Today we are going to know about a new disease i.e. Dementia. The name may not be familiar to many of us, but we have seen affected people in our life-span. So, let us know in detail about it. It is a broad category of brain diseases that cause a long-term and often gradual decrease in the ability to think and remember that is great enough to affect a person’s daily functioning. The global costs of dementia are around the US $604 billion in 2010. Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System has the capability to overcome these problems, without money and medicines. So, please read about in detail and learn the Siddha Energy Remedies for free.
Dementia types
The most common type is:
- Alzheimer’s disease
Other common types include:
- Vascular
- Lewy body
- Frontotemporal
Less common causes include normal pressure hydrocephalus, Parkinson’s disease dementia, Syphilis, and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease among others.
Efforts to prevent dementia include trying to decrease risk factors such as:
- High blood pressure
- Smoking
- Diabetes
- Obesity
There is no known cure for dementia.
Globally, dementia affected about 46 million people in 2015. About 10% of people develop the disorder at some point in their lives. It becomes more common with age. About 3% of people between the ages of 65–74 have dementia, 19% between 75 and 84, and nearly half of those over 85 years of age.

Dementia symptoms
- Memory
- Visual-spatial
- Language
- Attention and problem solving
Neuropsychiatric symptoms that may be present are termed behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) and these can include:
- Balance problems
- Tremor
- Speech and language difficulty
- Trouble eating or swallowing
- Memory distortions
- Wandering or restlessness
- Perception and visual problems
- Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia almost always occur in all types of dementia and may manifest as:
- Agitation
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Abnormal motor behavior
- Elated mood
- Irritability
- Apathy
- Disinhibition and impulsivity
- Delusions (often believing people are stealing from them) or hallucinations
- Changes in sleep or appetite
When people with dementia are put in circumstances beyond their abilities, there may be a sudden change to crying or anger.

Dementia stages
Mild Cognitive Impairment
In the first stages of dementia, the signs and symptoms of the disorder may be subtle. Often, the early signs of dementia only become apparent when looking back in time. The earliest stage of dementia is called mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
Early Stages
The symptoms of early dementia usually include memory difficulty, but can also include some word-finding problems (anomia) and problems with planning and organizational skills (executive function).
In Alzheimer’s dementia, the most prominent early symptom is memory difficulty. Others include word-finding problems and getting lost. In other types of dementia, like dementia with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal dementia, personality changes and difficulty with organization and planning may be the first signs.
Middle Stages
As dementia progresses, the symptoms first experienced in the early stages of dementia generally worsen. The rate of decline is different for each person. A person with moderate dementia scores between 6–17 on the MMSE. For example, people with Alzheimer’s dementia in moderate stages lose almost all new information very quickly.
Late Stages
People with late-stage dementia typically turn increasingly inward and need assistance with most or all of their personal care. Persons with dementia in the late stages usually need 24-hour supervision to ensure personal safety, as well as to ensure that basic needs are being met.
If left unsupervised, a person with late-stage dementia may wander or fall, may not recognize common dangers around them such as a hot stove, may not realize that they need to use the bathroom or become unable to control their bladder or bowels.
Changes in eating frequently occur. Caregivers of people with late-stage dementia often provide pureed diets, thickened liquids, and assistance in eating, to prolong their lives, to cause them to gain weight, to reduce the risk of choking, and to make feeding the person easier.
The person’s appetite may decline to the point that the person does not want to eat at all. They may not want to get out of bed or may need complete assistance doing so. Commonly, the person no longer recognizes familiar people. They may have significant changes in sleeping habits or have trouble sleeping at all.
Dementia causes reversible causes
There are four main causes of easily reversible dementia:
- Hypothyroidism
- Vitamin B12 deficiency
- Lyme disease
- Neurosyphilis
All people with memory difficulty should be checked for hypothyroidism and B12 deficiency. For Lyme disease and neurosyphilis, testing should be done if there are risk factors for those diseases in the person.
