Hypnotherapy (??????? ????????) is a type of complementary medicine in which hypnosis is used to create a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility during which positive suggestions and guided imagery are used to help individuals deal with a variety of concerns and issues. On many occasions, hypnotherapy has been utilized for the wrong intentions, which Siddha Spirituality of Swami Hardas Life System does not support. However, hypnotherapy, being a useful therapy, it can be utilized for recovering from mental diseases, addiction, and gaining health. Hence, we wish our readers to read this article for wellbeing.
Hypnotherapy Definition (??????? ???????? ?? ???????)
Hypnotherapy is the practice of using the power of suggestion to bring about positive change in clients or patients who are under hypnosis. A hypnotherapist will meet with a client before performing hypnosis and discuss medical history, ailments, and goals for treatment. Because a client’s subconscious mind is more open to suggestions from a hypnotherapist, they are more likely to accept a therapist’s words and advice during the hypnotherapy session, which can be the catalyst for positive change.
Hypnotherapy Types (??????? ???????? ?? ??????)
Traditional hypnotherapy (???????? ??????? ????????)
The form of hypnotherapy practiced by most Victorian hypnotists, including James Braid and Hippolyte Bernheim, mainly employed direct suggestion of symptom removal, with some use of therapeutic relaxation and occasionally aversion to alcohol, drugs, addiction, smoking, gutka, etc.
Ericksonian hypnotherapy (??????? ??????? ????????)
In the 1950s, Milton H. Erickson developed a radically different approach to hypnotism, which has subsequently become known as “Ericksonian hypnotherapy” or “Neo-Ericksonian hypnotherapy.” Erickson made use of an informal conversational approach with many clients and complex language patterns and therapeutic strategies.
The founders of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), a method somewhat similar in some regards to some versions of hypnotherapy, claimed that they had modeled the work of Erickson extensively and assimilated it into their approach. Weitzenhoffer disputed whether NLP bears any genuine resemblance to Erickson’s work.
Solution-focused hypnotherapy (??????-???????? ??????? ????????)
In the 2000s, hypnotherapists began to combine aspects of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) with Ericksonian hypnotherapy to produce therapy that was goal-focused rather than the more traditional problem-focused approach. A solution-focused hypnotherapy session may include techniques from NLP.
Cognitive/behavioral hypnotherapy (???????????? / ????????? ??????? ????????)
Cognitive-behavioral hypnotherapy (CBH) is an integrated psychological therapy employing clinical hypnosis and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). The use of CBT in conjunction with hypnotherapy may result in greater treatment effectiveness. A meta-analysis of eight different types of research revealed a 70% greater improvement for patients undergoing an integrated treatment to those using CBT only.
The growing application of cognitive and behavioral psychological theories and concepts to the explanation of hypnosis paved the way for closer integration of hypnotherapy with various cognitive and behavioral therapies.
Curative hypnotherapy (?????????? ??????? ????????)
Hypnotherapy expert Dr Peter Marshall, former Principal of the London School of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy Ltd. and author of A Handbook of Hypnotherapy, devised the Trance Theory of Mental Illness, which provides that people suffering from depression, or certain other kinds of neuroses, are already living in a trance and so the hypnotherapist does not need to induce them, but rather to make them understand this and help lead them out of it.
Hypnotherapy Benefits (??????? ???????? ?? ???)
Despite it’s proven usefulness, hypnosis has had a difficult time justifying its efficacy and credibility throughout time. For example, the AMA (American Medical Association) had a report endorsing hypnosis in 1958 but rescinded that endorsement in 1987. Despite the AMA’s reluctance, the American Psychological Association endorsed hypnosis in 1960.
The list of ailments that hypnotherapy has been used to treat is impressive:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Pain management
- Stress
- Phobias (intense fears)
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Addictions
- Bad habits
- Sports performance
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Weight Loss
- Allergies
- Self-esteem and confidence

Hypnotherapy Uses (??????? ???????? ?? ?????)
Clinicians choose hypnotherapy to address a wide range of circumstances; however, according to Yeates (2016), people choose to have hypnotherapy for many other reasons:
Smoking (????????)
The hypnotherapy has in terms of smoking cessation a greater effect on six-month quit rates than other interventions, Nevertheless, another conclusion says there was no evidence available from randomized controlled trials to assess the effectiveness of hypnosis during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period for preventing postnatal depression.
Childbirth (?????)
Hypnotherapy is often applied in the birthing process and the post-natal period, but there is insufficient evidence to determine if it alleviates pain during childbirth and no evidence that it is effective against post-natal depression.
