Orthostatic hypotension (ऑर्थोस्टैटिक हाइपोटेंशन), also known as postural hypotension, is a medical condition wherein a person’s blood pressure drops…
Author: admin

Meniere’s Disease is a Disease of the Inner Ear
Meniere’s disease (मेनियार्स रोग) is a disease of the inner ear that is characterized by potentially severe…

Occult Science Means Hidden or Secret Science
The term Occult Science (गुप्त विज्ञान) was used in 16th-century Europe to refer to astrology, alchemy,…

Dizziness is Usually not a Life-Threatening Condition
Dizziness (चक्कर आना) is an imprecise term that can refer to disorientation in space, vertigo,…

Phonophobia can Significantly Impact a Person’s Daily Life
Phonophobia, also called ligyrophobia or sonophobia, is a fear of or aversion to loud sounds (for example firecrackers)—a type of specific phobia. It is…

Migraine is Highly Heterogeneous in its Clinical Presentation
Migraine (माइग्रेन) is a genetically influenced complex neurological disorder characterized by episodes of moderate-to-severe headache, most…

Presbyopia is a Common Age-Related Condition
Presbyopia (जरादूरदृष्टि) is a physiological insufficiency of accommodation associated with the aging of the eye…

Panic Disorder is Characterized by Recurrent and Unexpected Panic Attacks
Panic disorder (घबराहट की समस्या) is a mental and behavioral disorder, specifically an anxiety disorder characterized by reoccurring unexpected panic attacks. Panic attacks…

Biofeedback Offers Holistic Approach to Physical and Mental Health
Biofeedback (बायोफीडबैक) is the technique of gaining greater awareness of many physiological functions of one’s…

Seasonal Affective Disorder Develops in Young Adulthood
Seasonal affective disorder (मौसम की वजह से होने वाली बिमारी) is a mood disorder subset in which…