessings and guidance to Swami Hardas.
Swami Hardas then studied, struggled, and carried out Sadhana, and various experiments for more than 50 years. Carried out celestial penance under the able guidance and control of Siddha Gorakshanath i.e. first hard penance of 201 days and second mild penance of 435 days.
Swami Hardas Life System: Achievement
Like this, Swami Hardas Life System is the graceful, divine form of the scientific and spiritual heritage of India. Hence it is divine, graceful, permanent real truth for making life successful in today’s conditions and hence is most powerful and result-oriented.
Detailed study of holy books
Dr. Swami Hardas has done a detailed study of the following holy books, carried out several experiments, and formed the system known as the ‘Swami Hardas Life System’:
(1) Veda: There are four Vedas i.e. Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samveda, and Atharvaveda, and are not created by humans.
(2) Upveda: There are four Upveda i.e. Ayurveda, Dharmaveda, Gandharvveda, and Arthaveda.
(3) Vedang: There are six Vedang i.e. Siksha Vedang, Kala Vedang, Vyakaran Vedang, Nirukt Vedang, Jyotish Vedang, and Chhand Vedang.
(4) Nyay: There are two Nyay i.e. Nyay and Vaisheshik.
(5) Mimansa: There are two Mimansa i.e. Poorva Mimansa, and Uttar Mimansa.
(6) Dharm Shastra: There are mainly three Dharm Shastra i.e. Mahabharat–Ramayan, Vaishnav Mantra–Shivtantradi Mantra, and Sankhya–Yog (Patanjali Yoga).
(7) Purana: There are 18 Purana, which include:
- Purana,
- Padma Purana,
- Vaishnav Purana,
- Shaiv Purana,
- Bhagwat Purana,
- Nardiya Purana,
- Markendey Purana,
- Agni Purana,
- Bhavishya Purana,
- Brahma Shaivartak Purana,
- Ling Purana, Varah Purana,
- Skandh Purana,
- Waman Purana,
- Kurma Purana,
- Bhatsya Purana,
- Garud Purana, and
- Brahmanda Purana.
The practical, result-oriented Swami Hardas Life System is the form of divine and graceful energy. This system makes the life journey most successful.
SHLS is very easy to understand, and very simple to adopt in actual life. Practical application of the system gives realization resulting in achieving health, peace, progress, glory, and divine peace e.g. Aatmananda, Aatmoddhar in actual life.
Swami Hardas Life System: Specialization
Aims of Swami Hardas Life System
The aims of Swami Hardas Life System include:
- Health and Peace to all and Progress of all,
- Making Life Glorious, and
- Achieving Divine Peace (Aatmananda, Aatmoddhar).
The base of Swami Hardas Life System
The base of Swami Hardas Life System includes:
- Selfless Service,
- Good Deed,
- Humanity, and
- Research.
The effective area of Swami Hardas Life System
The areas of affectivity of Swami Hardas Life System include:
- Whole humanity including animals, birds, and to a certain extent inanimates.
- All the subjects of life and concerning life.
Services offered by Swami Hardas Life System
The social services are offered for the benefit of mankind by the following organizations:
(1) Shaktidata Charitable Trust: Help and guidance to all.
(2) Glorious World Organization: For countries other than India.
(3) Health & Peace Foundation: India and other countries with the help of the Glorious World Organization.
(4) Swami Hardas Charitable Trust: For countries based on Indian Culture. Service imparted about ‘Siddha Marg’.
(5) Siddha Mandir: Holy place at Shaktidata, Pune (India).
(6) Glorious Life Services: Personal attention and services.
Swami Hardas Life System: Methods
There are four main methods of SHLS, which include:
(1) Siddha Marg: It is based on Indian Mythology hence is for the believers of Indian Culture.
(2) Siddha Science: It is not based on any religion and hence is for all human beings.
(3) Siddha Technology: It is a combination of Siddha Marg and Siddha Science and is most effective and hence is for all human beings.
(4) Sish Technology: It is purely non-religious and hence specifically developed for people from countries other than India.
Siddha Marg
It is the graceful divine form of the great scientific and spiritual heritage of India and hence is most suitable for the persons born and brought up with Indian Culture or for the persons who believe in it. Siddha Marg is most suitable for the following reasons:
- Solving the problems,
- Fulfilling good wishes,
- Improving quality and status of life, and
- Achieving peace, divine peace i.e. Aatmananda, Aatmoddhar.
