Hydrocephalus (जलशीर्ष) is a condition in which an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) occurs within the brain….
Author: admin

Astigmatism Symptoms can Occur in One or Both Eyes
Astigmatism (दृष्टिवैषम्य) is a type of refractive error due to rotational asymmetry in the eye’s refractive power. This results in…

Aura is Described as a Subtle Field of Energy
Aura (आभा) or energy field is a colored emanation said to enclose a human body or any…

Abdominal Obesity Describes as Having a Beer Belly or Pot Belly
Abdominal obesity (पेट का मोटापा), also known as central obesity and truncal obesity, is the human condition of…

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease can Lead to Serious Complications
Pelvic inflammatory disease (श्रोणि सूजन बीमारी), also known as pelvic inflammatory disorder (PID), is an infection of the upper…

Spinal Disc Herniation is an Injury to the Intervertebral Disc
A Spinal disc herniation (रीढ़ की हड्डी में डिस्क हर्नियेशन) is an injury to the intervertebral…

Sexually Transmitted Infection can be Asymptomatic
A sexually transmitted infection (STI), also referred to as a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and the older term venereal disease (VD),…

Urinary Tract Infection Involves Simple Lifestyle Changes
A Urinary tract infection (UTI) [मूत्र मार्ग में संक्रमण] is an infection that affects a part of the urinary…

Epiphora Can Impact One’s Vision and Quality of Life
Epiphora (अश्रुपात) is an overflow of tears onto the face, other than caused by normal…

Autonomic Nervous System Regulates Sexual Arousal
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) [स्वतंत्र तंत्रिका प्रणाली], formerly referred to as the vegetative nervous system, is…