We all are grasped with many and various kinds of problems, and difficulties in our day-to-day life. This unique ‘Siddha Shaktidata Yog’ can be applied to solving problems related to health, peace, progress, addiction, education, agriculture, Vastu, and many such.
This Siddha Shaktidata Yog is based on energy and corrects own or others’ energy field. It has been specially introduced for practice by any common person so that they too are benefited. There is no barrier of caste, creed, religion, faith, sex, age, etc.

Even, there is no compulsion of training in Swami Hardas Life System. No ‘Celestial Siddha Shaktipat’ is required for practicing this Siddha Shaktidata Yog. This not only gives benefits to self but also can be used as distant therapy/healing for solving others’ problems, who may be in the same house, distantly available in the same city, same nation, or maybe in any corner of the world.
This is a special and free gift by Dr. Swami Hardas to the world for the well-being of every human. The intention is pious and celestial, therefore results achieved are beyond the imagination. So, let us start the journey, read carefully, understand properly, and practice for self, as well as, for solving problems of others i.e. family members, relatives, neighbors, society, nation, and the world.
Siddha Shaktidata Yog – For self
How Siddha Shaktidata Yog is applied for solving own problems for free:
Material Required
- CCPE Amplifying photo of Dr. Swami Hardas
- Asan for sitting over the ground
Sit comfortably on the ground over any piece of cloth or Asan. Hold the CCPE Amplifying Photo of Dr. Swami Hardas in any of the hands. Start looking continuously into the eyes of Swamiji and say a Sankalp, “Siddha Swami give Siddha energy so that I get health” (Siddha Swami Siddha Shakti Deejiye, jisase Muze Aarogya Mile) three times. Keep looking continuously for a few seconds and feel Swamiji is bestowing ‘Siddha Energy’. Now, close your eyes for half a minute and establish it in between two eyebrows (Agya Chakra) just above the nose on the forehead for half a minute.

However, do not open your eyes the third time. Now start moving the energy in a circular motion inside the whole body. Repeat this process nine times. Where there is a problem in the body at a particular spot, where the energy should be rotated for a little longer time. Finish this complete process within five minutes and open the eyes by leaving the energy at the affected part of the body or at a point between two eyebrows. Then open the eyes slowly.
This way, the Siddha Shaktidata Yog gets completed within 5 minutes. This Yog may be performed with a minimum gap of an hour if a problem is chronic.
Siddha Shaktidata Yog – For others
How Siddha Shaktidata Yog is applied for solving a problem of other sufferers for free:
Material Required
- CCPE Amplifying Photo of Dr. Swami Hardas
- Asan for sitting over the ground
Sit comfortably on the ground over any piece of cloth or Asan. Hold the CCPE Amplifying Photo of Dr. Swami Hardas in any of the hands. Start looking continuously in the eyes of Swamiji and say a Sankalp, “Siddha Swami give Siddha energy so that … (name of a person for whom this Yog is being practiced) get health” (Siddha Swami Siddha Shakti Deejiye, jisase … Aarogya Mile) three times. Keep looking continuously for a few seconds and feel Swamiji is bestowing you Siddha Energy. Now, close your eyes for half a minute and establish it in between two eyebrows (Agya Chakra) just above the nose on the forehead.
However, do not open your eyes the third time. Now collect the energy from your own Agya Chakra and establish it in a person’s Agya Chakra for whom this Yog is being practiced. Now start moving the energy in a circular motion inside the whole body of that person. Repeat this process nine times. Where there is a problem in the body of that person, where the energy should be rotated for a little longer time. Finish this process within five minutes and open your eyes by leaving the energy at the person’s affected part of the body or at a point between his two eyebrows. Then open the eyes slowly.
This way, the Siddha Shaktidata Yog gets completed within 5 minutes. This Yog may be performed with a minimum gap of an hour if a problem of that person is chronic.
I trust you might have understood the importance and the value of this free service for yourself as well as for solving the problems of other people. The procedure is simple, free of any cost, and yet capable of solving problems related to health, peace, and progress. The procedure remains the same, however, the change is only for Sankalp, which depends on the wish to be fulfilled. So, start availing of benefits and also serve others selflessly for free. In case, you have any queries or clarifications, kindly contact:
Siddha Nagar, S. No. 50/7, Old Mundhawa Road, Wadgaonsheri, PUNE – 414 014 (India)
Phone No: 8956891650, 8956891651
E-MAIL: drswamihardas@hotmail.com, WEBSITE: www.shf.net.in