Dengue fever (????? ?????) is a mosquito-borne tropical disease. Symptoms typically begin three to fourteen days after infection. This may include a high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash. Recovery generally takes two to seven days. In a small proportion of cases, the disease develops into severe dengue, also known as dengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting in bleeding, low levels of blood platelets and blood plasma leakage, or into dengue shock syndrome, where dangerously low blood pressure occurs. Taking into consideration the severity of dengue fever, Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System has brought vital and in-depth information about the disease. Hence, know the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, prevention, management, and treatments, remedies, and provisions available in Ayurveda, Homeopathy, and free Siddha energy remedies.
Dengue is spread by several species of female mosquitoes of the Aedes type, principally A. aegypti. A number of tests are available to confirm the diagnosis including detecting antibodies to the virus or its RNA.

Dengue fever Symptoms (????? ????? ?? ?????)
Typically, people infected with dengue virus are asymptomatic (80%) or have only mild symptoms such as an uncomplicated fever. Others have more severe illness (5%), and in a small proportion, it is life-threatening.
The incubation period ranges from 3 to 14 days, but most often it is 4 to 7 days. Therefore, travelers returning from endemic areas are unlikely to have dengue if fever or other symptoms start more than 14 days after arriving home.
Children often experience symptoms similar to those of the common cold and gastroenteritis (vomiting and diarrhea) and have a greater risk of severe complications, though initial symptoms are generally mild but include high fever.
Clinical course (??????? ?????????)
The characteristic symptoms of dengue are sudden-onset fever, headache (typically located behind the eyes), muscle and joint pains, and a rash. The alternative name for dengue, “breakbone fever”, comes from the associated muscle and joint pains. The course of infection is divided into three phases: febrile, critical, and recovery.
Associated problems (??????? ????????)
Dengue can occasionally affect several other body systems, either in isolation or along with the classic dengue symptoms. A decreased level of consciousness occurs in 0.5–6% of severe cases, which is attributable either to inflammation of the brain by the virus or indirectly as a result of impairment of vital organs, for example, the liver.
Other neurological disorders have been reported in the context of dengue, such as transverse myelitis and Guillain–Barré syndrome. Infection of the heart and acute liver failure are among the rarer complications.
A pregnant woman who develops dengue may be at a higher risk of miscarriage as well as low birth weight and premature birth.
Dengue fever Causes (????? ????? ?? ????)
Transmission (?????????)
Dengue virus is primarily transmitted by Aedes mosquito, particularly A. aegypti. This mosquito usually lives between the latitudes of 35° North and 35° South below an elevation of 1,000 meters (3,300 ft). They typically bite during the early morning and in the evening, but they may bite and thus spread infection at any time of day.
Other Aedes species that transmit the disease include A. albopictus, A. polynesiensis, and A. scutellaris. Humans are the primary host of the virus, but it also circulates in nonhuman primates. An infection can be acquired via a single bite. A female mosquito that takes a blood meal from a person infected with dengue fever, during the initial 2- to 10-day febrile period, becomes infected with the virus in the cells lining its gut.
About 8–10 days later, the virus spreads to other tissues. The virus seems to have no detrimental effect on the mosquito, which remains infected for life. Aedes aegypti is particularly involved, as it prefers to lay its eggs in artificial water containers, to live in close proximity to humans, and to feed on people rather than other vertebrates.
Dengue can also be transmitted via infected blood products and through organ donation. In countries such as Singapore, where dengue is endemic, the risk is estimated to be between 1.6 and 6 per 10,000 transfusions. Vertical transmission (from mother to child) during pregnancy or at birth has been reported.
Dengue fever Diagnosis (????? ????? ?? ?????)
Early disease can be difficult to differentiate from other viral infections. A probable diagnosis is based on the findings of fever plus two of the following:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Rash
- Generalized pains
- Low white blood cell count
- Positive tourniquet test
- Any warning sign in someone who lives in an endemic area
Warning signs typically occur before the onset of severe dengue. The tourniquet test, which is particularly useful in settings where no laboratory investigations are readily available, involves the application of a blood pressure cuff at between the diastolic and systolic pressure for five minutes, followed by the counting of any petechial hemorrhages; a higher number makes a diagnosis of dengue more likely with the cut off being more than 10 to 20 per 1 inch2(6.25 cm2).
The diagnosis should be considered in anyone who develops a fever within two weeks of being in the tropics or subtropics. It can be difficult to distinguish dengue fever and chikungunya, a similar viral infection that shares many symptoms and occurs in similar parts of the world to dengue.