Bulimia (?????????)
Studies have shown that groups suffering from bulimia nervosa, were more exceptional to no treatment, placebos, or other alternative treatments.
Weight-loss (??? ?????)
When it comes to losing weight or treating obesity, you already know about the usual go-to professionals: doctors, nutritionists, and dietitians, personal trainers, even mental health coaches. But there may be the one you haven’t quite thought of yet: a hypnotist. It turns out using hypnosis is another road people are venturing down in the name of weight loss.
Hypnotherapy other uses (??????? ???????? ?? ???? ?????)
Modern hypnotherapy is widely accepted for the treatment of certain habit disorders, to control irrational fears, as well as in the treatment of conditions such as insomnia and addiction. Hypnosis has also been used to enhance recovery from non-psychological conditions such as after surgical procedures, in breast cancer care and even with gastro-intestinal problems, including IBS.
How hypnotherapy works (??????? ???????? ???? ??? ???? ??)
First stage (???? ???)
A hypnotherapy session with a ‘guide’ or hypnotherapist is usually carried out in a calm, relaxing, safe environment free from interruptions. Typically, the first fifteen minutes are designed to relax the body and mind, which is called induction.
The induction phases involve encouraging a person to enter into a ‘light trance’ using relaxation techniques. Such relaxation methods work on both the mind and the body. The ‘gradual induction’ process, encourages the person to be hypnotized to focus on and relax all of their muscles. Furthermore, this physical relaxation technique helps to get rid of tension and release anxiety.
Second stage (????? ???)
The second stage in the hypnotic process is to deepen the trance state. This ‘deepening’ prepares the unconscious mind to be more receptive to new suggestions. behaviour.
Third stage (????? ???)
During this stage, the hypnotic process is the suggestions that are designed to change thought patterns and behaviors. Often these suggestions for self-improvement will have been agreed upon by the hypnotist; as well as the patient in the initial introduction.
Fourth stage (???? ???)
Nonetheless, the ending of the hypnotic session is quite straight forward and involves a gradual return to full consciousness. A common method is the counting backward from 10 with the person becoming fully aware and conscious on the number 1 with a gradual ‘lightening’ of the mental state along the way.
Side-effects (??????????)
The side effects of hypnosis will not lead to you clucking like a duck or doing anything you do not want to do. When you choose to use hypnotherapy and hypnosis, you will always be in control. The hypnotherapist is a facilitator of a holistic therapy aiming to help you achieve goals set during your first hypnotherapy session with them.
Okay, know that we can feel the relief that comes from knowing we cannot be hypnotized against our will, let’s explore and learn about short-lived hypnosis side effects:
According to this one review on unwanted side effects of hypnosis, there are four short-lived side effects that some people may experience:
The following but are side effects of hypnosis may emerge to the surface if a person personally has lived with a mental illness or has a family history of the following:
Chronic psychopathology
Spontaneous dissociative episodes
The resurrection of memories of previous trauma
Age regression
The onset of the first episode of schizophrenia
Hypnotherapy Efficacy (??????? ???????? ?? ????????????)
Meta-analysis in the year 2007 (???? 2007 ??? ????-????????)
In 2007, a meta-analysis from the Cochrane Collaboration found that the therapeutic effect was “superior to that of a waiting list control or usual medical management, for abdominal pain and composite primary IBS symptoms, in the short term in patients who fail standard medical therapy”, with no harmful side-effects.
Meta-analysis in the year 2012 (???? 2012 ??? ????-????????)
Two Cochrane reviews in 2012 concluded that there was insufficient evidence to support its efficacy in managing the pain of childbirth or post-natal depression.
Meta-analysis in the year 2016 (???? 2016 ??? ????-????????)
In 2016, a literature review published in La Presse Medicale found that there is not sufficient evidence to “support the efficacy of hypnosis in chronic anxiety disorders”.
Meta-analysis in the year 2019 (???? 2019 ??? ????-????????)
In 2005, a meta-analysis by the Cochrane Collaboration found no evidence that it was more successful than other treatments or no treatment in achieving a cessation of smoking for at least six months.
Hypnotherapy Occupational accreditation (??????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ???????)
United States (??????? ????? ???????)
The laws regarding hypnosis vary by state and municipality. Some states, like Colorado, Connecticut, and Washington, have mandatory licensing and registration requirements, while many other states have no specific regulations governing the practice.
United Kingdom (???????? ??????)
UK National Occupational Standards (??????? ?? ????????? ?????????? ??????)
