A paraphilia (पैराफिलिया) is an experience of recurring or intense sexual arousal to atypical objects, places,…
Tag: alternate therapies

Ptosis is a Drooping or Falling of the Upper Eyelid
Ptosis (वर्त्मपात), also known as blepharoptosis (किसी अंग का नीचे को लटकना अथवा गिरना), is a drooping…

Hydrocephalus Occurs Within the Brain
Hydrocephalus (जलशीर्ष) is a condition in which an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) occurs within the brain….

Abdominal Obesity Describes as Having a Beer Belly or Pot Belly
Abdominal obesity (पेट का मोटापा), also known as central obesity and truncal obesity, is the human condition of…

Sexually Transmitted Infection can be Asymptomatic
A sexually transmitted infection (STI), also referred to as a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and the older term venereal disease (VD),…

Epiphora Can Impact One’s Vision and Quality of Life
Epiphora (अश्रुपात) is an overflow of tears onto the face, other than caused by normal…

Orthostatic Hypotension Results from Reduced Blood Flow to the Brain
Orthostatic hypotension (ऑर्थोस्टैटिक हाइपोटेंशन), also known as postural hypotension, is a medical condition wherein a person’s blood pressure drops…

Migraine is Highly Heterogeneous in its Clinical Presentation
Migraine (माइग्रेन) is a genetically influenced complex neurological disorder characterized by episodes of moderate-to-severe headache, most…

Presbyopia is a Common Age-Related Condition
Presbyopia (जरादूरदृष्टि) is a physiological insufficiency of accommodation associated with the aging of the eye…
How Social Anxiety Can Be Effectively Managed ?
Social anxiety is nervousness in social situations. Some disorders associated with the social anxiety spectrum include anxiety disorders, mood…