Alzheimer’s disease
- Short-term memory loss
- Word-finding difficulties
- Visual-spatial areas (for example, they may begin to get lost often)
- Reasoning
- Judgment, and insight. Insight refers to whether or not the person realizes he/she has memory problems
- Repetition
- Getting lost
- Difficulties keeping track of bills
- Problems with cooking especially new or complicated meals
- Forgetting to take medication
- Word-finding problems
Vascular dementia
Vascular dementia is the cause of at least 20% of dementia cases, making it the second most common cause of dementia. It is caused by disease or injury affecting the blood supply to the brain, typically involving a series of minor strokes.
On scans of the brain, a person with vascular dementia may show evidence of multiple strokes of different sizes in various locations. People with vascular dementia tend to have risk factors for disease of the blood vessels:
- Tobacco use
- High blood pressure
- Atrial fibrillation
- High cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Other signs of vascular disease such as a previous heart attack or angina
Frontotemporal dementia
Frontotemporal dementias (FTDs) are characterized by drastic personality changes and language difficulties. In all FTDs, the person has a relatively early social withdrawal and early lack of insight into the disorder. Memory problems are not the main feature of this disorder.
Progressive supranuclear palsy
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) is a form of dementia that is characterized by problems with eye movements. Generally, the problems begin with difficulty moving the eyes up or down (vertical gaze palsy). Since difficulty moving the eyes upward can sometimes happen in normal aging, problems with downward eye movements are the key in PSP. Other key symptoms of PSP include:
- Falling backward
- Balance problems
- Slow movements
- Rigid muscles Irritability
- Apathy
- Social withdrawal
- Depression
The person may also have certain ‘frontal lobe signs’ such as perseveration, a grasp reflex and utilization behavior (the need to use an object once you see it). People with PSP often have progressive difficulty eating and swallowing, and eventually with talking as well.
Corticobasal degeneration
Corticobasal degeneration is a rare form of dementia that is characterized by many different types of neurological problems that get progressively worse over time. This is because the disorder affects the brain in many different places, but at different rates. One common sign is:
- A difficulty with using only one limb
One symptom that is extremely rare in any condition other than corticobasal degeneration is the ‘alien limb’. The alien limb is a limb of the person that seems to have a mind of its own, it moves without control of the person’s brain.
Rapidly progressive
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease typically causes dementia that worsens over weeks to months, and is caused by prions. The common causes of slowly progressive dementia also sometimes present with rapid progression:
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Dementia with Lewy bodies
- Frontotemporal lobar degeneration
On the other hand, encephalopathy or delirium may develop relatively slowly and resemble dementia. Possible causes include brain infection:
- Viral encephalitis
- Subacute sclerosing
- Panencephalitis
- Whipple’s disease or inflammation
Immunologically mediated
Chronic inflammatory conditions that may affect the brain and cognition include:
- Behçet’s disease
- Multiple sclerosis
- Sarcoidosis
- Sjögren’s syndrome
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Celiac disease
- Non-celiac gluten sensitivity
These types of dementias can rapidly progress, but usually, have a good response to early treatment.
Mild cognitive impairment
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) means that the person exhibits memory or thinking difficulties, but those difficulties are not severe enough to meet criteria for a diagnosis of dementia.
Fixed cognitive impairment
Various types of brain injury may cause irreversible cognitive impairment that remains stable over time. Traumatic brain injury may cause generalized damage to the white matter of the brain or more localized damage.
Slowly progressive
Dementia that begins gradually and worsens progressively over several years is usually caused by neurodegenerative disease—that is, by conditions that affect only or primarily the neurons of the brain and cause gradual but irreversible loss of function of these cells.
Causes of dementia depend on the age when symptoms begin. In the elderly population (usually defined in this context as over 65 years of age), a large majority of dementia cases are caused by Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, or both.
Most cases of progressive cognitive disturbance are caused by psychiatric illness, alcohol or other drugs, or metabolic disturbance.
Dementia diagnosis
As seen above, there are many specific types and causes of dementia, often showing slightly different symptoms. However, the symptoms are very similar and it is usually difficult to diagnose the type of dementia by symptoms alone.
Diagnosis may be aided by brain scanning techniques.
Normally, symptoms must be present for at least six months to support a diagnosis.
Any dementia evaluation should include a depression screening such as the Neuropsychiatric Inventory or the Geriatric Depression Scale.
Changes in thinking, hearing, and vision are associated with normal aging and can cause problems when diagnosing dementia due to the similarities.
