Cervical cancer (??????? ?????? ?????) is cancer arising from the cervix. It is due to the abnormal growth of cells that have the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Early on, typically no symptoms are seen. Later symptoms may include abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain or pain during sexual intercourse. While bleeding after sex may not be serious, it may also indicate the presence of cervical cancer. However, being cervical cancer life-threatening, based on the survival rates, Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System expects our readers to read this article carefully and learn the Siddha energy remedies for free.
Cervical cancer Meaning (??????? ?????? ????? ?? ????)
Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the cells of the cervix — the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. Various strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection, play a role in causing most cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer Symptoms (??????? ?????? ????? ?? ?????)
The early stages of cervical cancer may be completely free of symptoms. Vaginal bleeding, contact bleeding e.g. one most common form being bleeding after sexual intercourse, or a vaginal mass may indicate the presence of malignancy. Also, moderate pain during sexual intercourse and vaginal discharge are symptoms of cervical cancer. In advanced disease, metastases may be present in the abdomen, lungs, or elsewhere.
Symptoms of advanced cervical cancer may include:
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Fatigue
- Pelvic pain
- Back pain
- Leg pain
- Swollen legs
- Heavy vaginal bleeding
- Bone fractures
- Rarely leakage of urine or feces from the vagina
- Bleeding after douching or after a pelvic exam is a common symptom
Cervical cancer Causes (??????? ?????? ????? ?? ????)
Infection with some types of HPV is the greatest risk factor for cervical cancer, followed by smoking. HIV infection is also a risk factor. Not all of the causes of cervical cancer are known, however, and several other contributing factors have been implicated.
Human papillomavirus (???? ???????? ?????)
HPV types 16 and 18 are the cause of 75% of cervical cancer cases globally, while 31 and 45 are the causes of another 10%.
Women who have sex with men who have many other sexual partners or women who have many sexual partners have a greater risk.
Genital warts, which are a form of benign tumor of epithelial cells, are also caused by various strains of HPV. However, these serotypes are usually not related to cervical cancer. Having multiple strains at the same time is common, including those that can cause cervical cancer along with those that cause warts. Infection with HPV is generally believed to be required for cervical cancer to occur.
Smoking (????????)
Cigarette smoking, both active and passive, increases the risk of cervical cancer. Among HPV-infected women, current and former smokers have roughly two to three times the incidence of invasive cancer. Passive smoking is also associated with increased risk but to a lesser extent.
Smoking has also been linked to the development of cervical cancer. Smoking can increase the risk in women in a few different ways, which can be by direct and indirect methods of inducing cervical cancer.
Oral contraceptives (?????????? ????)
Long-term use of oral contraceptives is associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer. Women who have used oral contraceptives for 5 to 9 years have about three times the incidence of invasive cancer, and those who used them for 10 years or longer have about four times the risk.
Multiple pregnancies (?????? ????????)
Having many pregnancies is associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer. Among HPV-infected women, those who have had seven or more full-term pregnancies have around four times the risk of cancer compared with women with no pregnancies, and two to three times the risk of women who have had one or two full-term pregnancies.
Cervical cancer Diagnosis (??????? ?????? ????? ?? ?????)
Biopsy (????? ????? ?? ????)
The Pap test can be used as a screening test but produces a false negative in up to 50% of cases of cervical cancer. Other concerns are the cost of doing Pap tests, which makes them unaffordable in many areas of the world.
Often before the biopsy, the doctor asks for medical imaging to rule out other causes of woman’s symptoms. Imaging modalities such as ultrasound, CT scan, and MRI have been used to look for alternating disease, the spread of the tumor, and effect on adjacent structures. Typically, they appear as the heterogeneous mass on the cervix.
Precancerous lesions (????????? ???)
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, the potential precursor to cervical cancer, is often diagnosed on examination of cervical biopsies by a pathologist. For premalignant dysplastic changes, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grading is used.
Cervical cancer subtypes (??????? ?????? ????? ?? ????????)
Histologic subtypes of invasive cervical carcinoma include: Though squamous cell carcinoma is cervical cancer with the most incidence, the incidence of adenocarcinoma of the cervix has been increasing in recent decades.