In 2002, the Department for Education and Skills developed National Occupational Standards for hypnotherapy linked to National Vocational Qualifications based on the then National Qualifications Framework under the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.
UK Confederation of Hypnotherapy Organisations (UKCHO) [??????? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ???????]
The regulation of the hypnotherapy profession in the UK is at present the main focus of UKCHO, a non-profit umbrella body for such organizations. Founded in 1998 to provide a non-political arena to discuss and implement changes to this profession.
Australia (???????????)
Professional hypnotherapy and use of the occupational titles hypnotherapist or clinical hypnotherapist are not government-regulated in Australia.
In 1996, as a result of a three-year research project led by Lindsay B. Yeates, the Australian Hypnotherapists Association (founded in 1949), the oldest hypnotism-oriented professional organization in Australia, instituted a peer-group accreditation system for full-time Australian professional hypnotherapists, the first of its kind in the world, which “accredit(ed) specific individuals on the basis of their actual demonstrated knowledge and clinical performance.
Hypnotherapy Career (??????? ???????? ???????)
Hypnosis is a therapeutic practice that may be used within behavioral medicine, dentistry, traditional medicine, and psychotherapy. Substance abuse counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychiatric nurses, psychiatrists, and social workers comprise just some of the practitioners who may use this treatment modality.
These therapists employ a variety of techniques to work with the subconscious mind through focused relaxation. Self-employed professionals may incur large expenses to set up their businesses, and a great deal of time and effort might be necessary to locate new clients. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a median annual salary of $74,710 for health diagnosing and treating practitioners in May 2015.
Career Requirements (??????? ?? ??????????)
Degree Level | Varies by position; bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and/or medical degree |
Degree Field | Behavioral medicine, dentistry, traditional medicine, counseling, nursing, psychotherapy, psychiatry, social work |
Licensure and Certification | State medical license and registration required for some positions; required and voluntary national certification options available |
Experience | Varies by position |
Key Skills | Ability to build rapport, create an appropriate environment, interview prospective and current patients, strong written and verbal communication skills, knowledge of confidentially policies and any related medical techniques |
Salary | $74,710 (2015 median for all other health diagnosing and treating practitioners) |
The requirements to work as a hypnotherapist vary based on your desired career path. You may need a bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and/or medical degree in behavioral medicine, dentistry, traditional medicine, counseling, nursing, psychotherapy, psychiatry or social work.
Hypnotherapy Courses (??????? ???????? ?? ?????????)
It is a very effective treatment methodology of various psychological disorders related to the subconscious mind. Hence, some of the courses and workshops include:
- Professional Course: Clinical Hypnotherapy (Diploma Course)
- Foundation Hypnosis Course
- Self-Hypnosis Course
- Clinical Psychic Therapy
- Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Course
- E- Foundation Hypnosis Course
- E- Clinical Psychic Therapy
- E-Transpersonal Hypnosis
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnotherapy
- https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-hypnotherapy-definition-benefits.html
- https://indianhypnosisacademy.com/services/courses-offered/
- https://www.oprahmag.com/life/health/a28187126/hypnosis-for-weight-loss/
- https://cult.bg/hypnotherapy-stages-works/
- https://www.daocloud.com/hypnotherapy/side-effects-of-hypnosis
- https://study.com/articles/How_to_Become_a_Hypnotist_Education_and_Career_Roadmap.html
Thanks, Dr. Hemangi. Yes, it is indeed useful as it has many clinical utilities. Proper use needs to be done for wellbeing of the needy.
Generally it is thought that hypmotherapy is misused but I was surprised to know that it has numerous clinical uses. Thanks for such a useful information. It can even be good career option.
Yes! Hypnotherapy is the best career option if clinical uses are considered. Thanks for your valuable thoughts conveyed, keep doing in future too.
Great piece of information!
Hypnotherapy is being widely used this days to treat mental and behavioural issues this days.
Great piece of information!
Hypnotherapy is a good mode of treatment which is used for mental and physical situations.
Rightly said, Vishal! Hypnotherapy has a great role to play in medical science. One can choose it as a great career too.
Great post
Thanks, Vishal.
Nice information sir.. thanks…..
Hi, Atharva! You liked the information but do you know that it can be chosen as best career too! Think on and thanks for your appreciation!!
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Good information.
Hi, Gajanan! It is really appreciating that you found the post with good information. Yes indeed, hypnotherapy has great clinical utility. Thanks for your good words!
Thanks a lot for your kind attitude. Have a nice day!!
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