Cognitive testing
There are some brief tests that have reasonable reliability to screen for dementia. While many tests have been studied, presently the mini-mental state examination (MMSE) is the best studied and most commonly used.
Another approach to screening for dementia is to ask an informant (relative or another supporter) to fill out a questionnaire about the person’s everyday cognitive functioning. Informant questionnaires provide complementary information to brief cognitive tests.
Clinical neuropsychologists provide diagnostic consultation following administration of a full battery of cognitive testing, often lasting several hours, to determine functional patterns of decline associated with varying types.
Tests of memory, executive function, processing speed, attention, and language skills are relevant, as well as tests of emotional and psychological adjustment.
Laboratory tests
Routine blood tests are also usually performed to rule out treatable causes. These tests include:
- Vitamin B12
- Folic acid
- Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
- C-reactive protein
- Full blood count
- Electrolytes
- Calcium
- Renal function
- Liver enzymes
Abnormalities may suggest vitamin deficiency, infection, or other problems that commonly cause confusion or disorientation in the elderly.
A CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI scan) is commonly performed.
Recent research has established the value of PET imaging using carbon-11 Pittsburgh Compound B as a radiotracer (PIB-PET) in the predictive diagnosis of various kinds of dementia, in particular, Alzheimer’s disease.
Dementia prevention
A number of factors can decrease the risk of dementia. A group of efforts is believed to be able to prevent a third of cases and include:
- Early education
- Treating high blood pressure
- Preventing obesity
- Preventing hearing loss
- Treating depression
- Being active
- Preventing diabetes
- Not smoking
- Preventing social isolation
A 2018 review, however, concluded that no medications have good evidence of a preventative effect including blood pressure medications.
Dementia care
Except for the treatable types listed above, there is no cure. Cholinesterase inhibitors are often used early in the disorder course; however, a benefit is generally small. Exercise programs are beneficial with respect to activities of daily living and potentially improve dementia.
No medications have been shown to prevent or cure dementia. Medications may be used to treat behavioral and cognitive symptoms but have no effect on the underlying disease process.
As people age, they experience more health problems, and most health problems associated with aging carry a substantial burden of pain.
Pain is often overlooked in older adults and, when screened for, often poorly assessed, especially among those with dementia. Beyond the issue of humane care, unrelieved pain has functional implications. Persistent pain can lead to:
- Decreased ambulation
- Depressed mood
- Sleep disturbances
- Impaired appetite
- Exacerbation of cognitive impairment
- Pain-related interference with activity is a factor contributing to falls in the elderly
Although persistent pain in a person is difficult to communicate, diagnose, and treat. Failure to address persistent pain has profound functional, psychosocial, and quality of life implications for this vulnerable population.
Eating difficulties
Persons with dementia may have difficulty eating. Whenever it is available as an option, the recommended response to eating problems is having a caretaker do assist feeding for the person. A secondary option for people who cannot swallow effectively is to consider gastrostomy feeding tube placement as a way to give nutrition.
However, in bringing person comfort and keeping functional status while lowering the risk of aspiration pneumonia and death, assistance with oral feeding is at least as good as tube feeding.
Alternative medicine
Aromatherapy and massage have unclear evidence. There have been studies on the efficacy and safety of cannabinoids in relieving behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia.
Omega-3 fatty acid supplements from plants or fish sources do not appear to benefit or harm people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease.
Palliative care
Given the progressive and terminal nature of dementia, palliative care can be helpful to patients and their caregivers by helping both people with the disorder and their caregivers understand what to expect, dealing with the loss of physical and mental abilities, plan out a patient’s wishes and goals including surrogate decision making.
Person-centered care helps to maintain the dignity of people with dementia.
The annual incidence is over 9.9 million worldwide. Almost half of the new cases of dementia occur in Asia, followed by Europe (25%), the Americas (18%) and Africa (8%).
Dementia village
The Concept ‘Village’: Around the common and familiar building blocks lifestyles are built from a social approach. Look at day to day life and create conditions for the residents so that they are challenged by recognizable incentives to remain active in daily, precious life. In nursing home groups, residents with shared interests and backgrounds live together in a lifestyle-group. The design and decoration of the homes and surroundings are tailored to the lifestyles.