Often, investigations are performed to exclude other conditions that cause similar symptoms, such as malaria, leptospirosis, viral hemorrhagic fever, typhoid fever, meningococcal disease, measles, and influenza. Zika fever also has similar symptoms as dengue.
The earliest change detectable on laboratory investigations is a low white blood cell count, which may then be followed by low platelets and metabolic acidosis. A moderately elevated level of aminotransferase (AST and ALT) from the liver is commonly associated with low platelets and white blood cells.
Dengue fever Classification (????? ????? ?? ????????)
The World Health Organization’s 2009 classification divides dengue fever into two groups:
- Uncomplicated, and
- Severe
This replaces the 1997 WHO classification, which needed to be simplified as it had been found to be too restrictive, though the older classification is still widely used including by the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for South-East Asia as of 2011.
Dengue fever Laboratory tests (????? ????? ?? ?????????? ???????)
- Virus isolation in cell cultures
- Nucleic acid detection by PCR
- Viral antigen detection or specific antibodies
Dengue fever Prevention (????? ????? ?? ????)
Prevention depends on control of and protection from the bites of the mosquito that transmits it. The World Health Organization recommends an Integrated Vector Control program consisting of five elements:
- Collaboration between the health and other sectors (public and private)
- An integrated approach to disease control to maximize the use of resources
- Evidence-based decision making to ensure any interventions are targeted appropriately
- Capacity-building to ensure an adequate response to the local situation
The primary method of controlling A. aegypti is by eliminating its habitats. This is done by getting rid of open sources of water, or if this is not possible, by adding insecticides or biological control agents to these areas.
Generalized spraying with organophosphate or pyrethroid insecticides, while sometimes done, is not thought to be effective.
Reducing open collections of water through environmental modification is the preferred method of control.
People can prevent mosquito bites by wearing clothing that fully covers the skin, using mosquito netting while resting, and/or the application of insect repellent (DEET being the most effective).
Dengue fever Vaccine (????? ????? ?? ????)
In 2016 a partially effective vaccine for dengue fever became commercially available in the Philippines and Indonesia. It has also been approved for use by Mexico, Brazil, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Singapore, Paraguay, much of Europe, and the United States.
The vaccine is only to be used in people who have previously had a dengue infection as otherwise there was evidence it may worsen subsequent infections. In Indonesia, it costs about US$207 for the recommended three doses.
The vaccine is produced by Sanofi and goes by the brand name Dengvaxia. It is based on a weakened combination of the yellow fever virus and each of the four dengue serotypes. Two studies of a vaccine found it was 60% effective and prevented more than 80 to 90% of severe cases.
There are ongoing programs working on a dengue vaccine to cover all four serotypes. Now that there is a fifth serotype this will need to be factored in. One of the concerns is that a vaccine could increase the risk of severe disease through Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE).
Dengue fever Management (????? ????? ?? ???????)
There are no specific antiviral drugs for dengue; however, maintaining proper fluid balance is important. Treatment depends on the symptoms. Those who are able to drink, are passing urine, have no “warning signs”, and are otherwise healthy can be managed at home with daily follow-up and oral rehydration therapy.
Those who have other health problems, have “warning signs”, or cannot manage regular follow-up should be cared for in the hospital. In those with severe dengue, care should be provided in an area where there is access to an intensive care unit.
Dengue fever Treatment (????? ????? ?? ????)
A vaccine for dengue fever has been approved and is commercially available in a number of countries. The vaccine, however, is only recommended in those who have been previously infected. Treatment of acute dengue is supportive and includes giving fluid either by mouth or intravenously for mild or moderate disease.
For more severe cases, a blood transfusion may be required. About half a million people require hospital admission every year. Paracetamol is recommended instead of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for fever reduction and pain relief in dengue due to an increased risk of bleeding from NSAID use.
Home remedies for Dengue fever (????? ????? ?? ????? ?????)
In India, drinking the juice from the papaya leaf is one of the most common dengue fever home remedies. People take fresh papaya leaves straight from the tree, soak them in water, and grind them before drinking two or three spoons four or five times a day.
Ayurveda for Dengue fever (????? ????? ?? ??? ????????)
Boil Tulasi with the water and drink this throughout the day to build up the immune system. To strengthen the body’s defense mechanism, 10-15 basil leaves should be chewed twice a day.
Homeopathy for Dengue fever (????? ????? ?? ??? ??????????)
The results reflect that the dengue epidemic is not a country-specific health problem, but a global burden, with most parts of the world trying to find ways to fight it. The standard management of uncomplicated cases of dengue fever primarily includes:
- Controlling fever
- Ensuring adequate hydration
- Monitoring blood values for platelets, hematocrit, and total leucocyte count
However, clear cut antiviral therapy for dengue is largely wanting. It is not only an opportunity for the homeopathic community but also it’s obligatory calling to rise to the occasion and offer all that it can in prevention, management, and treatment during the dengue epidemic.
