Uterine fibroids (गर्भाशय फाइब्रॉएड), also known as uterine leiomyomas or fibroids, are benign smooth muscle tumors of the uterus. Most women with fibroids have…

Premature Ejaculation can Lead to Problems in Relationships
Premature ejaculation (शीघ्रपतन) is a male sexual dysfunction that occurs when a male expels semen (and most likely experiences orgasm)…

Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan Aims to Achieve a Drug-Free India
The launch of Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan (NMBA) is for 272 Districts across 32 State/Union…
Sex Therapy can Help Couples Feel Closer and More Connected
Sex therapy (सेक्स चिकित्सा) is a therapeutic strategy for the improvement of sexual function and treatment…

20-20-20 Rule Reduces Eye Strain and Promotes Better Eye Health
The 20-20-20 Rule is a simple yet effective strategy designed to alleviate digital eye strain,…

Hydrocephalus Occurs Within the Brain
Hydrocephalus (जलशीर्ष) is a condition in which an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) occurs within the brain….

Astigmatism Symptoms can Occur in One or Both Eyes
Astigmatism (दृष्टिवैषम्य) is a type of refractive error due to rotational asymmetry in the eye’s refractive power. This results in…

Aura is Described as a Subtle Field of Energy
Aura (आभा) or energy field is a colored emanation said to enclose a human body or any…

Abdominal Obesity Describes as Having a Beer Belly or Pot Belly
Abdominal obesity (पेट का मोटापा), also known as central obesity and truncal obesity, is the human condition of…

Spina Bifida is Incomplete Closing of the Spine
Spina bifida (SB) [विभाजित रीढ़] is a birth defect in which there is incomplete closing of…