For elderly people the world is small. Great deeds no longer count. It’s the simple things that make life worth living: your own home, a safe place, and – if possible – doing what you feel like doing.
Our architecture aims to connect with the residents’ wishes. Their way of living is our starting point. The necessary features of the interior, the public spaces and the functions that are necessary from the outside are all designed to meet their needs. This results in a familiar living environment for people with dementia and a higher quality of life.
Dementia support groups
Many caregivers, as well as friends and family, of persons with Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia, find support groups to be a wonderful source of information, encouragement, and inspiration. In addition, many persons who have recently been diagnosed with this disease or are in the early stages, find support groups helpful.
Local Alzheimer’s Association chapters and Area Agency on Aging (AAA) chapters generally are the coordinators of dementia support groups. Other organizations, such as the Huntington’s Disease Society of America (HDSA), Lewy Body Dementia Association (LBDA), and the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration, also coordinate support groups. A group will usually meet for 1-2 hours.
Free Siddha Energy Remedies
1. Siddha preventive measures
Everybody must practice Siddha preventive measures, whether affected with any type of dementia or not, but they are the primary steps for switching on to any other Siddha energy remedies, and hence they are important. It helps in one’s capability, effectiveness, and productivity, decision making power, intellectuality and removing minor health problems. There are three types of preventive measures:
- Earthing – performed for earthing the negativity
- Field Cleaning – cleans our energy field (Aura)
- Siddha Brain Exercise/Energizing – energizes the brain for proper functionality
Everybody’s tendency is to get attracted toward the word ‘free‘, however, don’t neglect even these Siddha preventive measures are free. Avail the benefits by practicing them sincerely, and regularly. For the ease of understanding Siddha preventive measures, please watch a video for a live demonstration.
2. Siddha Shaktidata Yog
This unique Siddha Shaktidata Yog of Siddha Spirituality can solve the problems with free Siddha energy remedies. There is no compulsion of training of ‘Swami Hardas Life System’ methods. This not only gives benefits to self but also it can be used for other affected persons, whether a person is in the same house, distantly available in the same city, same nation or maybe in any corner of the world, however, both the procedures have been explained here.
3. Siddha Kalyan Sadhana
Recite this Sadhana with a Sankalp “My dementia problems are solved as early as possible and I should gain health”, which should be repeated in mind 3 – 3 times every after each stanza. Any person irrespective of caste, creed, religion, faith, sex, and age can recite this Sadhana for free, which should be repeated at least twice in a day. To know more, please click on this link.
4. CCPE products
These products work on the concepts of ‘Conceptual Creative Positive Energy’ (CCPE) within the provisions of ‘CCPE Life System’ and the theory of Quantum Technology to a certain extent. However, the products get activated only whenever touched by a human and then they become capable of solving the problem and achieving health. However, please use these products as mentioned below:
CCPE Extractor: The CCPE Extractor should be gently moved over the Agya Chakra in a circular motion at least for 30 to 60 seconds, thereafter, follow the same process on the head, chest, and naval for another 30 to 60 seconds simultaneously, which will convert negativity into positivity. This is how the process finishes within almost 2 to 4 minutes.
CCPE Booster: Keep one Booster over the Agya Chakra and another one over the head, chest, and liver for 3 – 5 minutes. You may need to have 4 Boosters and the process would finish within almost 3 – 5 minutes, which establishes positivity. This is how the process finishes within almost 5 minutes.
CCPE Booster powder: Apply dry powder over the affected parts/limbs twice in a day.
Apart from the above, you may also like to click here for reading in-depth about a headache, a brain tumor, and depression, Arthritis in Knee, and Knee Pain.
In view of the above, I am confident that you have learned about dementia, types, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, prevention, care, support groups, and learned free Siddha energy remedies. Now, you have become an all-rounder, hence its right time to use your acquired knowledge for solving related problems for free. The sufferers and also their family members know how critical related problems are! However, keep learning and practicing the free Siddha Energy Remedies, which would help guide how to solve the problems and with Free Siddha Energy Remedies, without money and medicines.
The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the concerned site owners. Siddha Spirituality For Health is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. However, it is advisable to consult a specialist in the concerned field before availing the benefits. Hence we do not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
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