Dengue Fever & Free Siddha energy remedies (????? ????? ?? ??:????? ????? ????? ?????)
1. Siddha preventive measures (????? ?????? ????)
Everybody must practice Siddha preventive measures, whether a person is affected with dengue fever or not, but preventive measures are the primary steps for switching on to any other Siddha energy remedies, and hence they are important. It helps in one’s capability, effectiveness, and productivity, decision making power, intellectualism, and removing minor health problems. There are three types of preventive measures:
- Earthing – performed for earthing the negativity of our body
- Field Cleaning – cleans energy field (Aura) of our body
- Siddha Brain Exercise/Energizing – energizes our brain for proper functionality
Everybody’s tendency is to get attracted to the word ‘free‘, however, don’t neglect even these Siddha preventive measures are free. Avail the benefits by practicing them sincerely, and regularly. For the ease of understanding Siddha preventive measures, please watch a video for a live demonstration.
2. Siddha Shaktidata Yog (????? ????????? ???)
This unique Siddha Shaktidata Yog of Siddha Spirituality can solve the problems related to dengue fever with free Siddha energy remedies. There is no compulsion of training of ‘Swami Hardas Life System’ methods. This not only gives benefits to self but also it can be used for other affected persons, whether a person is in the same house, distantly available in the same city, same nation or may be in any corner of the world, however, both the procedures have been explained here.
3. Siddha Kalyan Sadhana (????? ?????? ?????)
Recite this Sadhana with a Sankalp “My problems of dengue fever are solved as early as possible and I should gain health”, which should be repeated in mind 3 – 3 times every after each stanza. Any person irrespective of caste, creed, religion, faith, sex, and age can recite this Sadhana for free, which should be repeated at least twice in a day. To know more, please click on this link.
4. CCPE products (CCPE ??????)
These products work on the concepts of ‘Conceptual Creative Positive Energy’ (CCPE) within the provisions of ‘CCPE Life System’ and the theory of Quantum Technology to a certain extent. However, the products get activated only whenever touched by a human and then they become capable of solving the problem and achieving health. However, please use these products for dengue fever as mentioned below:
CCPE Extractor: The CCPE Extractor should be gently moved over the Agya Chakra in a circular motion at least for 30 to 60 seconds, thereafter, follow the same process on the head, heart, liver, naval for another 30 to 60 seconds, which finishes within almost 3 – 6 minutes.
CCPE Booster: Keep one Booster over the Agya Chakra and another one each over the head, heart, liver, naval for 6 – 12 minutes. You may need to have 5 Boosters, which establishes positivity.
5. A daily routine for Dengue fever (????? ????? ?? ??? ?? ????? ????????)
In general, a daily routine to manage diabetes may look like this if you’re on insulin:
- Carry out all medical checks as suggested above and follow the advice of your doctor
- Apply free Siddha energy remedies minimum 3 times a day, as explained above
- In case, if someone wishes to learn advanced methods Swami Hardas Life System, undergo unique training
Ensure to sprinkle in some fun during the day: Don’t forget to relax and laugh in between. Laughing is a great way to boost your immune system and help you.
Along with all the above activities, apply above explained free Siddha energy remedies minimum 3 times a day, the more is good. Just try the methods of Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System. I am confident that you will surely find improvements within 3 days.
Training of Swami Hardas Life System (?????? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ?????????)
Any problem with regard to health, peace, and progress can be solved independently without money and medicines by undergoing training of Swami Hardas Life System. Any person irrespective of religion, caste, creed, faith, sex, and age can undergo this unique training.
Conclusion (????????)
In view of the above, I am confident that you have learned about dengue fever, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, precautions, management, treatments in Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Home Remedies. You also learned free Siddha energy remedies. Now, you have become self-sufficient, hence its right time to use your acquired knowledge for solving problems as per the provision available in Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System.
However, keep learning and practicing the free Siddha Energy Remedies, which would help guide how to solve various problems regarding health, peace, and progress, without money and medicines.
The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the concerned site owners. Siddha Spirituality For Health is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. However, it is advisable to consult a specialist in the concerned field before availing of the benefits. Hence we do not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
Dengue fever being widely spread all over the world, it requires awareness among people. Prevention is better than cure, which has been well explained. Thanks for the important info. I shall this post with others. All the best.
Very useful article
Very happy to know that siddha measures could be beneficial for almost all the issues.
Thanks a lot for your great attitude. Have a nice day!!