The methods of Siddha remedies are very simple and can be easily adopted in actual life, which can be easily made glorious.
The training of Siddha Marg is imparted to desired devotees at Siddha Mandir, Shaktidata, Pune (India). Nowadays, due to COVID-19, provision of training is also available on-line.
Siddha Science
Siddha Science is the golden, divine, graceful derivation of the scientific and spiritual heritage of India. This is a new invention and development, which has given a most powerful and wonderful turn to modern science and technology. The results achieved are like science and even beyond science, which are astonishing and unbelievable. This is widely being used by millions of people all over India.
Siddha science is the science of practical realization hence it is not possible by reading books and listening to lectures and hence at least practical basic training is the only way to understand, and realize energy and capacity. Interested people can even go to learn ‘advanced’ applications. The practical application of Siddha Science is also called ‘Sish Technology’.
The training of Siddha Marg is imparted to desired devotees at Siddha Mandir, Shaktidata, Pune (India). Nowadays, due to COVID-19, provision of training is also available on-line.
Siddha Technology
It is a combination of Siddha Marg and Siddha Science, which is called ‘Siddha Technology’. It is largely used by most people and the results are wonderful, astonishing, surprising.
Siddha Technology is the science of practical realization hence it is not possible by reading books and listening to lectures and hence at least practical basic training is the only way to understand, and realize energy and capacity.
The training of Siddha Marg is imparted to desired devotees at Siddha Mandir, Shaktidata, Pune (India). Nowadays, due to COVID-19, provision of training is also available on-line.
Sish Technology
Sish Technology is universal; any person irrespective of caste, creed, religion, and sex can learn, adapt, practice, and achieve benefits, which would create miracles.
The training of Siddha Marg is imparted to desired devotees at Siddha Mandir, Shaktidata, Pune (India). Nowadays, due to COVID-19, provision of training is also available on-line.
SHLS: Coverage and Capabilities
Swami Hardas Life System covers a whole range of problems of actual life, which include:
(1) It brings the body to a neutral, ideal, and positive state and helps maintain stability throughout life.
- Preventive, promotive, and curative.
- Physical, psychological, and social.
- Normal, complicated, incurable to a great extent.
- It covers human beings, animals, birds, and to a certain extent inanimates.
- Not only heals the physical body but also heals the astral body hence imparting permanent and nearly permanent relief.
- Covers all the subjects of life, health, peace, progress e.g. agriculture, education, de-addiction, Vastu, and many others.
Hence, Swami Hardas Life System covers all the subjects of life and concerning life.
(2) Swami Hardas Life System is the cheapest in the world given the following factors:
- Training, guidance, and services as much as possible are free.
- All the problems related to health can be solved effectively without medicines and money hence is free or maybe negligible expenses in certain cases.
- Peace can be achieved and maintained without expenses or with negligible cost.
- Quality, quantity, and productivity in agriculture can be increased without or with meager expenses.
- De-addiction of addicted persons is very much feasible.
- No infrastructure, equipment, or medicines are required to implement the Swami Hardas Life System.
Hence Swami Hardas Life System is the cheapest in the world.
Simplest in the world
(3) Swami Hardas Life System is the simplest in the world. Any person of common understanding, even an illiterate person, can learn, understand, adopt, and practice this method in a few hours and use it effectively to solve their own problems independently and others’ problems, anywhere and any time.
Hence everyone in the world can be made healthy and capable of solving problems related to life.
(4) Swami Hardas Life System is totally harmless for the following reasons:
- Cannot be misused,
- No side effects are experienced, and
- Safest.
Hence Swami Hardas Life System is totally harmless.
Covers a whole range of humanity
(5) It covers the whole range of humanity due to the following factors:
- Poor, poorest people can avail of full benefits.
- A person irrespective of religion, caste, creed, faith, sex, and status can avail of the benefits.
- A person can avail of benefits without any human restrictions.
- It can be applied to achieve health, peace, and progress of humans, animals, birds, Vastu, etc.
Hence it covers all the range of life.
Most result-oriented
(6) SHLS is most efficient and result-oriented due to the following factors:
- The diagnosis is not required, hence time is saved and mistakes avoided,
- The problems solved are within the shortest time,
- The health problems ranging from common to non-curable diseases are effectively solved, and
- The problems related to progress are effectively solved, where there is no treatment or remedy in any of the prevailing methods.