- Squamous cell carcinoma (about 80–85%)
- Adenocarcinoma (about 15% of cervical cancers in the UK)
- Adenosquamous carcinoma
- Small cell carcinoma
- Neuroendocrine tumor
- Glassy cell carcinoma
- Villoglandular adenocarcinoma
Non-carcinoma malignancies which can rarely occur in the cervix include melanoma and lymphoma.
Cervical cancer staging with FIGO system (FIGO ??????? ?? ??? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????)
Cervical cancer is staged by the FIGO system, which is based on clinical examination, rather than surgical findings. It allows only these diagnostic tests to be used in determining the stage:
- Palpation
- Inspection
- Colposcopy
- Endocervical curettage
- Hysteroscopy
- Cystoscopy
- Proctoscopy
- Intravenous urography
- X-ray examination of the lungs and skeleton
- Cervical conization
Cervical cancer stages (??????? ?????? ????? ?? ???)
Staging is based on the results of a physical exam, imaging scans, and biopsies:
Stage I
In this stage, cancer is spread from the cervix lining into the deeper tissue but is still just found in the uterus. It has not spread to other parts of the body.
Stage IA
The cancer is diagnosed only by viewing cervical tissue or cells under a microscope. Imaging tests or evaluation of tissue samples can also be used to determine tumor size.
Stage IB
In this stage, the tumor is larger but still only confined to the cervix.
Stage II
Cancer has spread beyond the uterus to nearby areas, such as the vagina or tissue near the cervix, but it is still inside the pelvic area. It has not spread to other parts of the body.
Stage IIA
A tumor is limited to the upper two-thirds of the vagina. It has not spread to the tissue next to the cervix, which is called the parametrial area.
Stage IIB
The tumor has spread to the parametrial area. The tumor does not reach the pelvic wall.
Stage III
A tumor involves the lower third of the vagina, and/or has spread to the pelvic wall, and/or causes swelling of the kidney, called hydronephrosis, or stops a kidney from functioning, and/or involves regional lymph nodes.
Stage IIIA
The tumor involves the lower third of the vagina, but it has not grown into the pelvic wall.
Stage IIIB
A tumor has grown into the pelvic wall and/or affects a kidney.
Stage IIIC
Tumor involves regional lymph nodes, which can be detected using imaging tests or pathology.
Stage IVA
Cancer has spread to the bladder or rectum, but it has not spread to other parts of the body.
Stage IVB
Cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
Cervical cancer Prevention (??????? ?????? ????? ?? ??????)
Checking cervical cells with the Papanicolaou test (Pap test) for cervical pre-cancer has dramatically reduced the number of cases of, and mortality from, cervical cancer. Liquid-based cytology may reduce the number of inadequate samples. Pap test screening every three to five years with appropriate follow-up can reduce cervical cancer incidence by up to 80%. Abnormal results may suggest the presence of precancerous changes, allowing examination and possible preventive treatment, known as colposcopy. The treatment of low-grade lesions may adversely affect subsequent fertility and pregnancy.
Barrier protection (?????? ?? ???????)
Barrier protection or spermicidal gel use during sexual intercourse decreases but does not eliminate the risk of transmitting the infection, though condoms may protect against genital warts. They also provide protection against other sexually transmitted infections, such as HIV and Chlamydia, which are associated with greater risks of developing cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer Vaccination (??????? ?????? ????? ???????)
Three HPV vaccines e.g. Gardasil, Gardasil 9, and Cervarix reduce the risk of cancerous or precancerous changes of the cervix and perineum by about 93% and 62%, respectively. The vaccines are between 92% and 100% effective against HPV 16 and 18 up to at least 8 years.
The duration of effectiveness and whether a booster will be needed is unknown. The high cost of this vaccine has been a cause for concern.
Nutrition (????)
Vitamin A is associated with lower risk as are vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-Carotene.
Cervical cancer Treatment (??????? ?????? ????? ?? ?????)
Radiation therapy (?????? ?????)
