Gene therapy (जीन चिकित्सा) is a medical technology that aims to produce a therapeutic effect by manipulating gene expression…
Tag: applications

Pseudoscience Practices Claim to be Scientific and Factual
Pseudoscience (छद्म विज्ञान) consists of statements, beliefs, or practices that claim to be scientific and factual…

Aura is Described as a Subtle Field of Energy
Aura (आभा) or energy field is a colored emanation said to enclose a human body or any…

Occult Science Means Hidden or Secret Science
The term Occult Science (गुप्त विज्ञान) was used in 16th-century Europe to refer to astrology, alchemy,…

Biofeedback Offers Holistic Approach to Physical and Mental Health
Biofeedback (बायोफीडबैक) is the technique of gaining greater awareness of many physiological functions of one’s…

Parapsychology is a Means for Personal Growth and Spiritual Development
Parapsychology (परामनोविज्ञान) is the study of alleged psychic phenomena (extrasensory perception, telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis (also called telekinesis), and psychometry) and other paranormal claims,…

Brain Reading or Thought Identification Technology
Brain reading or thought identification uses the responses of multiple voxels in the brain evoked by stimulus and then detected by fMRI to decode…