Hence Swami Hardas Life System is efficient and result-oriented.
SHLS: Philosophy
Swami Hardas Life System is most result-oriented and it covers all the aspects of actual life, which include:
The materialistic world is very important. The main elements are the five organs of action (Panch Karmendriya), which makes body movements possible as well as Panch Gyanendriya (Panch Gyanendriya), which makes the human body sensible and helps stay alive.
As per the law of science, every action has got equal and opposite reaction. If you do good things, you get good results and bad will turn into bad only. This is the main contributor to making the future. These good or bad deeds result in happiness and suffering in actual life.
It is meant for the health and peace of human beings. Religion is for practice; good practices lead us toward the realization of Supreme Power, which ultimately results in peace to self and others.
The universe includes everything within it i.e. ‘you’, ‘me’, and all the things are part and parcel of His Almighty. This is the ultimate truth. Hence we all are brothers and sisters. This is what actual life is.
Siddha Science
It is the divine, graceful power of His Almighty and is the ultimate truth. ‘Siddha’ can make us strong and capable of solving our and others’ problems.
Swami Hardas Life System: Benefits
Out of numerous benefits, some of the benefits compared with prevailing methods are tabulated in the following table:
1 | Cost | Costly, poor, and middle-class people cannot afford it. | Free or nearly free, even the poorest people can afford it. |
2 | Time | Long and unpredictable | Very less (shortest) |
3 | Complexity | Very complicated, hence specialization is required. | Very simple, hence specialization is not required. |
4 | Efficiency | Slow | Fastest and quick. |
5 | Coverage | Nearly complete but limited to materialistic matters (Sthool and up to a certain extent Sukshma) | Complete and covers Sthool, Sukshma, and Atisukshma. |
6 | Easiness | Everybody cannot learn and practice in actual life. | Everybody can learn and practice in actual life. |
7 | Dependence | Depends on many other things | Complete. Need not depend on anything. |
8 | Diagnosis | Required | Not required. |
9 | Range | Vast, hence specialization in small areas/disciplines of life. | Covers a complete range of all the factors of life and matters concerning all other aspects. |
10 | Problem | Cannot solve all problems, family and other’s problems. | Everybody can solve their own and others’ problems. |
11 | Infrastructure | Required | Generally not required. |
12 | Requirements of instruments | Like medicines and other instruments required. | Mostly not required. |
13 | Longevity | Generally short term | Basic Energy Field is corrected hence generally of permanent nature. |
14 | Attitude | Not changing | Changes to serve them for humanity. |
15 | Development | Limited | All-round personal, family, and social. |
16 | Peace | Difficult to achieve | Achieved easily. |
17 | Problems: personal family and social | Generally do increase | Decreases considerably.
18 | Oneness ‘Ekatmata’ | Limited | Achieved. |
19 | Moral | Limited | Improves. |
20 | Nature and behavior | Generally tends to selfishness | Generally tends to serve selflessly for humanity. |
21 | Ultimate achievement | Generally limited to materialistic | Generally leads to ‘Aatmananda’. |
Frequently asked questions
Before posting your query, kindly go through the:
What is SHLS?
In simple words, SHLS is a pious and energy-based technique for gaining and giving health, peace, and progress. This unique system of life works only when a person undergoes training and unique celestial Siddha Shaktipat. The methods are so simple and effective that any person irrespective of religion, caste, creed, faith, sex, education, and age can learn and practice the methods instantly for the well-being of self, family, friends, animals, plants, and even inanimates to a certain extent. This unique method since has been invented by Dr. Swami Hardas, it has been named as Swami Hardas Life System. |
What are the aims of SHLS?
The aims of Swami Hardas Life System include Health and Peace to all and Progress of all, Making Life Glorious, and Achieving Divine Peace (Aatmananda, Aatmoddhar). |
Which are the effective areas of SHLS?
The areas of affectivity of Swami Hardas Life System include (1) the Whole of humanity including animals, birds, and to a certain extent inanimates. (2) All the subjects of life and concerning life. |
Dedicated work for service humanity
So kind of you, SirJi. It’s my hobby to serve humanity selflessly. That’s what respected Dr. Swami Hardas taught all of us. Hence, we must adopt at least one Saguna for our own well-being. I hope, you will agree with me. Thanks for your precious words. Please take care and stay safe!!
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