The treatment of cervical cancer varies worldwide, largely due to access to surgeons skilled in radical pelvic surgery, and the emergence of fertility-sparing therapy in developed nations. Cervical cancers are radiosensitive and hence radiation therapy may be used in all stages where surgical options do not exist. Surgical intervention may have better outcomes than radiological approaches. In addition, chemotherapy can be used to treat cervical cancer and has been found to be more effective than radiation alone.
Hysterectomy (???????-???????)
Micro invasive cancer (stage IA) may be treated by hysterectomy (removal of the whole uterus including part of the vagina). For stage IA2, the lymph nodes are removed, as well. Alternatives include local surgical procedures such as a loop electrical excision procedure or cone biopsy.
Trachelectomy (???????-?????? ???????)
One more possible treatment option for women who want to preserve their fertility is a trachelectomy. This attempts to surgically remove cancer while preserving the ovaries and uterus, providing for a more conservative operation than a hysterectomy. It is a viable option for those in stage I cervical cancer which has not spread.
A radical trachelectomy can be performed abdominally or vaginally and opinions are conflicting as to which is better. A radical abdominal trachelectomy with lymphadenectomy usually only requires a two to three-day hospital stay, and most women recover very quickly (about six weeks).
Chemotherapy (?????????)
On June 15, 2006, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the use of a combination of two chemotherapy drugs, hycamtin, and cisplatin, for women with late-stage (IVB) cervical cancer treatment. Combination treatment has a significant risk of neutropenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia side effects.
The cervical cancer Survival rate (??????? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ????? ??)
Stage (???)
Prognosis depends on the stage of cancer. The chance of a survival rate is nearly 100% for women with microscopic forms of cervical cancer. With treatment, the five-year relative survival rate for the earliest stage of invasive cervical cancer is 92%, and the overall (all stages combined) five-year survival rate is about 72%.
With treatment, 80-90% of women with stage I cancer and 60-75% of those with stage II cancer are alive 5 years after diagnosis. Survival rates decrease to 30-40% for women with stage III cancer and 15% or fewer of those with stage IV cancer five years after diagnosis.
By country (??? ??)
Five-year survival in the United States for White women is 69% and for Black women is 57%.
Regular screening has meant that precancerous changes and early-stage cervical cancers have been detected and treated early. Figures suggest that cervical screening is saving 5,000 lives each year in the UK by preventing cervical cancer. About 1,000 women per year die of cervical cancer in the UK. All of the Nordic countries have cervical cancer-screening programs in place. The Pap test was integrated into clinical practice in the Nordic countries in the 1960s.
In Africa, outcomes are often worse as a diagnosis is frequently at a later stage of the disease.
Cervical cancer & Free Siddha energy remedies (??????? ?????? ????? ?? ??:????? ????? ????? ?????)
1. Siddha preventive measures (????? ?????? ????)
Everybody must practice Siddha preventive measures, whether a person is affected with cervical cancer or not, but preventive measures are the primary steps for switching on to any other Siddha energy remedies, and hence they are important. It helps in one’s capability, effectiveness, and productivity, decision making power, intellectuality and removing minor health problems. There are three types of preventive measures:
- Earthing – performed for earthing the negativity of our body
- Field Cleaning – cleans energy field (Aura) of our body
- Siddha Brain Exercise/Energizing – energizes our brain for proper functionality
Everybody’s tendency is to get attracted to the word ‘free‘, however, don’t neglect even these Siddha preventive measures are free. Avail the benefits by practicing them sincerely, and regularly. For the ease of understanding Siddha preventive measures, please watch a video for a live demonstration.
2. Siddha Shaktidata Yog (????? ????????? ???)
This unique Siddha Shaktidata Yog of Siddha Spirituality can solve the problems related to cervical cancer with free Siddha energy remedies. There is no compulsion of training of ‘Swami Hardas Life System’ methods. This not only gives benefits to self but also it can be used for other affected persons, whether a person is in the same house, distantly available in the same city, same nation or might be in any corner of the world, however, both the procedures have been explained here.
3. Siddha Kalyan Sadhana (????? ?????? ?????)
Recite this Sadhana with a Sankalp “My problems of cervical cancer are solved as early as possible and I should gain health”, which should be repeated in mind 3 – 3 times every after each stanza. Any person irrespective of caste, creed, religion, faith, sex, and age can recite this Sadhana for free, which should be repeated at least twice in a day. To know more, please click on this link.
4. CCPE products (CCPE ??????)
These products work on the concepts of ‘Conceptual Creative Positive Energy’ (CCPE) within the provisions of the ‘CCPE Life System’ and the theory of Quantum Technology to a certain extent. However, the products get activated only whenever touched by a human and then they become capable of solving the problem and achieving health. However, please use these products for cervical cancer as mentioned below:
CCPE Extractor: The CCPE Extractor should be gently moved over the Agya Chakra in a circular motion at least for 30 to 60 seconds, thereafter, follow the same process on the head, heart, naval, and cervix for another 30 to 60 seconds, which finishes within almost 3 – 6 minutes.
CCPE Booster: Keep one Booster over the Agya Chakra and another one each over the head, heart, naval, and cervix for 3 minutes. You may need to have 5 Boosters, which establishes positivity.
5. A daily routine (?? ????? ????????)
- Carry out all medical checks as suggested above and follow the advice of your doctor
- Adopt a healthy lifestyle and a Sattvic diet
- Do aerobic exercises regularly, if feasible
- Apply free Siddha energy remedies minimum 3 times a day, as explained above
- Perform Swayamsiddha Agnihotra daily, if feasible
- In case, if someone wishes to learn advanced methods of Swami Hardas Life System, undergo unique training
Ensure to sprinkle in some fun during the day, however, don’t forget to relax and laugh in between. Laughing is a great way to boost your immune system and help you.
Along with all the above activities, apply above explained free Siddha energy remedies minimum 3 times a day, the more is good. Just try the methods of Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System. I am confident that you will surely find improvements within 30 days.
Training of Swami Hardas Life System (?????? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ?????????)
Any problem with regard to health, peace, and progress can be solved independently without money and medicines by undergoing training of Swami Hardas Life System. Any person irrespective of religion, caste, creed, faith, sex, and age can undergo this unique training.
Conclusion (????????)
In view of the above, I am confident that you have learned about cervical cancer, meaning, symptoms, causes, staging with the FIGO system, stages, diagnosis, prevention, survival rate, and treatments. You also learned free Siddha energy remedies. Now, you have become self-sufficient, hence its right time to use your acquired knowledge for solving problems as per the provision available in Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System.
However, keep learning and practicing the free Siddha Energy Remedies, which would help guide how to solve various problems regarding health, peace, and progress, without money and medicines.
After reading this article, what are your thoughts? Infact, I believe in sharing knowledge. Can I expect you to let me know your precious thoughts?
The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the concerned site owners. Siddha Spirituality For Health is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. However, it is advisable to consult a specialist in the concerned field before availing of the benefits. Hence we do not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
- Reference:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_cancer
- https://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/cervical-cancer/stages
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cervical-cancer/symptoms-causes/syc-20352501
Cervical cancer is quite sensitive for women. However, every woman needs to get well awarw about this disease. This article seems to provide all vital information. Thanks for creating awareness and providing all necessary remedies. Welldone!
Rightly said, Madam! Awareness is a must so that women can get [revented well in advance and treatment becomes easy as well as tension and money also saved. If people regularly practice, ‘preventing measures’ as explained in the article, they can save themselves from being falling sick and avoiding bigger health-problems at a later stage, Thanks for your good words.
Very helpful article sir. Keep it up
Good article.
I am happy that you found my article useful. Thanks for your good words! Please be in touch.
Nice post
Cervical cancer is quite a painful disease, which makes the life of affected person measurable. However, it is essential to have knowledge about it so that timely care can be taken to prevent it. Thanks for your good words!
excellent article???for cervical cancer?????
Yes, Dr. Hemangi! Cervical cancer is one of the most painful and risky diseases. One can choose to apply free Siddha energy remedies as mentioned in the article, which is quite useful and effective. Thanks for your good words. Please be in touch.
Good post.
Your acknowledgment is precious for me, which helps me raise my moral. Thanks for your appreciation, Gajanan!
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